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DNC suspends Sanders campaign access to database after staff breached Hillary's data

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"GAF's biggest wanker"
No, the consequences of one campaign intentionally seeing another campaign's data is complete denial of access until the malfeasance is discussed and cleared up, at which point the access will be restored.

Like, I think this is kind of a nothingburger really. They're not going to leave Sanders's access off forever. They're doing it to define some boundaries, and when those boundaries are defined, it will be turned back on.
I was talking about root cause there, in that even if it weren't the case that someone on Sander's staff deliberately took advantage of the breach, if it was someone who just inadvertently accessed something they shouldn't have because the breach existed, that would still likely have led to a shutdown of campaign access for some period of time (assuming they're being consistent). So if that's the kind of penalty you're imposing for inappropriate access, then the entire security model is far from sufficient for the apparent sensitivity of this data and hopefully the tech provider is being equally scrutinized at this point, and perhaps the DNC for accepting such a lax security protocol in the first place.


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Yeah, I feel bad for the dude. I love him, but he clearly didn't surround himself with the right people for this campaign. Hillary nabbed up all the good ones.

I think the bigger issue is money. Hillary Clinton is being subsidized by multiple banks and individual billionaires. Bernie Sanders, unfortunately, can't hire people of the same caliber or vet candidates as extensively.
So what's Clintons best play here, keep her mouth shut, or attempt to plea to the DNC in Bernie's favor here in an attempt to maintain Democratic solidarity? She won't convince people who believe this is her doing that it wasn't either way of course.


So what's Clintons best play here, keep her mouth shut, or attempt to plea to the DNC in Bernie's favor here in an attempt to maintain Democratic solidarity? She won't convince people who believe this is her doing that it wasn't either way of course.

Keep her mouth shut. For now until we have the facts. If she comes out in support of Bernie and it turns out worst case, it will reflect badly on her and vice versa.


I can totally see the massive incompetence that DWS emanates to make such a claim.

How did such a third wheel to a bicycle get in charge of the DNC? Don't even Democrats find her corrupt and already biased to Hillary before any debate actually started? Like, I can get genuine shills (and I use that word maliciously) like McCaskill calling Bernie's goals and opinions "fringe", but she's just one person of a party. I would hope the head honcho has a very neutral position. I know a rep from Hawaii outright implied she was corrupt on live TV.

That appears to be hard for Schultz to do. I have heard nothing but negativity for this woman since she became in charge. Does PoliGAF even like her?

The only reason she is still in charge after the 2012/2014 elrctions is through intimidation and threats towards the Obama administration, the defacto head of the Democratic Party, by making sexist and racial claims if she was removed. She has set back democratic party years.

She is a big reason why the dems. got crushed in local and state elections in 10/12/14. It's almost seems as retribution for Clinton not getting the nominee in 2008.

I think the bigger issue is money. Hillary Clinton is being subsidized by multiple banks and individual billionaires. Bernie Sanders, unfortunately, can't hire people of the same caliber or vet candidates as extensively.

That could very easily be a factor. However, it's a tricky argument to make. I wouldn't really want to say something like "Bernie couldn't properly vet and hire good candidates to run his campaign because he didn't have enough money." That could pretty easily be turned into an argument for why we should allow big banks and billionaires to help fund campaigns. If you can't adequately vet your campaign staff without that money, and we want our candidates to have well vetted campaign staff, than we would want more billionaires and bankers to start funding politicians. In fact, we would have reason to favor those candidates who do have billionaire backing, since we could be more confident that they would be capable of running competent campaigns.


The only reason she is still in charge after the 2012/2014 elrctions is through intimidation and threats towards the Obama administration, the defacto head of the Democratic Party, by making sexist and racial claims if she was removed. She has set back democratic party years.

She is a big reason why the dems. got crushed in local and state elections in 10/12/14. It's almost seems as retribution for Clinton not getting the nominee in 2008.


Well it's Saturday, and I don't see the big deal. Christmas is still about a week off.


So what's Clintons best play here, keep her mouth shut, or attempt to plea to the DNC in Bernie's favor here in an attempt to maintain Democratic solidarity? She won't convince people who believe this is her doing that it wasn't either way of course.

Hit DWS with a thumbs up and tell her, "heckuva job debbie", since the quality of her work at the DNC has been less that that of FEMA after Katrina.


I guess there's a 0% chance of an independent run for Bernie?

Bernie is not crazy.

He himself ruled it out from the very beginning. Bernie's on record stating he'll never run for president as an independent.

He said something like he won't do anything that would help put a Republican in control of the office of the President.
I think the bigger issue is money. Hillary Clinton is being subsidized by multiple banks and individual billionaires. Bernie Sanders, unfortunately, can't hire people of the same caliber or vet candidates as extensively.
This is laughable. People put together competent campaign staffs all the time without major money. McCain had a pretty good staff in 2007 (still amazed he survived to get the nomination), as did Obama before the money started piling in. Santorum had a nice small staff in 2012. Even Ron Paul had competent campaign people who put him in position to do decently in caucuses and primaries.

Sanders has surrounded himself with amateurs. Unlike Obama, who was a community organizer and rose up to the Chicago political machine, Sanders has no experience in this game and hasn't surrounded himself with competent staff members in leadership positions. Which is how you end up with a shit show like that press conference. It has nothing to do with money, which he has plenty of btw.

He's running an aimless campaign, doesn't know how to spend his money, and is going to get crushed the minute the primaries move to browner states.
Like, I actually feel bad for him because none of this is his fault in a direct sense and it is going to seriously damage him. But at the same time, damn, you hired some really bad people Bernie. Something like this was going to happen sooner or later if that's the guy making your press conference and the guy who got fired is representative of the people in important positions

Except the Press Conference is his fault. He'd have to approved that tactic and if he didn't he's a poor leader for not knowing what his staff is saying to the press in his name


The only reason she is still in charge after the 2012/2014 elrctions is through intimidation and threats towards the Obama administration, the defacto head of the Democratic Party, by making sexist and racial claims if she was removed. She has set back democratic party years.

She is a big reason why the dems. got crushed in local and state elections in 10/12/14. It's almost seems as retribution for Clinton not getting the nominee in 2008.


Haven't almost all of these debates except the first one have been on weekends, as well? Terrible setup.


Well it's Saturday, and I don't see the big deal. Christmas is still about a week off.

You do know that Saturday is the worst night to hold a debate. Or any live televised event, regardless of the weekend, But especially on the weekend before a major holiday.

You only schedule debates on a day like that to negate the effects of the actual debate because DWSs candidate of choice has no credible way at combating the Sanders campaign except for supressing his message and discrediting his electability.

BRB while DWS does polling on what Clintons next move should be.

Dude Abides

The Sanders subreddit is crazy. I think a lot of Hillary fans here end up arguing against the Sander subreddit folks when most of his fans here are pretty sane. I was just in the subreddit, and a lot of them really do seem to buy in to the conspiracy argument.

Pretty convenient for the DNC to do this after only posting 4 debates before the primaries.

Yep, no corruption at all.

I can't believe there are people who believe this type of tripe, after what the media considers coverage.


And i'm sure they are happy to do it, they just needed any kind of ammunition against him from any angle.

Bernie himself being silenced is the worst part, cause now its on him.

It's pretty funny that these posts are right next to each other.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Julian Castro.

That's what I've been saying for months. Perfect VP pick for her.

Best tactic for Hillary is probably to keep silent on this unless asked, and even then just say you're letting the DNC investigate. She won't gain much from kicking the Sanders campaign while they're down, and they're doing a pretty good job of self destructing with this already.

Sanders will get the access back, beating the war drums against the DNC isn't exactly the wisest play, I doubt it gets you the access any sooner and it makes his campaign look like they can't take responsibility. One of your staffers fucked up, it happens. You fired them, you'll let the investigation happen. Keep it short and sweet, and try to push pass it.


You do know that Saturday is the worst night to hold a debate. Or any live televised event, regardless of the weekend, But especially on the weekend before a major holiday.

You only schedule debates on a day like that to negate the effects of the actual debate because DWSs candidate of choice has no credible way at combating the Sanders campaign except for supressing his message and discrediting his electability.

BRB while DWS does polling on what Clintons next move should be.

Polls indicate that Hillary won both debates, sooo....

That's what I've been saying for months. Perfect VP pick for her. .

I'm not sure who it should be specifically but setting up a Hispanic VP to run in 2024 would definitely be great.


Is it one of the biggest shopping days of the year, with low average TV viewership?

Didn't consider that. Well, I'll be watching at any rate.

You do know that Saturday is the worst night to hold a debate. Or any live televised event, regardless of the weekend, But especially on the weekend before a major holiday.

You only schedule debates on a day like that to negate the effects of the actual debate because DWSs candidate of choice has no credible way at combating the Sanders campaign except for supressing his message and discrediting his electability.

BRB while DWS does polling on what Clintons next move should be.

Ha, ok I like you.


Who wants to watch the President talk to some crazy old dude with wild hair about things they mostly agree about?

And an "unidentified male" will also be in attendance for reasons unclear.


Polls indicate that Hillary won both debates, sooo....

I actually forget what dumb thing she said, but didn't people clap when she claimed America wasn't Denmark and/or when she pulled the 9/11 card in a frankly disgusting way to justify her ties to Wall Street?

People be dumb as shit.


Polls indicate that Hillary won both debates, sooo....

She is far and away the front runner though so she has no reason to want debates, even if she "wins." The only thing to come out of the debates for her could be some stupid slip up that the mainstream media clings to for weeks or months.

I certainly wouldn't want anymore debates if I were her.


didn't people clap when she claimed America was Denmark and/or when she pulled the 9/11 card in a frankly disgusting way to justify her ties to Wall Street?



That's what I've been saying for months. Perfect VP pick for her.
I'm not sure who it should be specifically but setting up a Hispanic VP to run in 2024 would definitely be great.
Maybe she'd prefer to get someone who can be useful to her administration and provide experience like the last three Presidents did instead of trying to setup a young heir apparent for eight years down the road which has a disastrous track record as President Dan Quayle found out.


Maybe she'd prefer to get someone who can be useful to her administration and provide experience like the last three Presidents did instead of trying to setup a young heir apparent for eight years down the road which has a disastrous track record as President Dan Quayle found out.

Let's have both! Whatever the case VP is a wet fart of a position that is usually just a waste of 4-8 years, unless it can be used in running for office later.
I actually forget what dumb thing she said, but didn't people clap when she claimed America wasn't Denmark and/or when she pulled the 9/11 card in a frankly disgusting way to justify her ties to Wall Street?

People be dumb as shit.

It was definitely that terrible 9/11 bit in regards to Wall Street. I think the Denmark thing was Sanders trying to make a point about taking inspirations from their government system and Clinton refuting it with "I love Denmark...but we're not Denmark."
Maybe she'd prefer to get someone who can be useful to her administration and provide experience like the last three Presidents did instead of trying to setup a young heir apparent for eight years down the road which has a disastrous track record as President Dan Quayle found out.

I still can't believe Dan Quayle singlehandedly repealed the 22nd Amendment and won four terms in a row.
Polls indicate that Hillary won both debates, sooo....

I'm not sure who it should be specifically but setting up a Hispanic VP to run in 2024 would definitely be great.

Less debates hurts others, period. For what it's worth, Betnie actually gave the best answers overall in both, regardless of polls.
I meant separately, but a Trump/Sanders ticket would be... something!

Well I'd be interested in seeing his reasoning in supporting a man he's directly called a racist and nativist xenophobe. I'd also be interested in seeing his reaction to being thrown out of the Senate Democratic caucus and losing all of his committee placements, which is exactly what Sanders wanted to happen to Lieberman after he went rogue and endorsed McCain in '08.


Julian Castro.

I think he's a pretty safe bet. He's like the Latino Obama, a hand-picked star from the Democratic ranks who presents very well. It may be pandering, but I think Castro is a part of the Democrats' end-game for the next generation of voters. He could be a VP, we could have two terms of Hillary, and then he could be a young-ish president.

In this hypothetical end-game, we couldn't have picked a better foil than Donald Trump.


I think he's a pretty safe bet. He's like the Latino Obama, a hand-picked star from the Democratic ranks who presents very well. It may be pandering, but I think Castro is a part of the Democrats' end-game for the next generation of voters. He could be a VP, we could have two terms of Hillary, and then he could be a young-ish president.

In this hypothetical end-game, we couldn't have picked a better foil than Donald Trump.

Castro wishes he presented anywhere near as well as Obama. Obama is a once in a generation political entity. Castro can't hold his jock.


I still think its fucked that DWS went on MSNBC and claimed that they downloaded and exported data, when the vendor's statement literally says:

On Wednesday morning, there was a release of VAN code. Unfortunately, it contained a bug. For a brief window, the voter data that is always searchable across campaigns in VoteBuilder included client scores it should not have, on a specific part of the VAN system. So for voters that a user already had access to, that user was able to search by and view (but not export or save or act on) some attributes that came from another campaign.

People can go "Oh Bernie stans are crazy", but there's some bullshit going on here.


Less debates hurts others, period. For what it's worth, Betnie actually gave the best answers overall in both, regardless of polls.

Well yeah, he actually gives answers, some people call that a weakness. I guess in the reality of politics, it is. I see it as a strength though.

No way Bernie wins this debate anyway with this hanging over his head.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Maybe she'd prefer to get someone who can be useful to her administration and provide experience like the last three Presidents did instead of trying to setup a young heir apparent for eight years down the road which has a disastrous track record as President Dan Quayle found out.

Such as? Hillary's angle is that she already has the experience. The Dems are going to make a big push for the Hispanic vote, I'm having a hard time imagining them going in a different direction. I doubt Clinton cares very much if Castro fizzles out 8 years from now if it puts her in office in 2016.


Well I'd be interested in seeing his reasoning in supporting a man he's directly called a racist and nativist xenophobe. I'd also be interested in seeing his reaction to being thrown out of the Senate Democratic caucus and losing all of his committee placements, which is exactly what Sanders wanted to happen to Lieberman after he went rogue and endorsed McCain in '08.
Lol they would never run together I was joking man
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