Storm Kyleis
I'll do my part for sure.
Does Wii Fit Trainer count?2001 - Animal Crossing
2001 - Luigi's Mansion
2001 - Pikmin
2005 - Nintendogs
2006 - Wii Sports
2006 - Wii Play
2006 - Big Brain Academy
2007 - Wii Fit
2008 - Wii Music
2010 - Flipnote Studio
2010 - Nintendo DS Guide
2011 - Steel Diver
2012 - Nintendo Land
2013 - NES Remix
2015 - Splatoon
Indeed, it's been a long time since EAD developed a notable character IP.
My original prediction was 1 million by the end of the year, now I'm expecting between 2 and 2.5 million.
You just recommended Nintendo plays to its audience and then want them to buy Five Nights? What.I expect Splatoon to fail miserably. As a concept, it's just flawed. Plain and simple. Children do not want to play first person shooters. It's been proven time and time again. The only way Nintendo can keep from going the way of SEGA is to produce games their primary audience wants to play. In my opinion, Nintendo made a huge mistake by letting Minecraft fall into the hands of Microsoft. Nintendo shouldn't make the same mistake twice. They should by the Five Nights at Freddy's IP right now while they have the chance.
I expect Splatoon to fail miserably. As a concept, it's just flawed. Plain and simple. Children do not want to play first person shooters. It's been proven time and time again. The only way Nintendo can keep from going the way of SEGA is to produce games their primary audience wants to play. In my opinion, Nintendo made a huge mistake by letting Minecraft fall into the hands of Microsoft. Nintendo shouldn't make the same mistake twice. They should by the Five Nights at Freddy's IP right now while they have the chance.
You just recommended Nintendo plays to its audience and then want them to buy Five Nights? What.
Nope this is easily going to outsell XBX and Mario Maker
In general, even if it bombs, I would consider Splatoon to be one of the best thought out new IPs they've made in ages.
It's in a popular genre that Nintendo sorely lacks. It's seemingly made by people who both like the genre and spent a lot of time thinking about what design decisions/mechanics actually make the genre fun and engaging. They thought through what sorts of mechanics they could add to make the game feel unique and like something people would consider playing despite having other shooters. And on top of all that, they put a lot of effort into making a title that evokes a strong feeling of being a "Nintendo game" despite being in a genre Nintendo doesn't really work in.
It's like a game from an alternate universe where Nintendo was really on top of things coming into this generation.
. Children do not want to play first person shooters. It's been proven time and time again.
Nintendo shouldn't make the same mistake twice. They should by the Five Nights at Freddy's IP right now while they have the chance
I can never tell in Nintendo threads anymore.Whoosh never know when people are kidding man
Does Wii Fit Trainer count?
Well they got in smash due to some kind of recognition.Does Wii Fit Trainer count?
I don't have any doubt that this game will do pretty well for itself. It'll be a slow-burn though.
My worry is that they won't use the I.P beyond this one idea. A sequel for the next console, sure. But the I.P feels so strongly attached to its concept, that I can't imagine much else spinning off of it.
Maybe some location-based tagging in a streetpass game, or an application for creating spin-art. I dunno...
That's a fair point, although it depends how old you're talking, as many young children play call of duty.
So the children demographic you mention doesn't like first person shooters, but they like horror?
If they shoehorned Splatoon into an existing IP - let's say this was some sort of Mario sunshine spinoff, or a SSB style mashup battle game - do people think the sales would/will be significantly higher? It's an interesting thought experiment.
Personally I'm glad they used new IP, bit that may turn out to be a poor business decision.
I expect Splatoon to fail miserably. As a concept, it's just flawed. Plain and simple. Children do not want to play first person shooters. It's been proven time and time again. The only way Nintendo can keep from going the way of SEGA is to produce games their primary audience wants to play. In my opinion, Nintendo made a huge mistake by letting Minecraft fall into the hands of Microsoft. Nintendo shouldn't make the same mistake twice. They should buy the Five Nights at Freddy's IP right now while they have the chance.
My 8 year old niece loves Five Nights at Freddy's. It's all she talks about. Nintendo should be making the kinds of games my niece wants to play.
Kids these days want to use their imagination. Twitchy shooters are the antithesis of media that encourages the use of imagination. I honestly believe that we are in for a huge resurgence in puzzle/adventure genres. If Nintendo should hope to captivate this next generation of connected, tech-wise kids, they need to focus on these genres that challenge their almost god-like minds. No joke, Nintendo is selling their audience short by assuming they'll just lap up mascot action games forever. Minecraft is really the perfect example of a marriage between simplicity and complexity. Kerbal Space Program too. It makes me want to slam my head against my desk the fact that a game like Kerbal Space Program isn't on a Nintendo console. It's shameful that indie studios on Steam are producing more positive youth oriented product than Nintendo.
I know this seems silly, but I'd honestly love to see MYST re-released on the nintendo store. I bet you it would sell a million copies. It's exactly the kind of game that I think would appeal to the type of children who play video games in 2015.
I expect Splatoon to fail miserably. As a concept, it's just flawed. Plain and simple. Children do not want to play first person shooters. It's been proven time and time again. The only way Nintendo can keep from going the way of SEGA is to produce games their primary audience wants to play. In my opinion, Nintendo made a huge mistake by letting Minecraft fall into the hands of Microsoft. Nintendo shouldn't make the same mistake twice. They should buy the Five Nights at Freddy's IP right now while they have the chance.
My 8 year old niece loves Five Nights at Freddy's. It's all she talks about. Nintendo should be making the kinds of games my niece wants to play.
Kids these days want to use their imagination. Twitchy shooters are the antithesis of media that encourages the use of imagination. I honestly believe that we are in for a huge resurgence in puzzle/adventure genres. If Nintendo should hope to captivate this next generation of connected, tech-wise kids, they need to focus on these genres that challenge their almost god-like minds. No joke, Nintendo is selling their audience short by assuming they'll just lap up mascot action games forever. Minecraft is really the perfect example of a marriage between simplicity and complexity. Kerbal Space Program too. It makes me want to slam my head against my desk the fact that a game like Kerbal Space Program isn't on a Nintendo console. It's shameful that indie studios on Steam are producing more positive youth oriented product than Nintendo.
I know this seems silly, but I'd honestly love to see MYST re-released on the nintendo store. I bet you it would sell a million copies. It's exactly the kind of game that I think would appeal to the type of children who play video games in 2015.
You just recommended Nintendo plays to its audience and then want them to buy Five Nights? What.
I could easily see them expand the singleplayer more. Have there be giant hub island that takes influences from a blend of different places such as California, Hawaii, Japan and other South Pacific beaches/cities. Have the city be like a cross between San Francisco and Tokyo. Introduce skateboarding/rollerblading for faster travel throughout the city. Incorporate trick system and the paint mechanic with that to make it entertaining and fun. Have the hub island be filled with different shops, skate parks, beaches, harbors, mall, etc. The main point of the game is to build a crew with their signature color and take over the whole city. You can accomplish this task by completing missions in different territories that may result in turf battles in the city. Once you take over the territory in the city you gain access to the shops, minigames, etc. in that area. Have the city have a larger variety of sea creature/human hybrids that you can play against. It'd be I guess kind of like Nintendo's take on the GTA model.
There are other options as well. I liked the suggestion of the American Football crossed with Splatoon theme. They also could do a Sunshine and Splatoon crossover.
I expect Splatoon to fail miserably. As a concept, it's just flawed. Plain and simple. Children do not want to play first person shooters. It's been proven time and time again. The only way Nintendo can keep from going the way of SEGA is to produce games their primary audience wants to play. In my opinion, Nintendo made a huge mistake by letting Minecraft fall into the hands of Microsoft. Nintendo shouldn't make the same mistake twice. They should buy the Five Nights at Freddy's IP right now while they have the chance.
I expect Splatoon to fail miserably. As a concept, it's just flawed. Plain and simple. Children do not want to play first person shooters. It's been proven time and time again. The only way Nintendo can keep from going the way of SEGA is to produce games their primary audience wants to play. In my opinion, Nintendo made a huge mistake by letting Minecraft fall into the hands of Microsoft. Nintendo shouldn't make the same mistake twice. They should buy the Five Nights at Freddy's IP right now while they have the chance.
My worry is that they won't use the I.P beyond this one idea. A sequel for the next console, sure. But the I.P feels so strongly attached to its concept, that I can't imagine much else spinning off of it.
Maybe some location-based tagging in a streetpass game, or an application for creating spin-art. I dunno...
Holy shit my eyes, my mind, what did I just read
I expect Splatoon to fail miserably. As a concept, it's just flawed. Plain and simple. Children do not want to play first person shooters.
Have you even seen one screen of the game???
It's not even first person.
I think it will sell well enough. I don't think it'll set the world on fire or anything.
HahahahahhahahaIt will make faces explode.
I was more hyped for this than Zelda(when I thought it'd be this year).I really hope Splatoon can gain traction. No one I personally know IRL even knows what it is when I mention it. For me though, I haven't been this hyped about a shooter or new Nintendo IP in a really long time.