I didn't say movies were objectively better, I said the film industry was objectively better. The film/theater industry nearly crashed until the 1970s changed everything.
But yeah, arguing theater audience demographics is kind of muddy and pointless I guess. Covid screwed everything and theaters are probably going to die regardless.
Thanks for providing the links, some interesting reading. The 12-17 age demographic percentages are interesting. Knowing where the stats came from I looked at other year stats as well.
I honestly have no idea what overrepresented means though.
I didn't gain much from the other 2 articles though. I wrote up 2 paragraphs about them and then accidentally deleted them. Basically the library poll only had a pool of 1025 people, too small a pool to really gain anything. The creativity article was weird, it talks about a boy from 1915, then about a book written by a woman, then about jobs available now that weren't available in the past. I'd have to read the quoted book to really gain anything.