Hey hey hey, part of it is me not wanting to walk the cart back - and that's definitely my main motivator - But I wouldn't enable myself without a justification. Tell me - what sense does it make to walk your cart all the way back to the storefront and then all the way back to your car when other customers in the lot will also be making use of the carts? Just position the cart so it won't get in anyone's way parking (or put it in a corral if nearby) and call it a day. I tend to scope out any carts nearby when I arrive at a supermarket. Gives me a chance to try one out to find out if it has a bum wheel and saves me the trouble of arriving at the storefront to find no carts at all (either because they're all in use or because they've been left in the lot - although the ratio of which who knows, usually favoring the former if I haven't spotted any).
The triggered response is pretty heavy on this one. I've heard, "It's courtesy," but I don't see what's so great about it and I definitely don't see what's more practical about it. You guys are really upset about this but browsing through here I haven't seen a convincing argument that my way isn't better lol