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Do you like space shooters? (sexy PC demo inside)

Funky Papa

I friend e-mailed me this demo and now I am totally hooked up! The game is called Jet'n'guns and is and oldskool side-scroller shooter with prerenderd graphics and lots of pretty particle effects. The user interface is kinda tricky IMHO, but it's a great game overall, with tons of upgradeable weapons, different gun positions and rocking music with a superb C64/SID feeling.

I think I've just found my next purchase after HL2 :)


Some screens from the full version



Quick screens from the demo


That's me blowing a cow


Weapon test level


You can even kill the pilots after they jump from their falling ships :D


I tried the demo a dew days ago... and got stuck after a few minutes in the first level (the part right after the first big "cannon").

I love the genre but I apparently suck at it (Tyrian being the only exception, although I guess it's just so easy to begin with, what with the recharging shields and all). Probably the reason why I don't like the Japanese breed of shooters.
Funky Papa said:
It runs fairly good on low end computers, you just need DirectX 9.0b+ installed.

It plays smooth as a butter on my 1Ghz laptop. :)

But damn its hard, it feels like those little bullets your ship is firing has no effect at all =) And at first I accidentally played some sort of weapon test level and thought it was the main game..."wtf, this is boring as hell" :lol


At first I thought that this was a side scrolling Tyrian. :D Looks fun, might try it.

Oh, and does anyone know if those shrine maiden shooters are good? (Perfect Cherry Blossom et al)

Funky Papa

But damn its hard, it feels like those little bullets your ship is firing has no effect at all =)
The game is hardcore, try to upgrade your guns and armor plates as soon as you can or you will found yourself screwed really soon.

And at first I accidentally played some sort of weapon test level and thought it was the main game..."wtf, this is boring as hell"
Same here :lol It was not the brightest idea to put the weapon test stage the first of all.

BTW the music is composed by some rocking OGG tracks. Flight of the Koala is really an awesome tune, it sounds like something lifted from an Amiga game :)


I tried to download the demo, but it aborted after about 15% or so each time. What's the deal with the server? Are we GAF-dotting it?


Oh yeah the music rocks (got some Tyrian vibes, totally amazing). I tried figuring out who did it but all I got was Machinae Supremacy... Aren't they a "big" band? I've heard their name countless times... if someone can tell me how those songs in the game are compared to their other songs, I'd be grateful.


It's ok. The lack of gamepad support is annoying, though rectified through joy2key. Music is not bad but nothing amazing so far. Graphics are good.

The gameplay itself is very Euro-feeling. It's neat how you can upgrade your ship in many ways via the shop. However, after upgrading I went back to the sole level only to find that the enemies were now much harder, meaning I had a worse time of it than when I had weak weapons during the first run. Lame.

Funky Papa

Aren't they a "big" band? I've heard their name countless times... if someone can tell me how those songs in the game are compared to their other songs, I'd be grateful.
I wouldn't call them "big" but they have some fans out there. Their music is... different. Like mixing industrial with metal, some drips of punk and a fair shot of SID samples, kinda like the game but with lyrics.

Edited for the complainers: the developer is almost amateur, don't be so tough with them.
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