Not only am I too old for this shit, I can remember when Murtaugh first said it.
Maybe it's my naivety again, but I don't think Bush admin and Trump admin will be the same.
I think A LOT of what fell out with Bush was due to 9/11. I think it greatly dictated his next 3, and then 4, years.
In topic, I was 19 when 9/11 happened, so yeah, I was a voting adult during the Bush years. I don't recall ever feeling the sense of dread and despair I did when Trump won when Bush did.
It's no use comparing right now, but this is an entirely different ballgame. Hell it might not even be a ballgame anymore.
Remember when the CEOs from the Big Three auto companies were shamed for flying in on private jets while trying to get a bailout?
Ever since Trump won the election we've already seen a taste of what a return of Republican rule looks like. But, I realized perhaps for many new young adults they probably don't remember exactly what those Bush years were like
I'd take a 3rd Bush term over a Trump presidency.
Oh I remember. Spent all of high school and college during the Bush Administration. Wrote my senior paper about the Patriot Act. I actually used to post in poli-gaf during those days.
Even somehow have pictures saved from those days:
Those days were awful. I dread the next four years.
They voted third party in this election. I'm pretty sure it's clear young people don't remember 2000 and the fallout.
Even at Bush's worst point which I think was around Katrina, I don't think I was ever as worried about the country as I am now.
If this was your first election, you were at best 11 or 12 during the tail end of the Bush administration. I don't put much stock in that kind of memory.
Not only do I remember the Bush years, I remember the Clinton years, and some of the Bush Sr years.
Remember when Dick Cheney shot his friend by "accident" on a hunting trip.
You forgot the 2008 Market/Housing crash
remembering the Bush years is the main reason i couldn't vote for Clinton
It feels like we're going to be eternally screwed every 8 years after a Dem president because the resulting 18-25yo new voters just straight up won't remember how bad it was under an R.
I'd take a 3rd Bush term over a Trump presidency.
remembering the Bush years is the main reason i couldn't vote for Clinton
"According to Muslim teachings, God first revealed His word in the Holy Qur'an to the prophet, Muhammad, during the month of Ramadan. That word has guided billions of believers across the centuries, and those believers built a culture of learning and literature and science. All the world continues to benefit from this faith and its achievements."
"The Islam that we know is a faith devoted to the worship of one God, as revealed through The Holy Qur'an. It teaches the value and the importance of charity, mercy, and peace."
"All of us here today understand this: We do not fight Islam, we fight against evil."
"I have assured His Majesty that our war is against evil, not against Islam. There are thousands of Muslims who proudly call themselves Americans, and they know what I know -- that the Muslim faith is based upon peace and love and compassion. The exact opposite of the teachings of the al Qaeda organization, which is based upon evil and hate and destruction."
"This new enemy seeks to destroy our freedom and impose its views. We value life; the terrorists ruthlessly destroy it. We value education; the terrorists do not believe women should be educated or should have health care, or should leave their homes. We value the right to speak our minds; for the terrorists, free expression can be grounds for execution. We respect people of all faiths and welcome the free practice of religion; our enemy wants to dictate how to think and how to worship even to their fellow Muslims."
I'd take a 3rd Bush term over a Trump presidency.
Who was the name of the secretary he tried appoint to the SC?
You showed em.remembering the Bush years is the main reason i couldn't vote for Clinton
Who was the name of the secretary he tried appoint to the SC?
Maybe he is just conspiracy theory follower (So a 9/11 Truther and Bush-Vodoo-Magic-Truther) You shouldn't judge him for that.Bush White House brought us 9/11 and Katrina?
Wot...bad choice of words.
Yeah I remember 7/11 clearly, I was there helping.