DudeNymphae sounds like you'd enjoy one of my favorite YouTube channels, Cart Narcs
I always return my cart. Would hate to be a lazy bones and have someone catch me in a pit maneuver
Legiterally laugh so hard watching these
I don't walk it back into the building like some tree-hugging bitch, but I do place it in the carousels in the parking lot.
Oh, I've seen it lollol who the fuck would walk a cart back into the store, they all have carousels
I can't even count the amount of times I've gone to my car to find the wind pushed some stray cart into my car, or I find an open spot in a busy parking lot only to find it blocked by a cart some jackhole was too lazy to walk 100 steps to put it in a carousel. So yeah, I'm not an asshole and I return my cart always.
DudeNymphae sounds like you'd enjoy one of my favorite YouTube channels, Cart Narcs
I always return my cart. Would hate to be a lazy bones and have someone catch me in a pit maneuver
Legiterally laugh so hard watching these
That cart narcs guys seems like genuinely nice dude (disengaging from people with kids and whatnot). It's too bad he's going to get laid out one day.
I don't get why anyone would care if you leave them in the parking lot
Most of the time I do. I remember working at Target and having to bring in the carts from the parking lot, it was a fun part of my job collecting them from all over the lot.
I don't get why anyone would care if you leave them in the parking lot, so long as you prop it up that they won't move into a car or something and you're not leaving them in the middle of a parking spot so people can't park.
DudeNymphae sounds like you'd enjoy one of my favorite YouTube channels, Cart Narcs
I always return my cart. Would hate to be a lazy bones and have someone catch me in a pit maneuver
Legiterally laugh so hard watching these
Because they can hit other cars, it's a shitty thing to do it's just straight up laziness and being inconsiderate.
The problem is people use the curb of sidewalks or concrete sidewalks to "secure them". This usually blocks the sidewalk or blocks the parking spot and it also adds unnecessary wear and tear to the carts.
Like I said if they are propped up so as not to hit a car and not blocking any spot. Then I don't see why it matters.
Like I said in my post if your blocking then obviously that's not good. I prop them on the curb where no one walks and so that it's not blocking a spot to park. This is not adding any extra wear and tear, please.
That is far from fool proof, wind and retards move carts all the time. It's better than doing nothing, but if you care enough to attempt to prop it on something, why not just walk it to the corral it can't be more than 10 seconds away.
Maybe parking lots in your area have a lot of dead space. Yes it adds wear in tear when you hop them onto a curb or concrete curb. That's not what they are intended for and negatively impacts their expected life term.
Doubt that it would make any significant impact.
I don't use shopping carts.Real man uses his hands and feet to bring groceries to the car.
I don't use shopping carts.Real man uses his hands and feet to bring groceries to the car.
I don't have Wendy's in my city unfortunatelyThere is a sexist joke here that you missed. Not real man, confirmed.
p.s. Wendy's doesn't have shopping carts.