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DNC suspends Sanders campaign access to database after staff breached Hillary's data

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You also missed additional people believing the DNC is doing this just to shut down Bernie and more general ridiculousness, this thread started off wacky and it's stayed wacky.
Why else would they want to block any Democratic candidate from access to voter data? That should be open to the entire party, not only the declared presumptive nominee before a single vote is cast just because.


Once again, the filtered prism is at work here. I'm not seeing anything that remotely resembles an invasion of Syria.
Yeah I guess you are right that I inteprent this differently than others would. I just add up the bombings, special ops in Syria and call for even more action to come to my conclusion.
I blame Reddit for this.

They shouldn't punish his campaign like that if measures have been already taken to fire the perpetrator(s). Typical DNC, tho.
Yeah I guess you are right that I inteprent this differently than others would. I just add up the bombings, special ops in Syria and call for even more action to come to my conclusion.

All of which is already happening to some degree within the Obama admin. I just don't understand this idea that Clinton is going to sway the Democratic party to suddenly become warmongers or that Clinton herself is interested in getting stuck with another Iraq war situation.
Why else would they want to block any Democratic candidate from access to voter data? That should be open to the entire party, not only the declared presumptive nominee before a single vote is cast just because.

Oh please. If the roles were reversed and it was Hillary's campaign that had breached the files they would be calling for her head.

You think Bernie should get off completely unpunished for such a breach?
I agree that all that sucks, and hell, if I had my way Bernie would be President over Hillary because of those past mistakes.

Still, if my choice is Hillary, who is just ok, or a Republican as President... then the choice is clear to me.
I will admit that at this rate, Hillary will be the next President. We'd better begin preparing for it whatever our stances.


Why else would they want to block any Democratic candidate from access to voter data? That should be open to the entire party, not only the declared presumptive nominee before a single vote is cast just because.
This is voter data that the Clinton campaign spent the money and work hours gathering. Odds are that it would have been shared or licensed to the Sanders campaign in the event that Sanders win the nomination, but we're not there yet and stealing your rival's work to further your own is generally frowned upon.



First she kills that Benghazi dude and now she is planting double agents to take down Bernie?????
With her bare hands! Utterly savage.

I heard she used to subsist on a diet of nothing but raw meat, fresh from the living animal. Now she's vegan, so she simply mauls the beasts with her teeth and arranges their innards and ruddy bones in pleasing shapes on her table.
Did you just compare one guy and the people he directly employs to an activist group that spans the country?

I did. And the size of the organization changes nothing. In many ways Bernies campaign organization is a grass root organization run by normal political activist.

It's beyond me that you're trying to deflect this with semantics. You must be able to see the hypocrisy.


You also missed additional people believing the DNC is doing this just to shut down Bernie and more general ridiculousness, this thread started off wacky and it's stayed wacky.

Would it really surprise anyone considering the corrupt, vile woman in charge of the DNC? Debbie Wasserman Schultz is the worst politician in America.
This is voter data that the Clinton campaign spent the money and work hours gathering. Odds are that it would have been shared or licensed to the Sanders campaign in the event that Sanders win the nomination, but we're not there yet and stealing your rival's work to further your own is generally frowned upon.

She proves yet again she can't keep anything safe, if she wins the White House might as well start using outlook for all official communications.
But does one individuals bad actions make an entire organization look bad? We've been down this route before a lot lately- Particularly with BLM.

LOL. You can't honestly believe these are equivalent, can you? One is a small organization of hired staffers versus a huge decentralized organization of activists. They're not even remotely the same. The "tangible proof" is the access logs. Can't get more tangible than that


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Christmas comes early for the Hillbots. Much ado about absolutely nothing. Oh well...
LOL. You can't honestly believe these are equivalent, can you? One is a small organization of hired staffers versus a huge decentralized organization of activists. They're not even remotely the same. The "tangible proof" is the access logs. Can't get more tangible than that

As I said before, the size of the organization doesn't make the overall arching point mute. It jarring to see the level of double standards here. Organizational size is completely off the fucking point. Absolutely irrelevant.

Either you generalize in your petty reductionistic ways without a modicum of proof, or you don't. It's pretty simple.
How long before Fox News somehow spins this story, raising questions about unsecured info and if the Democrats can keep any information safe?
Indeed. The DNC strategy seems to be to hold back until Clinton wins the primary, which is hers by right. This should never be forgotten. It's a flagrant attack on democracy and a reminder that the Democrats share key flaws with the Republicans.

I can't tell if this is sarcasm.
Hillary being a neocon is a new one.

My facebook feed has been interesting this season.

Almost as much "Hillary is a warmonger in the pockets of big banks" as "Hillary is a gun control loving communist liberal."

And then huge swathes of "First woman president! Lets make Hillary 2016 happen!"

Meh... Kansas.


Polls that happen to come from the very same media that refuses to consider Bernie a serious candidate and wrote him off from day one. And employ Clinton campaign workers as TV show hosts.

There's lots of thumbs on those scales.

Man some of you are really starting to sound like the far right circa 4 years ago with this shit. Every time you are presented with data you don't like, there's some grand fucking conspiracy. For your own good you may want to pop that bubble, it's only going to make it harder on your when reality comes 'crashing through the night' at you.

Why else would they want to block any Democratic candidate from access to voter data? That should be open to the entire party, not only the declared presumptive nominee before a single vote is cast just because.

Do you... have any idea how american politics work? You don't seem to understand that Bernie has not won the nom. What you are asking here makes no sense. I don't know how to address this without sounding condescending.


What kind of data would the Bernie campaign be privy to in this case? Personal data of contributors to Hillary's campaign or something?


What kind of data would the Bernie campaign be privy to in this case? Personal data of contributors to Hillary's campaign or something?

Isn't much of that public? I mean, aren't some of her major donors the banks? That wasn't secret information, and that's not even considering the "cut it out" bullshit she said.


I never expected Bernie to be the one to resort to Nixonian tactics.
I would say, it's not really Bernie, but rather the poor decision of his data director and whoever else thought they should skim off the top of Hillary's campaign data. In 30 minutes, most likely they thought they could grab Hillary's Iowa/NH info and then run through the procedure of informing the DNC.

You would think the data director would have some tech savvy to know that their access is going to be traced though.


Not really surprised to see that Sanders is just as much an untrustworthy politician as any other. I mean, this is a man that only has become a Democrat when it's convenient, but otherwise hasn't helped the party or helped elect down ballot Democrats at all - why should he care about following their rules after all?


This just lends credence to the fact that the Sanders campaign is horribly staffed and at times seems out of their league. The fact that the data director was one of the ones doing a data search is ridiculous.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Not really surprised to see that Sanders is just as much an untrustworthy politician as any other. I mean, this is a man that only has become a Democrat when it's convenient, but otherwise hasn't helped the party or helped elect down ballot Democrats at all - why should he care about following their rules after all?

I reaaaaaaally doubt that Bernie himself "gave the order" to exploit the glitch. I mean, I'm in camp Clinton broadly speaking but I really hope this is a temporary measure while stuff gets sorted out and his campaign gets database access back within the week


Will the IT firm managing the firewall also be suspended by the DNC?

Anyhow huge win for Bernie - more mainstream media coverage coming up right before the debate.
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