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DNC suspends Sanders campaign access to database after staff breached Hillary's data

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It's surprisingly aggressive considering what we know at this point. I sorta expected something more apologetic. But hey, it's all strategy. I would have just put it on the staffers' head, like what Trump does for his more outrageous tweets or retweets.

Could be trying to marshal the last bit of support before the flameout. Get all those donations.


This isn't the behavior of a winning campaign. Sanders' people know they're losing and were desperate enough to commit a crime. This is the behavior of a thug, or worse yet a Gamergate supporter. Digitally assaulting women is no laughing matter.

Never trust a socialist.


This isn't the behavior of a winning campaign. Sanders' people know they're losing and were desperate enough to commit a crime. This is the behavior of a thug, or worse yet a Gamergate supporter. Digitally assaulting women is no laughing matter.



I really don't think you can hold Bernie and his entire campaign responsible for the actions of a few individuals.

To me it more reflects on him as a leader since he has surrounded himself with such poor campaign staff time and again that I'd be worried what his cabinet appointments and other appointments. He seems to have a poor vetting process


To me it more reflects on him as a leader since he has surrounded himself with such poor campaign staff time and again that I'd be worried what his cabinet appointments and other appointments. He seems to have a poor vetting process

Seriously, it's like he staffed his campaign from the dredges of a city council campaign in Vermont. They're amateur at best.

Eric C

Holy Shit.


Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign exploited a temporary glitch in the Democratic National Committee's voter database to save lists created by Hillary Clinton’s campaign, according to an audit of the breach obtained by Bloomberg.

Sanders’s campaign has sought to downplay the severity of the incident, initially saying that only a single “low-level” staffer accessed the Clinton data and that none of it was saved. But the audit of the database's logs created by the vendor that manages the data, NGP VAN, show that four accounts associated with the Sanders team took advantage of the Wednesday morning breach. Staffers conducted searches that would be especially advantageous to the campaign, including lists of its likeliest supporters in 10 early voting states, including Iowa and New Hampshire.

The DNC, which maintains a master file of voter information with NGP VAN, has responded by suspending the Sanders campaign's access to the system until the campaign can fully explain the breach. Campaigns rent access from the party, and update the files with their own data culled from field work and other investments.

After one Sanders account gained access to the Clinton data, the audits show, that user began sharing permissions with other Sanders users. The staffers who secured access to the Clinton data included national data director Josh Uretsky, who was fired on Thursday, and his deputy, Russell Drapkin. The two other usernames that viewed Clinton information were “talani" and "csmith_bernie."

Though the Sanders campaign initially claimed that it had not saved Clinton data, the logs show that the Vermont senator’s team created at least 24 lists during the 40-minute breach, which started at 10:40 a.m., and saved those list to their personal folders.

Well DAMN. That is some shit.

Bernie has idiots working for him. :(


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
This press conference is a hot mess. I honestly think they're making it worse.


Hillary really only leans right when it comes to foreign policy. She's liberal in every other aspect. I'm not exactly sure what her stance is on Wall Street regulation besides maintaining Dodd-Frank, which is being slowly torn down. I just know she's against reinstating Glass-Stegal and breaking up the banks.

I would not call her views on not wanting single-payer liberal in any genuine sense of the word. Call her a turd on this subject. But generally speaking, she is liberal. I would argue not liberal enough on more of the humanistic goals we need this century, and this is where I normally part from her and side with Bernie. Her plan for college affordability, like most American approaches, is a band-aid that doesn't solve the root of the problem, but make a patchwork solution that is hazy, lazy, and still outclassed by the developed world. She is full of these things as her plan, and we know when it comes to dealing with Republicans, the plan will potentially move right from the starting comments. It's already a weak ass direction, so you're going to get a weak ass solution.

This isn't the behavior of a winning campaign. Sanders' people know they're losing and were desperate enough to commit a crime. This is the behavior of a thug, or worse yet a Gamergate supporter. Digitally assaulting women is no laughing matter.

This isn't the behavior of a winning campaign. Sanders' people know they're losing and were desperate enough to commit a crime. This is the behavior of a thug, or worse yet a Gamergate supporter. Digitally assaulting women is no laughing matter.

I don't know if you know this, but Bernie Sanders' campaign is actually about ethics in bank regulations, not harassment.
Between this crime and Hillary's e-mail and Benghazi crimes, this might throw the election to Trump in a 1972 style landslide. No wonder the DNC is spinning like mad trying to contain this to just Bernie.

Benji secret lobbyist for the private prison complex. Throw everyone in jail


So I can kind of understand why a certain segment of Bernie's supporters are the way they are if this is how the leaders of the campaign act...


This press conference is a hot mess. I honestly think they're making it worse.

Depending on what the investigation finds, you may be especially right.

They are throwing this all on the DNC but they need to take some responsibility here honestly.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I'll echo the others in saying that this obviously doesn't reflect on Bernie personally, but it does also further my perception that he's making bad staffing decisions.


Hardly surprising. Bernie seems like a nice enough guy but his campaign has been comically incompetent since the start.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
More than likely it was voter modelling information that will instruct the campaign on who to contact, how many times, and the messaging that is most appropriate. The VAN doesn't have just voter data. It has micro-data associated with it that's behind just voter frequency. The VAN can pretty much tell you who to target, when, and their likelihood of voting for you by political issue. I imagine the lists pulled pretty much laid out Clinton's entire grass roots campaign strategy.

Maybe so... I have no idea what they have. I am not much of a politico. I guess my point is that it doesn't require nefarious intent or even full realization to pull data you're not supposed to have and save it. For my montly stuff on my previous jobs, i fired off a ton of queries that save to folders that i might not analyze until the next week just due to timing and volume. I need them as of a snapshot, though, because it meant less shit to filter later on.


Jeez, that Bernie campaign manager went all in on blaming the DNC and VAN. Threatening court, blaming DNC for mishandling of security, etc etc. Very aggressive, not apologetic at all that his staffers took advantage of a bug to take the info. What a turn off.

Not a good look for their campaign, acting all belligerent and yelling about taking everyone to court when it was your own staffers initiating the stealing of info.


Jeez, that Bernie campaign manager went all in on blaming the DNC and VAN. Threatening court, blaming DNC for mishandling of security, etc etc. Very aggressive, not apologetic at all that his staffers took advantage of a bug to take the info. What a turn off.

Not a good look for their campaign, acting all belligerent and yelling about taking everyone to court when it was your own staffers initiating the stealing of info.

Sadly, I agree. I want to hear what Bernie has to say.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Depending on what the investigation finds, you may be especially right.

They are throwing this all on the DNC but they need to take some responsibility here honestly.

I honestly don't know why they're hitting the DNC so hard. Even if the vendor and the DNC knew about the issue, you still have to take responsibility for what your staff does. If I put my wallet on the table, that doesn't give everyone the right to steal it.

During that conference it almost seemed like they wanted to isolate themselves more from establishment Dems. I know the outsider message has caught on with a lot of people...but he still needs votes from Democrats too.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I honestly don't know why they're hitting the DNC so hard. Even if the vendor and the DNC knew about the issue, you still have to take responsibility for what your staff does. If I put my wallet on the table, that doesn't give everyone the right to steal it.

During that conference it almost seemed like they wanted to isolate themselves more from establishment Dems. I know the outsider message has caught on with a lot of people...but he still needs votes from Democrats too.

This press conference came way too soon. It should have been a minute tops of "we take this very seriously and co-operating with the DNC and the vendor to get to the bottom of what happened", tempers are clearly running too high over there at the moment


This press conference came way too soon. It should have been a minute tops of "we take this very seriously and co-operating with the DNC and the vendor to get to the bottom of what happened", tempers are clearly running too high over there at the moment

I would imagine it's a pride thing, but pride is never on the side of reason. Very bad PR display here.

You don't deflect the problem: you actively burn away from those who committed it, otherwise you appear to be in cahoots with said committers even if you weren't.


Bernie just bumped Trump 10 more points up in his polling. Every conservative radio station and media outlet will spin this as Democrats Are Incompetent™ 2: Socialistic Boogaloo. Emailghazi was only the beginning.


Bernie isn't responsible for the shenagins with the data but that stinker of a press conference lies squarely at his feet.
The fired staffer from Bernie's camp is on MSNBC saying he accessed their information and made copies of her voter lists in order to make a record of it to prove to the DNC that others could do it and that their own information could have been accessed like that as well.



No Scrubs
The fired staffer from Bernie's camp is on MSNBC saying he accessed their information and made copies of her voter lists in order to make a record of it to prove to the DNC that others could do it and that their own information could have been accessed like that as well.


This can't be true, if it is then this guy has got to be the dumbest fucking moron on god's green Earth.
The fired staffer from Bernie's camp is on MSNBC saying he accessed their information and made copies of her voter lists in order to make a record of it to prove to the DNC that others could do it and that their own information could have been accessed like that as well.


What a fucking dumbass.


The fired staffer from Bernie's camp is on MSNBC saying he accessed their information and made copies of her voter lists in order to make a record of it to prove to the DNC that others could do it and that their own information could have been accessed like that as well.


..Why not simply state it was possible? Does that claim fall on deaf ears? I know it generally does at corporations unless the exploit is made public, but I would fucking hope a political organization doesn't have the same mindset. That makes this stupid shit a damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don't horse to sit on.


The fired staffer from Bernie's camp is on MSNBC saying he accessed their information and made copies of her voter lists in order to make a record of it to prove to the DNC that others could do it and that their own information could have been accessed like that as well.


WHAT? GG Bernie

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
..Why not simply state it was possible? Does that claim fall on deaf ears? I know it generally does at corporations unless the exploit is made public, but I would fucking hope a political organization doesn't have the same mindset. That makes this stupid shit a damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don't horse to sit on.

I mean, if I worked at a data services provider and one of my most high profile clients called me up and told me "hey we might be able to access some data we shouldn't" my first instinct wouldn't be to ask for proof. Maybe this guy is genuine in his sentiment but even if he is that makes him an idiot


The fired staffer from Bernie's camp is on MSNBC saying he accessed their information and made copies of her voter lists in order to make a record of it to prove to the DNC that others could do it and that their own information could have been accessed like that as well.


The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
oh man. Bernie looks so sad when he was being asked about what happened on MSNBC. :(

Like, I actually feel bad for him because none of this is his fault in a direct sense and it is going to seriously damage him. But at the same time, damn, you hired some really bad people Bernie. Something like this was going to happen sooner or later if that's the guy making your press conference and the guy who got fired is representative of the people in important positions
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