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DNC suspends Sanders campaign access to database after staff breached Hillary's data

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AFAIK the Sanders campaign didn't report the breach. The vendor informed the DNC.

Hmm you may be right.

It is telling though that Sander's campaign knew this was happening and informed the DNC to put a stop to it instead of reporting it to the press, months ago:

“On more than one occasion, the vendor has dropped the firewall between the data of different Democratic campaigns,” he said. “Our campaign months ago alerted the D.N.C. to the fact that campaign data was being made available to other campaigns. At that time our campaign did not run to the media, relying instead on assurances from the vendor.”

“Unfortunately, yesterday, the vendor once again dropped the firewall between the campaigns for some data,” Mr. Briggs said. “After discussion with the D.N.C., it became clear that one of our staffers accessed some modeling data from another campaign. That behavior is unacceptable and that staffer was immediately fired.”
"Both sides are bad" is seldom true and in this case isn't either. There's no comparable mudslinging or conspiracy theorizing from the Clinton side as there is from some of Benries most staunch supporters. I'm less talking about posters here as I am people over at Reddit's /r/SandersForPresident. Some of the stuff posted there is just ludicrous.

No, Hillary supporters are just as annoying. The condescending tone and broad brush they paint Sanders supporters is ridiculous (as can be seen by this thread). Not to mention the fact that many keep ignoring Sander's fans arguments of starting a grass roots to motivate the base to improve the chances of dems taking the house, but Hillary supporters keep firmly stating that the general is all the matters and put the blame on gerrymandering rather than an apathetic base or a muddled message. Not to mention the obnoxious "he won't get anything past if he's elected" as if Hillary is going to be any different in that regard, not to mention that ignores the point of Sanders supporters. So yeah, Hillary supporters are just as terrible.


No Scrubs
Jesus christ.

Not surprising from you b-dubs

Come on man, you're better than this.

Come on guys, do I think Bernie orchestrated this? No. Did 4 different accounts search through the information? Yes. While Bernie likely had nothing to do with this his campaign staff did and they should be firing everyone who searched the data, not just the one guy. Right now it looks like they got access, decided to comb through it and then report the breach. While Bernie had nothing to do with this, he has surrounded himself with utter morons. This is a bigger deal than youre making it out to be.

Edit: and it wasn't even Bernie's campaign who reported the breach? Fucking Christ how dumb are these people?


Sooooo, is he still allowed to debate tomorrow?
I could see the DNC banning him from the debate. Especially the way he destroys and exposes Hillary in them. They probably want any excuse they can to clear the stage so it's just her answering softball questions.
No, Hillary supporters are just as annoying. The condescending tone and broad brush they paint Sanders supporters is ridiculous (as can be seen by this thread). Not to mention the fact that many keep ignoring Sander's fans arguments of starting a grass roots to motivate the base to improve the chances of dems taking the house, but Hillary supporters keep firmly stating that the general is all the matters and put the blame on gerrymandering rather than an apathetic base or a muddled message. Not to mention the obnoxious "he won't get anything past if he's elected" as if Hillary is going to be any different in that regard, not to mention that ignores the point of Sanders supporters. So yeah, Hillary supporters are just as terrible.

I've never seen a Hillary supporter say that the general is all that matters.


Come on guys, do I think Bernie orchestrated this? No. Did 4 different accounts search through the information? Yes. While Bernie likely had nothing to do with this his campaign staff did and they should be firing everyone who searched the data, not just the one guy. Right now it looks like they got access, decided to comb through it and then report the breach. While Bernie had nothing to do with this, he has surrounded himself with utter morons. This is a bigger deal than youre making it out to be.

Edit: and it wasn't even Bernie's campaign who reported the breach? Fucking Christ how dumb are these people?

As far as I know the story just now broke so it's hard to have all the facts about what went down, but comparing it to watergate where there was criminal intent on the part of Nixon is what I have a problem with.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Come on guys, do I think Bernie orchestrated this? No. Did 4 different accounts search through the information? Yes. While Bernie likely had nothing to do with this his campaign staff did and they should be firing everyone who searched the data, not just the one guy. Right now it looks like they got access, decided to comb through it and then report the breach. While Bernie had nothing to do with this, he has surrounded himself with utter morons. This is a bigger deal than youre making it out to be.

Edit: and it wasn't even Bernie's campaign who reported the breach? Fucking Christ how dumb are these people?

Anyone want to play mad libs with this to turn it into one of the Republican's attacks against Hillary?

He's Nixon! It's a Watergate! Bernie spied and Hillary's data died!
The punishment is stupid considering the consequences it can have in the fair process of the election and that it was Bernie camp itself who warned about the breach.

It feels unnecessary vindictive.

But ugh, why Bernie has surrounded himself with idiotic opportunist is beyond me. Like is really staggering the pure idiocy and mistakes this campaign has had because of staffers.


No Scrubs
As far as I know the story just now broke so it's hard to have all the facts about what went down, but comparing it to watergate where there was criminal intent on the part of Nixon is what I have a problem with.

If his staff did wind up hacking it then its a fair comparison, if they didn't then its not.



"They called me fairly quickly after the breach was closed to inform me that there was something weird going on and that portions of the system were shut down," he said.

Uretsky says he got into the system to create a record to make it clear to anyone with NBG-VAN knowledge that he was "going through stuff that I wasn't supposed to have access to."

NGP-VAN is the technology company that provides campaigns access to the voter files.

The point: He wanted people with knowledge of the voter files to be able to clearly see that he was testing the depth of the breach.

"This wasn't the first time we identified a bad breach," he said, confirming to CNN that the Sanders campaign reported another breach to the DNC in October. "We reported it to them. They thanked us for reporting it and they told us the breach had been closed."

"In retrospect, I got a little panicky because our data was totally exposed, too," Uretsky said of how he handled the latest breach. " We had to have an assessment, and understand of how broad the exposure was and I had to document it so that I could try to calm down and think about what actually happened so that I could figure out how to protect our stuff."



I'm really hoping this thread is the height of sarcasm because if not, some of you are legit scaring me as a Bernie supporter.

Amen to that. I'm a huge Bernie supporter, and I have plenty of issues with Hillary, but I wouldn't call her a neocon in a million years. She's far from the most progressive candidate (especially on economic issues) but I would never compare her with any of the Republican candidates.

One thing I notice of some of my fellow Bernie supports is that they seem to treat him as if he isn't a politician. A staff member or two most likely made a mistake, he has made up for it, and the DNC is probably just being cautious about data loss.


No, Hillary supporters are just as annoying. The condescending tone and broad brush they paint Sanders supporters is ridiculous (as can be seen by this thread). Not to mention the fact that many keep ignoring Sander's fans arguments of starting a grass roots to motivate the base to improve the chances of dems taking the house, but Hillary supporters keep firmly stating that the general is all the matters and put the blame on gerrymandering rather than an apathetic base or a muddled message. Not to mention the obnoxious "he won't get anything past if he's elected" as if Hillary is going to be any different in that regard, not to mention that ignores the point of Sanders supporters. So yeah, Hillary supporters are just as terrible.

You obviously haven't seen the most caustic side of Benrie's supporters if you think both sides are the same and that these mild complaint's are the worst of Hillary's supporters

This. If they fired the staffer and reported it, I'm not seeing the hoopla.

They didn't report it. According to the fired staffer he found the breach, went poking around in Clinton's files to figure out how badly Bernie's files were exposed, reported it up the chain and meant to inform the DNC but didn't get around to it before they found out via the vendor that something was up.


If his staff did wind up hacking it then its a fair comparison, if they didn't then its not.

It sounds like, somebody on the staff found out that, once again, the database had the error. One individual decided to take advantage and read through it. It doesn't seem like that individual shared the information because the Bernie campaign is saying they didn't know the breach had happened until the DNC looked into it once they realized the mistake had happened. As for the other 3 people that accessed the data, we don't know what that was about. Bernie's campaign caught the error before and reported it. That is important. It really sounds like this company is incompetent.

It sounds to me like one person did something bad and they were fired for it. What they did was look at information they shouldn't have. The information was there, they did not have to hack for it. Not excusing it, by any means.
This. If they fired the staffer and reported it, I'm not seeing the hoopla.
Neither am I.

It should be easy to verify whether they've reported on these breaches before. And if Uretsky has managed these systems before and even helped troubleshoot their problems he's going to be aware of what gets logged.

And the vendor says that no information could have been exported or modified, but the DNC is asking for proof that any capture data was destroyed?

This doesn't smell right.


Come on guys, do I think Bernie orchestrated this? No. Did 4 different accounts search through the information? Yes. While Bernie likely had nothing to do with this his campaign staff did and they should be firing everyone who searched the data, not just the one guy. Right now it looks like they got access, decided to comb through it and then report the breach. While Bernie had nothing to do with this, he has surrounded himself with utter morons. This is a bigger deal than youre making it out to be.

Edit: and it wasn't even Bernie's campaign who reported the breach? Fucking Christ how dumb are these people?

Yes, that's entirely comparable to Nixon b-dubs we understand
It sounds like, somebody on the staff found out that, once again, the database had the error. One individual decided to take advantage and read through it. It doesn't seem like that individual shared the information because the Bernie campaign is saying they didn't know the breach had happened until the DNC looked into it once they realized the mistake had happened. As for the other 3 people that accessed the data, we don't know what that was about. Bernie's campaign caught the error before and reported it. That is important. It really sounds like this company is incompetent.

It sounds to me like one person did something bad and they were fired for it. What they did was look at information they shouldn't have. The information was there, they did not have to hack for it. Not excusing it, by any means.

Haha, this reminds me of Silicon Valley.
"Is it really hacking if the guy left his password on a sticky note on his monitor?"


No Scrubs
It sounds like, somebody on the staff found out that, once again, the database had the error. One individual decided to take advantage and read through it. It doesn't seem like that individual shared the information because the Bernie campaign is saying they didn't know the breach had happened until the DNC looked into it once they realized the mistake had happened. As for the other 3 people that accessed the data, we don't know what that was about. Bernie's campaign caught the error before and reported it. That is important. It really sounds like this company is incompetent.

It sounds to me like one person did something bad and they were fired for it. What they did was look at information they shouldn't have. The information was there, they did not have to hack for it. Not excusing it, by any means.

Except from the sound of it Bernie's campaign might not have been the ones to report it, the vendor did.

Yes, that's entirely comparable to Nixon b-dubs we understand

You still haven't explained how this is a good thing.


This is hilarious bullshit.

The DMCA makes any circumvention of any security mechanism illegal no matter how badly implemented the security is. He's not some mindless intern - he's their National Data Director - he knows the rules!

Testing how far he could pass the breach to show it had been breached - and then not even report the breach - is a joke.

You are right about that. This was a bad person. It's a shame that Bernie had somebody like that on his staff and it does make him at least in part responsible for not vetting.


contribute something
"Both sides are bad" is seldom true and in this case isn't either. There's no comparable mudslinging or conspiracy theorizing from the Clinton side as there is from some of Benries most staunch supporters. I'm less talking about posters here as I am people over at Reddit's /r/SandersForPresident. Some of the stuff posted there is just ludicrous.

I think the condescension, entitlement, and denialism from the Clinton bench is a lot worse, personally. Most supporters seem incapable of responding to any of the very many, very legitimate criticisms of her politics.


"GAF's biggest wanker"

The breach occurred after a software problem at the technology company NGP VAN, which gives campaigns access to the voter data. The problem inadvertently made proprietary voter data of Mrs. Clinton’s campaign visible to others, according to party committee officials.​
Hmm, sounds like they're using a shared database with specific account access restrictions, which doesn't seem like a properly secure enough approach if the consequences of one campaign accidentally seeing another campaign's data is going to be complete denial of access.


This is hilarious bullshit.

The DMCA makes any circumvention of any security mechanism illegal no matter how badly implemented the security is. He's not some mindless intern - he's their National Data Director - he knows the rules!

Testing how far he could pass the breach to show it had been breached - and then not even report the breach - is a joke.

Yeah, that excuse is hilarious. "I found a breach so I went poking around to see whats wrong!" Fuck no, you immediately stop and report it to your superiors, the DNC and NGP-VAN.

Seriously, whats with the tinfoil conspiracies round here? No politician is perfect. And if he didn't know about it, its still his staff.
I'm definitely gonna have to wait and see where this goes. If it's a permanent punishment, then I think that goes too far. But if they're only temporarily cutting him off until they can determine the severity of the whole thing, that's completely understandable.


No Scrubs
It's OK b-dubs anything Bernie does is horrible and he is Nixon 2.0, you've been clear on this. This data breach is Nixonion and Bernie needs to be impeached ;)

Again, way to keep deflecting. So are you ever going to say how this is good for him?


I really hope this doesn't push Sanders supporters into Hillaryis44 crazy territory now... but if they feel their boy is being robbed by the process, who knows the lengths they'll go in the end.

Just imagine if HRC was the one involved in this... I don't think many would be as forgiving.


I'm definitely gonna have to wait and see where this goes. If it's a permanent punishment, then I think that goes too far. But if they're only temporarily cutting him off until they can determine the severity of the whole thing, that's completely understandable.

I agree. Pretty sad to see Glenn Greenwald join in on the DNC conspiracy theories, but I guess we all should've seen that coming.

This thread is sure something.
I'm definitely gonna have to wait and see where this goes. If it's a permanent punishment, then I think that goes too far. But if they're only temporarily cutting him off until they can determine the severity of the whole thing, that's completely understandable.

Washington Post is reporting it is temporary. I'm sure it'll be worked out soon.

The DNC has told the Sanders campaign that it will not be allowed access to the data again until it provides an explanation as well as assurances that all Clinton data has been destroyed.
Bernie can't control the people around him in his campaign. But it would be absolutely ridiculous if the DNC did anything about this. Staffer is gone, just forget it. It would be completely idiotic and typical of the Democratic Party to shoot themselves in the foot by giving a large group of people who would support them in the general a reason not to. He is not winning anyway, just let it go.


Again, way to keep deflecting. So are you ever going to say how this is good for him?

Every time we discuss Bernie, I'm deflecting and yet you're the one that compared this to Watergate. I've already said how I view this as a positive:

The breach will provide more mainstream coverage than the Saturday scheduled debate by the DNC, mainstream media loves scandals and firewalls.
HOPEFULLY this raises media attention about the lack of neutrality by the head of the DNC. She needs to be replaced asap.

And again, the punishment is way too harsh, imo.


No, Hillary supporters are just as annoying. The condescending tone and broad brush they paint Sanders supporters is ridiculous (as can be seen by this thread). Not to mention the fact that many keep ignoring Sander's fans arguments of starting a grass roots to motivate the base to improve the chances of dems taking the house, but Hillary supporters keep firmly stating that the general is all the matters and put the blame on gerrymandering rather than an apathetic base or a muddled message. Not to mention the obnoxious "he won't get anything past if he's elected" as if Hillary is going to be any different in that regard, not to mention that ignores the point of Sanders supporters. So yeah, Hillary supporters are just as terrible.
That's some pile of strawmen you've set up here.

Usually the efforts of those who follow politics closely are oriented towards discussion and argument of policies, decisions, poll analyses, information, correction of misinformation, and so on. Usually it's tinged with annoyance over ignorance, irritation over losses in nuance, and frustration at naivete about reality. This has turned into pleas for consideration for the general, and more negatively into Cheebo's cold urge to stomp on Bernie supporters.

In comparison we have had Bernie supporters bring up right wing allegations about Benghazi and emails as if they were real attacks on Hillary (Joey Fox), people who have called Hillary a liar but excused Bernie for political expediencies (Inuhanyou), people who have no idea what a neoconservative actually is but puts Hillary in that camp (Dixon's Jet), people who insist Hillary is practically a Republican but has no answers for her social policies (disastermouse), a guy who thinks Hillary is uppity for wanting to be president but doesn't seem to have this complaint for anybody else (ryutaro's mama), a moron who thinks throwing away morals is okay if it's to take down Hillary (Condom), the continuous stream of people who talk about how Hillary is unlikeable, people who have called Hillary a bitch, and one poster I remember who wished Hillary would just die.

There are no comparable examples from "Hillary supporters". Who are able to acknowledge the pros and cons of Hillary, and acknowledge the contributions of Bernie without devolving into falsehoods or insults.

I don't think there's an equality in terribleness. Don't position yourself in the center and claim everybody is awful. That just ends up making you look like a whiner who wants to position himself above the mess.


I think the most reasonable punishment from the DNC would be to ban Bernie from the last two or so debates. Perhaps even all 2016 debates. Maybe even require him to contribute at least 25% of his campaign contributions to the Hillary campaign. Both are pretty reasonable given the severity of this crime that should honesty be punishable by federal prison time.
HOPEFULLY this raises media attention about the lack of neutrality by the head of the DNC. She needs to be replaced asap.

And again, the punishment is way too harsh, imo.
How is suspending access till the Sanders campaign provides a full explanation too harsh? Unless there's a cover-up they can get this resolved in the next 24 hours.

If the DNC were really trying to put their thumb on the scales for Clinton they wouldn't do this. It generates too much bad press and she doesn't need this to win. But it's fair for the DNC to ask for accountability I think. The Sanders campaign's initial false statement that this was a low level staffer is reason enough to have questions. And why did four accounts test a data breach?

And let's not pretend that if the roles had reversed and the Clinton campaign had breached Sanders' data that people wouldn't be calling for her head. Watergate comparisons wouldn't be in jest.

(For the record I think DWS is god-awful and think her debate scheduling was really shady).
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