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Do you have any funny stories of you teaching people how to play video games?


I'm not sure I would call it teaching, but I was the person responsible for passing the mafia race for all friends and family and boy was I busy. The game must have sold billions based on my experience. Pretty much everyone had it and was stuck at the race. I should have charged them, now I'd own a house.
I think my fondest memory is teaching my grandparents how to play Wii games, mainly Wii Sports. They didn't get video games but Wii was the first time we actually had fun playing games together and they enjoyed all the games when they got the hang of it. Good times growing up.


I get so frustrated trying to teach non-gamers. I'm incredibly bad at it. One funny story is after teaching my gf how to race with a wheel. I come back to see her ramming oncoming cars by driving the wrong way on purpose because isn't that more fun? Of course it is.


Neo Member
I once tried teaching my friend how to play a strategy game, and every time they made a move, they’d ask, ‘Did I win yet?’ I kept joking that they were playing ‘Guess the Winner’ instead of the actual game! It turned into a hilarious session of us laughing at every wrong move.
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