PS could be full of typo's and hard to read, didn't read it through because i got it busy but decided to post anyway.
Let me bore you to death,. I think about this alot and frankly i tend to talk about it with other people a lot over the years i exist.. I think death is the most interesting concept even while most people don't like thinking about it at all. It's fascinating on what will happen after u die so i will get a bit more into it why i think the way i think.
To make it short for people that don't want to read a lot.
Under here i explain why i think resurrection is a thing and why souls exist and how i come to that conclusion. I also talk about religion how religions conclusions are illogical but understandable.
Long theory now:
Why do i exist now? why did i not exist 100 years before i was born? why did i not exist 200 years before i was born or a 1000 years? What decided that i had to live now and that it's the current times or even a 100 years after now? Only logical conclusion is i either got super amounts of luck with hitting this time period with existing or what's more likely the case that u will exist again. How frequently and as what, that's up to debate because i actually never though about that myself as future and multiple dimensions could also be placed into this concept + religions. It's a lot of information. But its safe to assume i will exist again, because i exist now. It's illogical to assume i will never exist again because i most likely would not exist right now. The fact that i exist is proof that i will exist again.
Now what exactly happens after death or what transpires that's where religions casters towards and creates worlds to cater towards their audiences like waiting rooms ( hell / heaven ), buddhists resurrection, stardust scientology, muslim great resurrection. Which is kinda interesting if you think about it. At the end religions are useful by the fact that a bunch of people really though deep about what happens when u die. However they are just opinions and aren't really something u can base the reality around because u cannot confirm it as it doesn't affect your own experience which is the only experience u can work with outside of unbiased research.
I think it's crucial to base things on facts u can confirm yourself rather then rely on information from outside sources that is out of your control.
For example jesus resurrection is a nice story but total bullshit he never died or he died, because your body degrades ridiculously hard the moment it stops functioning. This is a good example of why religions aren't particularly useful to think about what really is going to happen. Because they are most of all story's or idea's rather then factual material, specially with changing documents over time which we also call open documents.
The thing about jesus or any resurrection is in the same body and character idea, u can confirm this yourself. By simple knowing your past life. While some people tend to know who they where, or at least they say. Humans also have the most irritating feature that is lying. This means u cannot confirm this unless i can confirm it for myself as i can't relay on other people's opinion because of this. And the conclusion i draw out of this is that i sadly don't know nothing or at any stage of my life anything about a past life. So this means i started with a full reset. My brain kinda remembers a lot and tends to keep detailed records of my experiences. Because i still remember things perfectly fine when i was as young as 3 years old. It's weird but that's how my brain functions. And even then i could not recall anything of a earlier past or even bits off it.
The conclusion out of this is, that i cannot relay on outside resources because i cannot confirm if they are true or not. ( however i can use research that is based on factual information and has no bias) i do not know if you function the same way as i function or if you are actually even alive to start with, i assume u are because that's how i am. But i cannot confirm that. This is where theory's come in where people come out and say well there are only a fixed amount of souls in the universe and a whole lot of nobody's that are just people that do the same thing and are programmed to do the same thing but will never be able to critical think as they have no soul or personality but just follows the flow.
Now this could be true even while it sounds ridiculous. But it could also be complete bullshit which is more likely the case. However i cannot confirm or deny it. Because i cannot control you or somebody else. So i only have limited experience in my own body and i reflect on that.
Which brings me to the next part souls.
I do think souls exist and with soul i mean something outside of your flesh and tissue.
Now we all know, that the true end game of you as person is your brain. everything else is replaceable and u will still be fine as person. If your brain gets damaged u are not. The most logical conclusion u can draw at this point is that your brain is you as person and that's it. However there is another thing where souls comes into the mix.
How come if you clone me, i will not be able to control two body's. Because i am the same brain after all. With cloned animals they behave at the end different and have different characters even while they have the same traits. That's the information that these researches come out with ( there is no reason to assume these researches lie as there is no gain by it ). This means that if you get cloned u will lose the control over the other body. Now if your brain was supposed to be really you. and it was only 1 soul connected towards it And with really you i mean being able to control that other person, then u would be able to control multiple body's through cloning or if you basically are a twin. This is not the case. Twins are also 2 individual persons that cannot control both body's. U can test this by simple putting a twin in another room ask him a question to execute something, the other will not execute it.
This basically means that as u cannot control anybody body in your family like brother/sister/mother/dad/child, u can only control your own body and u are stuck in that body and that body alone until your brain dies. So there needs to be something outside of the brain itself. The only logical explanation is there is something more. But at the same time there also isn't anything more because as twins cannot control each other.
However i still exist, and i exist now which gets me back to the start. That there is proof of something outside of a body structure by the simple fact that i exist right now. And i can only sit in this body and nobody else i can control. But why do i sit in this body and am i not my sister or my dad or the neighbor etc.
This means your brain is not the end game after all, u have something else that decides that this is you that gets control over this person. Your whole flesh body is just that a machine. Nothing more. Something connects towards it that results in you controlling it but what? well religions would call it a soul. But if a soul exists what happens with to that soul when u die? Then we get the point again u will resurrect. How long this would take, is unclear. do you keep your personality that's highly unlikely because your personality is linked towards what your brain learns so that doesn't seem likely at all. Which makes heaven and hell idea kinda a high unlikely concept. Which sounds logical as there is a reason why the religion wants u to believe in it for control.
This is why religions don't make a lot of sense even while they are super helpful in providing well though out idea's on what could possibly happen. U need to stimulate your brain in order to come towards to new idea's that so u can base new theory's on. Religions help a lot here.
Now what happens with the soul after u die.
Now that soul could be going to a parking spot until it lashes to a living being again which u could call the after life. But i highly doubt that the afterlife exists because the soul is disconnected from your brain. And your brain decides all those things. Now what decides this soul to link towards you as body is unclear because i would not know.
That's basically the idea that i get out of it.
Now to get back to religion, they don't make a lot of sense in the fact that they keep your personality ( brain ) . No matter which religion u select they all have this idea. Scientology / buddisme / even the oldest zoro religion known to men, christianity and islam, pharoa's , and jewish part etc etc etc.
However that makes zero sense as the brain dies off and with that your personality.
Your 'multi body controlling' is rather silly, but I think you're on the right way overall. My own thoughts have taken a similar path.
But why do i sit in this body and am i not my sister or my dad
There's an incest joke somewhere, though.