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DNC suspends Sanders campaign access to database after staff breached Hillary's data

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Let's have both! Whatever the case VP is a wet fart of a position that is usually just a waste of 4-8 years, unless it can be used in running for office later.
Four Vice Presidents have been elected to the Presidency as Vice President. John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Martin Van Buren and George H.W. Bush.

More Vice Presidents have ascended to the Presidency through the Presidents death or resignation. Only Teddy Roosevelt, Calvin Coolidge, Harry S Truman and Lyndon Johnson were subsequently re-elected. To only one further term.

One significant problem is you're tied to the outgoing administration. And if it hasn't gone so well...


Such as? Hillary's angle is that she already has the experience. The Dems are going to make a big push for the Hispanic vote, I'm having a hard time imagining them going in a different direction. I doubt Clinton cares very much if Castro fizzles out 8 years from now if it puts her in office in 2016.
She doesn't need him at all. She can pick Huma.


I still think its fucked that DWS went on MSNBC and claimed that they downloaded and exported data, when the vendor's statement literally says:

People can go "Oh Bernie stans are crazy", but there's some bullshit going on here.


Are you following the story. The fired staffer admitted it.

Holy Shit.


Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign exploited a temporary glitch in the Democratic National Committee's voter database to save lists created by Hillary Clinton’s campaign, according to an audit of the breach obtained by Bloomberg.

Sanders’s campaign has sought to downplay the severity of the incident, initially saying that only a single “low-level” staffer accessed the Clinton data and that none of it was saved. But the audit of the database's logs created by the vendor that manages the data, NGP VAN, show that four accounts associated with the Sanders team took advantage of the Wednesday morning breach. Staffers conducted searches that would be especially advantageous to the campaign, including lists of its likeliest supporters in 10 early voting states, including Iowa and New Hampshire.

The DNC, which maintains a master file of voter information with NGP VAN, has responded by suspending the Sanders campaign's access to the system until the campaign can fully explain the breach. Campaigns rent access from the party, and update the files with their own data culled from field work and other investments.
After one Sanders account gained access to the Clinton data, the audits show, that user began sharing permissions with other Sanders users. The staffers who secured access to the Clinton data included national data director Josh Uretsky, who was fired on Thursday, and his deputy, Russell Drapkin. The two other usernames that viewed Clinton information were “talani" and "csmith_bernie."

Though the Sanders campaign initially claimed that it had not saved Clinton data, the logs show that the Vermont senator’s team created at least 24 lists during the 40-minute breach, which started at 10:40 a.m., and saved those list to their personal folders.

The fired staffer from Bernie's camp is on MSNBC saying he accessed their information and made copies of her voter lists in order to make a record of it to prove to the DNC that others could do it and that their own information could have been accessed like that as well.


I still think its fucked that DWS went on MSNBC and claimed that they downloaded and exported data, when the vendor's statement literally says:

People can go "Oh Bernie stans are crazy", but there's some bullshit going on here.

The data director that was fired admitted that he saved the data on MSNBC.

Edit: Beaten


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Four Vice Presidents have been elected to the Presidency as Vice President. John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Martin Van Buren and George H.W. Bush.

More Vice Presidents have ascended to the Presidency through the Presidents death or resignation. Only Teddy Roosevelt, Calvin Coolidge, Harry S Truman and Lyndon Johnson were subsequently re-elected. To only one further term.

One significant problem is you're tied to the outgoing administration. And if it hasn't gone so well...

Very true, it wouldn't be a good move for Castro if he has actual aspirations of being President. I gotta imagine that after 16 years of a Dem President, the GOP would have its act together and would get the election after Clinton.


I still think its fucked that DWS went on MSNBC and claimed that they downloaded and exported data, when the vendor's statement literally says:

People can go "Oh Bernie stans are crazy", but there's some bullshit going on here.

The fired guy went onto msnbc and said he downloaded data - to prove he could.
How would he have done that if the vendor says that that shouldn't have been possible?

Well if you can view the data on your machine there are a bunch of ways to save the data. Screenshots would probably be the easiest, but require some extra work to format it in a way that's useful.

You just haven't traveled deep enough into the rabbit hole, man.

If he's a Clinton plant that's exactly what she'd want him to say.


How would he have done that if the vendor says that that shouldn't have been possible?

The vendor does not say that it wasn't completely possible.

When you quoted the vendor you left out this.

We immediately began an audit to determine if any users had intentionally or unintentionally gained access to data they normally would not have access to within the limited timeframe when the bug was live. Our team removed access to the affected data, and determined that only one campaign took actions that could possibly have led to it retaining data to which it should not have had access.

And then the guy that was fired, admits on national TV he made copies of the data.
This isn't the behavior of a winning campaign. Sanders' people know they're losing and were desperate enough to commit a crime. This is the behavior of a thug, or worse yet a Gamergate supporter. Digitally assaulting women is no laughing matter.

this thread is officially insane


Castro wishes he presented anywhere near as well as Obama. Obama is a once in a generation political entity. Castro can't hold his jock.

I agree with you for the most part. There have been three VERY charismatic politicians in the US during my life- Clinton, Obama, and Reagan. The few times I've seen Castro speak he wasn't on their level, but dude's only 41, and he still did a good job, so we'll see.
this thread is officially insane
This is nothing more than a trolling/joke thread now. Damn near zero signal in all this noise.

Its too bad because this is a real story. Looks like things definitely changed for the worse.

Bernie Sanders Campaign Threatens Legal Action Against DNC said:
"The leadership of the DNC has used this incident to shut down our ability to access our own information, information which is the lifeblood of any campaign," he said. "It is our information, not the DNC's."
Reddit comment that perfectly sums up how I imagine this took place:

If the Sanders voter data issue were anything like a normal IT tales from tech support, then this is likely how it happened:

Sanders IT Person: Looks like the voter database has a security flaw, I should notify the DNC.

DNC: We know of the bug, it has been fixed.

Sanders IT Person: Nope, the bug is still there. It looks like it’s worse than originally expected.

DNC: Nope, we have been assured the bug is fixed and you no longer have the access you claim.

Sanders IT Person: Uhhh??? Not only do I still have access, I can create new accounts and give them access. This is a major problem!

DNC: We have received confirmation from the vendor the security flaw has been corrected.

Sanders IT Person: The vendor is not telling the truth. Here is proof <insert Clinton files>.

DNC: OMG! What did you do?!! This is all your fault! You are banned!

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
if what I understand of the vendor is right and it works something like electoral roll data in the UK, every Democratic party member will be registered in the system and campaigns can add unique attributes, properties, notes, etc. to that party member's profile that only that campaign can see. The Sanders staffer wasn't able to save or export or print these attributes (by what VAN states and other sources have confirmed), but I think they copied a list of voters which they knew had attributes attached, because every campaign has access to the voter list section at all times, just no the attributes - so they don't know what exactly the Clinton campaign said about these people, but they did know they said something. That's absolutely bang out of order and Sanders was right to fire Uretsky.

Equally, the DNC was absolutely in the wrong to lock the Sanders campaign out of the service, because that cuts the Sanders campaign off from not only DNC data but also the Sanders campaign's own data that they collected themselves, which is absolutely wrong.

Shitshow all round.
That's what I've been saying for months. Perfect VP pick for her.

Castro is a good VP for Hillary

But as a potential POTUS if something happens to Hillary a few weeks into office? I dunno..Don't think the VP seat should be treated as a pokemon daycare center. I get it with the lack of youth in the party why they would want to put someone young in the spotlight, but I'm not sure he is ready.


And you think this is better?

Well it would be in terms of intent and the data actually being used in the favor of the Sanders campaign. But in the end, it still happened and the guy was a damn fool that essentially sunk the Sanders campaign and an entire movement, single handedly.

No, that sounds like Sanders fan fiction to excuse what is pretty clearly a felony offense.

fiction it may be, but it's coming from the guy that did it himself.


No Scrubs
Well it would be in terms of intent and the data actually being used in the favor of the Sanders campaign. But in the end, it still happened and the guy was a damn fool that essentially sunk the Sanders campaign and an entire movement, single handedly.

fiction it may be, but it's coming from the guy that did it himself.

Because people never lie to save their buts.

No matter what the truth is though, that guy is going to need to go back to school and get a new degree because no one will ever hire him to deal with computers again.


Because people never lie to save their buts.

No matter what the truth is though, that guy is going to need to go back to school and get a new degree because no one will ever hire him to deal with computers again.

Never said he isn't lying.

And I agree.


Does anyone here think that the DNC would punish Hillary's campaign so harshly if the shoe were on the other foot? I kind of doubt it personally. I hope Bernie takes it in stride, it just means they're scared of him.

And so it begins, gotta find some way to frame this as Bernie getting shit on moment #548
I guess that means we can wrap it up. Hillary is obviously the clear "choice" for the American voters.

Man, Individual people are really dumb. I have to wonder what went through the mind of that staffer as he was committing these crimes.


I guess that means we can wrap it up. Hillary is obviously the clear "choice" for the American voters.

Man, Individual people are really dumb. I have to wonder what went through the mind of that staffer as he was committing these crimes.

"I'm not going to get caught."
No Bernie, don't go out like this. I just saw the Killer Mike interview and it just made me like and respect you as a candidate that much more.

Would rather have Sanders over fake Hilary any day of the week but...damn....don't make have to vote for her as a backup.

Just don't take it there Bernie, please don't.


Unconfirmed Member
It's possible, but how the guy in charge of this thought that was a good idea is beyond me. You don't "commit a crime" to prove another crime has taken place.

Smart or not, it does happen quite often. There's stories all over the place about hackers like this ending up in jail or ending up with prestigious jobs, depending on how the people being hacked takes it. Quite often nothing significant happens and no one else hears about it.

Even if this is how it went down, I seriously doubt it given everything we're learning, then this guy is still the dumbest motherfucker in the world.

Do we know how the DNC learned of this in the first place? If it were some nefarious plot to steal data, I'd imagine he wouldn't tell the DNC about it. If a fellow staff member blew the whistle on the guy, or they traced back the hack, wouldn't the DNC just say the guy is lying about how it happened and end it there?


No Scrubs
Smart or not, it does happen quite often. There's stories all over the place about hackers like this ending up in jail or ending up with prestigious jobs, depending on how the people being hacked takes it. Quite often nothing significant happens and no one else hears about it.

Do we know how the DNC learned of this in the first place? If it were some nefarious plot to steal data, I'd imagine he wouldn't tell the DNC about it. If a fellow staff member blew the whistle on the guy, or they traced back the hack, wouldn't the DNC just say the guy is lying about how it happened and end it there?

From all the reports it sounds like the vendor learned of it and told the DNC.
I couldn't help but laugh at the analogy the guy was using.

"It's like if someone left their front door open, so you leave a note on the inside of their house to let them know what happened. And then you maybe go looking through their house to see if any other doors or windows were left open."

I'm sure my neighbors would be delighted to see a note for them posted not on the outside of their front door, but inside their house, letting them know that I went ahead and poked around inside to see what else they may have left unlocked/open. That's not creepy at all.
The Bernie subreddit is amazing, it's incredible the faith they have that he has any shot

Might as well just light their money on fire.

I mean, I dunno I think donating here is still fine. I don't think you are wasting your money if you donate to a politician you believe in. Even if they don't really have a serious chance.

It is some of the other threads on their that give me a headache.. ooft.. Its all a trap! Jim Webb said so!
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