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Do MMORPG subsciption prices ever drop?


Formerly 'GMUNYIFan'
I'm really looking to get back into FFXI and I just can't afford the damn 12 or whatever it was, a month. What mmorpg's are out there that play similar to FF:XI and which ones are kinda......cheap/free.

Do these online companies ever lower the price per month to play the game?


Look at it this way. If you get sucked into one of these games, you won't really need other retail games. It just takes up way too much time.

What's more likely to happen is you'll lose alot more money not going to work then caring about the 12$ a month it costs to play.

On the other hand, a month or two is enough time to figure out that you'll probably hate the game (if you do). Otherwise it might take 6-18 months.
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