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DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz to step down, Joining Clinton campaign

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I was actually thinking something along the lines of this as well. What sane person in Hillary's campaign would invite her along, with her baggage, without her having some dirt on them?

I can't think of another reason they would take this risk. Even if they wanted her on the campaign, they obviously knew that it would look bad to do that. There's no logic behind it, unless it's for the best for their campaign, and we don't know what the worst was because of it.

But, conspiracy theory, etc. They could just be making terrible decisions.

Or, they believe they will win no matter what they do.

And though the polling doesn't reflect that right now, the demographics certainly do.


Team Hillary has to figure that Debbie is worth it for Florida voters, but yea this is not a good look at all lol. I suppose politicians pay their debts and aren't in the business of burning bridges either.
I was actually thinking something along the lines of this as well. What sane person in Hillary's campaign would invite her along, with her baggage, without her having some dirt on them?

I can't think of another reason they would take this risk. Even if they wanted her on the campaign, they obviously knew that it would look bad to do that. There's no logic behind it, unless it's for the best for their campaign, and we don't know what the worst was because of it.

But, conspiracy theory, etc. They could just be making terrible decisions.

Most likely situation is DWS had to step down on Sunday and she only agreed to do it if she could save face by joining the Clinton campaign (which was likely intended a month ago) as an honorary chair immediately.

Sanders delegates were going to call for her head today in the caucus meetings if nothing had happened and the campaign had to install Brazile as interim chair to keep everyone happy before the story drowns out the convention.

My guess is they were caught between a rock and a hard place and are hoping post-convention mentalities will wipe the slate clean.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
Or, they believe they will win no matter what they do.

Well that's insanely stupid, and the people that hold those beliefs should not be in charge of making decisions for the Hillary Clinton campaign. These are the exact beliefs that will end with them losing.


It's not too late to ask her to leave/not speak.

This has so much to do with her and McAuliffe being the last people to stand by her in 2008 when it was clear that she lost but was still attacking Obama.

Why put your campaign through this?


Well that's insanely stupid, and the people that hold those beliefs should not be in charge of making decisions for the Hillary Clinton campaign. These are the exact beliefs that will end with them losing.

I'm sorry, is this not (mostly) the same campaign team that won Obama's two presidential runs?

They've got a track record. If anything, Clinton is extremely calculating. If Trump is still close by the end of September, we've got something to worry about.
In regards to influencing SuperDelegates to vote for HC instead of BS - I wonder how much DWS and the other DNC members that were part of the leaks coerced them to vote for Hilary? If at all?

I mean, the SuperDelegate count was like 600 - 48...and if that number flips exactly the other way, Bernie has more delegates overall. Is it possible that the conspiracy of DWS and others influenced the SuperDelegates? If so, she single-handedly handed Hilary the nomination over Bernie, correct?

We don't know the extent, "Honorary Chair" is ambiguous.

I wonder if the plan all along, assuming Hillary won the primary, was to have her join the campaign. It seems quite obvious that neither Clinton or Obama wanted her to stay as Chair of the DNC.
That may have been the plan but it makes no sense to do it now other than keeping her quiet.
If you have staff members discussing ways to discredit a rival candidate, you can't call yourself neutral.
The DNC was biased towards Hillary in 2008 and it didn't stop Obama from getting the nomination. Bernie failed for no other reason besides running a shitty campaign.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
I'm sorry, is this not (mostly) the same campaign team that won Obama's two presidential runs?

They've got a track record. If anything, Clinton is extremely calculating. If Trump is still close by the end of September, we've got something to worry about.

So what? If they have that mindset, they're idiots. Trump has shown that he can win against all odds/predictions. Take him seriously, or you shouldn't be running a campaign against him.


I don't think anyone really cares about this accept for hardcore Bernie supporters that most likely wouldn't vote for her anyways.

Will be interesting to see if Bern says anything though during this speech at the DNC.


I'm sorry, is this not (mostly) the same campaign team that won Obama's two presidential runs?

They've got a track record. If anything, Clinton is extremely calculating. If Trump is still close by the end of September, we've got something to worry about.

No, she's toxic.

"The Obama team — especially 2012 campaign manager Jim Messina — long viewed Wasserman Schultz as a major campaign liability, questioning her fundraising prowess and her tendency to appoint personal aides to positions of authority, prioritizing loyalty over competence and effectiveness as a spokesperson for Democrats. At the time, senior campaign officials leaked details of an internal survey, conducted by pollster David Binder, showing Wasserman Schultz was the least-liked Obama surrogate; she later dismissed the report as “National Enquirer” dross."


"Wasserman Schultz has a different sense of herself. According to people who spoke with her, when she sensed Obama was considering replacing her as chair in 2013, she began to line up supporters to suggest the move was both anti-woman and anti-Semitic."



No, she's toxic.

"The Obama team — especially 2012 campaign manager Jim Messina — long viewed Wasserman Schultz as a major campaign liability, questioning her fundraising prowess and her tendency to appoint personal aides to positions of authority, prioritizing loyalty over competence and effectiveness as a spokesperson for Democrats. At the time, senior campaign officials leaked details of an internal survey, conducted by pollster David Binder, showing Wasserman Schultz was the least-liked Obama surrogate; she later dismissed the report as “National Enquirer” dross."


"Wasserman Schultz has a different sense of herself. According to people who spoke with her, when she sensed Obama was considering replacing her as chair in 2013, she began to line up supporters to suggest the move was both anti-woman and anti-Semitic."


I'm not arguing that DWS shouldn't have a job, merely saying that giving her a position on Clinton's campaign team won't have an effect on the election one way or the other.


I'm not arguing that DWS shouldn't have a job, merely saying that giving her a position on Clinton's campaign team won't have an effect on the election one way or the other.

Its a Donald Trump ad in the making

Its something that he will bring up in the debates and Hillary won't have a great answer for.

It brings EMAILS up again as an issue as opposed to say something more important like income inequality or foreign policy concerns

It helps support the narrative that Hillary made sure to do everything to secure the nom including rig the primary (things like the debate schedule are a prime example as to DWS impact)

All of this at a time where she didn't pick a super progressive pick that would win over those Bernie voters.

She's taking on unnecessary risk for no added benifit.


The Everyman
Kaine is a solid pick that won't rock the boat much... Which is slightly the issue.

He's not sexy, and he's not outwardly progressive like Warren is. It's not so much him as it is the strategy behind him- Just stay steady, and we'll win the race. Don't need a Hail Mary, just stay the course.

Clearly, Clinton's campaign team believes there's basically nothing she can do to fuck up this election as long as she stays level-headed and consistent. Giving her buddy a job on her campaign after this controversy proves at least that much.
Yup. But ironically, I feel like this is exactly how she could blow it. Staunch, robotic, hyper-politics.
Its a Donald Trump ad in the making

Its something that he will bring up in the debates and Hillary won't have a great answer for.

It brings EMAILS up again as an issue as opposed to say something more important like income inequality or foreign policy concerns

It helps support the narrative that Hillary made sure to do everything to secure the nom including rig the primary (things like the debate schedule are a prime example as to DWS impact)

All of this at a time where she didn't pick a super progressive pick that would win over those Bernie voters.

She's taking on unnecessary risk for no added benifit.

pretty much

hopefully we look back at this as the darkest point of the cycle but its concerning to think it may not be


If she cared about the Democrat party and Hillary's campaign she would have resigned, period. Self-serving.
She's making this easy for Trump, isn't she? I remember arguing with Hillary supporters during the primary that she was a far weaker candidate than Bernie, and this was before she herself started giving Trump ammunition. I fear for this country.
I'm not arguing that DWS shouldn't have a job, merely saying that giving her a position on Clinton's campaign team won't have an effect on the election one way or the other.
It will and it already has. Trump is making an overt play to capture Sanders supporters for himself or drive them away from Clinton. This it's the kind of thing that helps that goal of your opposition.


She's making this easy for Trump, isn't she? I remember arguing with Hillary supporters during the primary that she was a far weaker candidate than Bernie, and this was before she herself started giving Trump ammunition. I fear for this country.

Bernie is a weaker candidate. He lost the Dem primary already.

The key difference between how the DNC treated Bernie and how Trump would have is that, a few DNC staffers only talked about questioning Bernie's faith to undermine him in certain states. Trump actually would have done so (and has done so to many other candidates before), which would have been severely penalizing in many states. Like it or not, atheists and socialists are two of the least liked groups of people in the country.

Bernie's lead in the GE polls came from being totally untested in a GE. Hillary's numbers were worse because she is a nationally-known candidate.

I can't believe this still needs to be explained.
Bernie is a weaker candidate. He lost the Dem primary already.

The key difference between how the DNC treated Bernie and how Trump would have is that, a few DNC staffers only talked about questioning Bernie's faith to undermine him in certain states. Trump actually would have done so (and has done so to many other candidates before), which would have been severely penalizing in many states. Like it or not, atheists and socialists are two of the least liked groups of people in the country.

Bernie's lead in the GE polls came from being totally untested in a GE. Hillary's numbers were worse because she is a nationally-known candidate.

I can't believe this still needs to be explained.

You "can't believe" this still needs to be explained? Hillary Clinton is reviled on the left and the right for reasons both real and imagined, and she repeatedly gives these people ammo to believe whatever they please. She's a unique presidential candidate in this regard whether you think it's entirely fair or not (her approval ratings are atrocious--again, IN SPITE OF whatever you may believe about her). Those living in economically blighted areas across the country will forgo a lot--yes, even "socialism"/atheism--to elect someone they perceive as being separate from the problems they currently face.

Citing Hillary's win among registered Democrats is a pretty bad argument for GE viability; you need a broad base to win.
You "can't believe" this still needs to be explained? Hillary Clinton is reviled on the left and the right for reasons both real and imagined, and she repeatedly gives these people ammo to believe whatever they please. She's a unique presidential candidate in this regard whether you think it's entirely fair or not (her approval ratings are atrocious--again, IN SPITE OF whatever you may believe about her). Those living in economically blighted areas across the country will forgo a lot--yes, even "socialism"/atheism--to elect someone they perceive as being separate from the problems they currently face.

Citing Hillary's win among registered Democrats is a pretty bad argument for GE viability; you need a broad base to win.

And you need black people to vote if the Democratic Party candidate is to win, period.

Bernie would get his ass destroyed in the general.
Nah, it's been made clear that, "yeah but Trump" is all that's needed to prevail in November.

If that's the case then there's nothing to worry about with Hillary.

Non-white voters voted against Bernie 3:1 in the Democratic primaries. Disenfranchising these voters would be the beginning of the end of the party.


If that's the case then there's nothing to worry about with Hillary.

Non-white voters voted against Bernie 3:1 in the Democratic primaries. Disenfranchising these voters would be the beginning of the end of the party.

They won't be disenfranchised because of, "yeah but Trump."
Pretty big assumption considering how much he lost the black vote during the primary.

I don't think it's a big assumption to say that black people would vote en masse for the Democratic nominee against Donald Trump. Older black democrats largely preferred Hillary over Bernie, but I highly doubt they harbor anything like a "Hillary or Bust" sentiment in regard to Sanders.

I'm saying that sending a giant 'fuck you' to non-white voters after they, and they alone, handed the nomination to Hillary would hurt turnout.

You are utterly delusional. Bernie isn't actively hated as some kind of racist, nor is Hillary thought of as some kind of champion for people of color.
yeah gonna go ahead and disagree with you there. A) "a giant 'fuck you'"? please. B) donald trump



Tagged as I see fit
Man - if she really wanted to give DWS a job, she couldn't wait until after she was in office?? Not a good look at all :(
Did people get booed off the stage at either convention last time around? I don't remember that happening, and yet we've had it at both conventions this time. Amazing.

Ploid 3.0

Its a Donald Trump ad in the making

Its something that he will bring up in the debates and Hillary won't have a great answer for.

It brings EMAILS up again as an issue as opposed to say something more important like income inequality or foreign policy concerns

It helps support the narrative that Hillary made sure to do everything to secure the nom including rig the primary (things like the debate schedule are a prime example as to DWS impact)

All of this at a time where she didn't pick a super progressive pick that would win over those Bernie voters.

She's taking on unnecessary risk for no added benifit.

But the other option is voting for Trump, so she can kill puppies and it still won't matter. Am I right guys? (high fives)


I wish Bernie supporters would realize no votes were taken from him that injustice you felt about closed primaries understand the DNC doesn't run state primaries the states do. Bernie lost fair and square Hillary won get over it get a life vote for whom ever.


I wish Bernie supporters would realize no votes were taken from him that injustice you felt about closed primaries understand the DNC doesn't run state primaries the states do. Bernie lost fair and square Hillary won get over it get a life vote for whom ever.

Get a life? You're so clever, keyboard warrior.
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