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Do you smoke weed?

Winter John

I had a joint at work the other day while someone put on Fleetwood Mac. I don't know what kind of weed it was but it made them tolerable so it must've been good stuff. It was while I was nodding along to Go Your Own Way that I realized that weed is a conduit to feminine energy. That seemed real profound. Then I had some ice cream
A little sour diesel or green crack (or mix them) and that shit gives you an intense workout at the gym. Unfortunately, I don't smoke anymore. I never did to get high, just enough for the gym. Eventually I had an out of body experience that lasted for a week, apparently working out re-introduces the thc into your body somehow. After that, I was like fuuuuuuuuck this, L Citrulline is what I fucks with now for the gym. Not as effective as weed though.
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I tried it twice, stereotypically in college. First time I turned every shade of green. Second time was better but we tried to play Halo 3 and I don't think I got a single kill lol. I'll stick to booze


A little sour diesel or green crack (or mix them) and that shit gives you an intense workout at the gym. Unfortunately, I don't smoke anymore. I never did to get high, just enough for the gym. Eventually I had an out of body experience that lasted for a week, apparently working out re-introduces the thc into your body somehow. After that, I was like fuuuuuuuuck this, L Citrulline is what I fucks with now for the gym. Not as effective as weed though.

Out of body for a week. Impressive.
Out of body for a week. Impressive.
Shit was horrible, especially when you start reading about dissociative disorder. Apparently there's been a case where someone did smoke and it eventually triggered it for them and they've had it for years. Horrible feeling, but yeah that shit scared me good.


Shit was horrible, especially when you start reading about dissociative disorder. Apparently there's been a case where someone did smoke and it eventually triggered it for them and they've had it for years. Horrible feeling, but yeah that shit scared me good.

A year? That’s nuts. Wow


Shit was horrible, especially when you start reading about dissociative disorder. Apparently there's been a case where someone did smoke and it eventually triggered it for them and they've had it for years. Horrible feeling, but yeah that shit scared me good.

sounds like there's an underlying genetic quirk there, predisposition toward psychosis
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I've been smoking regularly since 16 (I'm 34 now). Lived in 2 states where it's legal Michigan and Colorado). It's becoming legal in my home state of Illinois for recreation next year.

I'm all for the nation wide legalization of it, no reason it should have ever been illegal in the first place, but we all know why that is, or at least I hope so. I don't think I'd ever move back to a state where it is illegal. Love going to the dispensaries and trying different strains of bud, concentrates, and edibles. I keep a variety of every on deck.


I've been smoking regularly since 16 (I'm 34 now). Lived in 2 states where it's legal Michigan and Colorado). It's becoming legal in my home state of Illinois for recreation next year.

I'm all for the nation wide legalization of it, no reason it should have ever been illegal in the first place, but we all know why that is, or at least I hope so. I don't think I'd ever move back to a state where it is illegal. Love going to the dispensaries and trying different strains of bud, concentrates, and edibles. I keep a variety of every on deck.
How much is an 8th oz of legal bud going for these days?
sounds like there's a underlying genetic quirk there, predisposition towards psychosis
A year? That’s nuts. Wow
I think it's lasted years and is ongoing for this person. I don't remember the case as well though, so I might be wrong about it, but yeah something triggered it. Which is what scared me after it lasted a week, not sure what demonic ma fucka I got in my genes.
I used to smoke a lot in my teens (at least an 1/8th a day percy but sometimes an oz to myself). I grew it, sold it and made a bit of pocket money.

It had a severe detrimental effect on my mental health and my best mate at the time. He would suffer bouts of psychosis and paranoia and eventually killed himself by strapping gym weights to himself before walking in to a local lake.

I had given up a few years before that happened because of the extreme anxiety and depression it caused, but the experience of my mate’s death sealed it for me. Just because it’s natural doesn’t make it safe.

I think your friend may have had other issues... I've never heard of weed affecting someone like that.
I think your friend may have had other issues... I've never heard of weed affecting someone like that.
There can be an underlying issue that marijuana can trigger it. It's rare, but it's possible. Just like vaccines, there's a rare chance that it can kill you or trigger something else, it's rare but possible.


Was it a sativa or indica?

Dunno, my friend in Austin Texas said it was the normal stuff he always smoked. They also said it takes a few times to really feel it. I Just took 2 big hits. I coughed a lot and I did laugh and have a nice time, but it wasn't all that.

Also I ate an entire medium pizza.
Dunno, my friend in Austin Texas said it was the normal stuff he always smoked. They also said it takes a few times to really feel it. I Just took 2 big hits. I coughed a lot and I did laugh and have a nice time, but it wasn't all that.

Also I ate an entire medium pizza.
Most likely a sativa. Your homie is giving you that cheap shit, tell him to fuck off with that shit. So if you want a relaxation experience, try an indica or one that has low thc and high in cbd. I think the Harlequin strain is very high in cbd and low in thc. I don't remember my strains that well anymore but yeah look for stuff really high in cbd and very low thc. They tend to be more expensive as well.
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There can be an underlying issue that marijuana can trigger it. It's rare, but it's possible. Just like vaccines, there's a rare chance that it can kill you or trigger something else, it's rare but possible.

Weed has always been potent for me and I refuse to use it anymore. I have only been high maybe 10 to 12 times total. Each time has always with close friends who regularly smoke and they were always fine and enjoying themselves. Half the time I was also be enjoying myself. Half the time I would exhibit psychosis/schizophrenia. In these instances my heart would be pounding out of my chest.

Last few times I was high I would hear my friends say things they never said. I also would see a distinct visual pattern everywhere. On the walls, on the floor, in whatever tv show we were watching. The pattern was truly not there. Seeing this pattern was terrifying because while I was high the pattern felt like some sort of entity. It was randomly associated with my childhood memories as if it had always been there and part of my life. It was scary as fuck.

If I were to use any drug regularly or have a bad enough trigger while high I fear the psychosis/schizophrenia could become permanent.
Weed has always been potent for me and I refuse to use it anymore. I have only been high maybe 10 to 12 times total. Each time has always with close friends who regularly smoke and they were always fine and enjoying themselves. Half the time I was also be enjoying myself. Half the time I would exhibit psychosis/schizophrenia. In these instances my heart would be pounding out of my chest.

Last few times I was high I would hear my friends say things they never said. I also would see a distinct visual pattern everywhere. On the walls, on the floor, in whatever tv show we were watching. The pattern was truly not there. Seeing this pattern was terrifying because while I was high the pattern felt like some sort of entity. It was randomly associated with my childhood memories as if it had always been there and part of my life. It was scary as fuck.

If I were to use any drug regularly or have a bad enough trigger while high I fear the psychosis/schizophrenia could become permanent.
Do you or anyone closely blood related family member of relatives have schizophrenia? If so, then yeah I'd stay the fuck away from it. Then again, what you're describing is closely related to paranoia which is normal, just not a pleasant experience that most people have with cannabis. However, no matter what if you're not having that great of an experience then it's just not worth using it.
Yeah if I take more than a puff or two the world starts to skip frames and my thoughts get out of control. I can chill on a puff or two. But honestly alcohol is way better. There's no buzz with weed. Shits too digital.
No, but I've been thinking it might help me to do so occasionally. I don't like being high or drunk when I watch movies, read or game though, so I'd have to do it late at night.

I used to smoke and do other drugs with friends, but stopped years ago. I've only had weed a few times since, in 14 years, and the last time would've been with my girlfriend a year ago.


Do you or anyone closely blood related family member of relatives have schizophrenia? If so, then yeah I'd stay the fuck away from it. Then again, what you're describing is closely related to paranoia which is normal

My older brother likely does. Not diagnosed though. He was heavy into shrooms, weed, acid, and nobody knows what else for years. That certainly fuel it and triggered it. He had serious grandiose delusions during that time.

If the level of paranoia I had is normal, props to all the stoners out there for dealing with it better than me haha.
If the level of paranoia I had is normal, props to all the stoners out there for dealing with it better than me haha.
I mean some people don't even get it at all, I never did, I also never got high. The only thing I eventually got was that out of body experience which just felt unreal to me. Then you gotta factor in cbd and thc percentage, for example low thc and high cbd is more relaxing to a point that most people can smoke it and function normally. Or an Indica strain that usually just knocks you out so you wouldn't even be awake to experience any paranoia. Cannabis is a weird one, some get used to a feeling, some don't. Then you get the rare ones, where you just stay away from it.

I recommend it to some of my patients and to some it's like ehh stay way from it.


weed isn't for everyone. i have known people that got very paranoid and anxious when smoking. that's fine. they don't have to smoke. know your body. you wouldn't eat peanuts if you had a nut allergy. luckily weed is way less dangerous than a nuts to someone with a nut allergy, so experimentation is possible. if it's not for you, it's not for you, and that's fine.

I had a joint at work the other day while someone put on Fleetwood Mac. I don't know what kind of weed it was but it made them tolerable so it must've been good stuff. It was while I was nodding along to Go Your Own Way that I realized that weed is a conduit to feminine energy. That seemed real profound. Then I had some ice cream

next time try listening to their album "Tusk".
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Davey Cakes

Yeah, I partake. I work a 4:30pm-1am job and when I get home I’m tired, but not tired enough to sleep. A little bit of weed (vaped and/or smoked) helps me relax so I can sleep well and be ready for the next day. It helps me put something in my stomach too, as I get do get modest munchies regardless of the strain.

On my free nights where I’m not doing anything, I may combine smoking/vaping with some alcohol for an extra fun time, playing games or watching videos on YouTube or whatever. I don’t have any other medications to help cope with the bullshit of my life so it’s nice to have SOMETHING for slight escapism other than the typical hobbies.


Yeah, I partake. I work a 4:30pm-1am job and when I get home I’m tired, but not tired enough to sleep. A little bit of weed (vaped and/or smoked) helps me relax so I can sleep well and be ready for the next day. It helps me put something in my stomach too, as I get do get modest munchies regardless of the strain.

On my free nights where I’m not doing anything, I may combine smoking/vaping with some alcohol for an extra fun time, playing games or watching videos on YouTube or whatever. I don’t have any other medications to help cope with the bullshit of my life so it’s nice to have SOMETHING for slight escapism other than the typical hobbies.

I can smoke, but not drink. A little smokey smokey is nice. One of my life goals is to smoke with TrainedRage TrainedRage


I can't smoke by myself. I get lazy hungry and sleepy in that order, no matter which strain I'm trying. If I have a group or even 1 friend to smoke with, then I vastly prefer it to drinking. Sadly, the only friend I have locally (since I moved) that also smokes has moved away recently.


I can't smoke by myself. I get lazy hungry and sleepy in that order, no matter which strain I'm trying. If I have a group or even 1 friend to smoke with, then I vastly prefer it to drinking. Sadly, the only friend I have locally (since I moved) that also smokes has moved away recently.

Sorry, that sucks. Taking a rip for you.


I can smoke, but not drink. A little smokey smokey is nice. One of my life goals is to smoke with TrainedRage TrainedRage
I much prefer smoking over drinking
I can't smoke by myself. I get lazy hungry and sleepy in that order, no matter which strain I'm trying. If I have a group or even 1 friend to smoke with, then I vastly prefer it to drinking. Sadly, the only friend I have locally (since I moved) that also smokes has moved away recently.
I would love to smoke with ALL of you! We need some type of GAF meet up. :messenger_sunglasses::messenger_peace::messenger_fire:


Been smoking from the age of 19 and have smoked almost every day since then. At this point it's not to get high, but to calm my nerves and pain regulation. I work on my feet for 8 plus hours a day in a hospital setting. If I drank I'd be an alcoholic so I smoke instead.
Never tried it myself, but sometimes im tempted just to know what it feels like when friends are using and im not.

But i still have not done because in kinda scared of using it, as im heavily against recreational drugs in general.

I doubt using it sometimes have any permanent effect though, but using it everyday has been shown to cause permanet damage on the brain, along other problems.

There is a recent scientific article from this year that proves this, i will try to find it later.

Weed does not cause brain damage or kill brain cells, nor does it affect long term memory... just short term.

Anyone in Ohio have a legal medical card? My buddy was recently telling me about how, in Ohio, you can actually get a legal medicinal marijuana card and it supposedly works the way California used to do things. But, there are very few "certified" physicians who are allowed to prescribe it and they have insane waiting lists to see them (no shocker).

From what I've heard from people in the old days in California, you could just walk in and say you have anxiety and they'd say wow man you need weed, here's your card. This thing in Ohio has a list of specific things it can be prescribed for and those doctors might feel a bigger responsibility to actually test to see if you need it:

As much as I want to be able to buy legal weed in this awful state, I just don't know if it's worth going through all this and having a doctor say I don't need it.

I had a medical card back when you needed one in Michigan. Go to a head/smoke store and they can usually refer you to a doctor that will prescribe one for you. Expect to pay an extra $1-200 plus state fees.

Not! It is very harmful for the brain! It begins to dry and work slowly.

Lol, wtf.

How much is an 8th oz of legal bud going for these days?

You can check weed maps or leafly for prices, but 8ths start at $15, depending on the quality of bud.

I wish weed made you drunk.

Edibles actually give you more of a drunk feeling, actually.
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I just bought a dab rig with a Shatterbox E-Nail. Holy fuck it’s like when I used to get my grimy hands on chronic as a teenager. Almost got too high the other night after 4 big hits. Fidgety, overly-introspective high. Think I’ve zeroed in on my preferred temperature and I stop after 2 big puffs. Seems much more cost effective than the cartridges I’ve been vaping for the past year or so.


I just bought a dab rig with a Shatterbox E-Nail. Holy fuck it’s like when I used to get my grimy hands on chronic as a teenager. Almost got too high the other night after 4 big hits. Fidgety, overly-introspective high. Think I’ve zeroed in on my preferred temperature and I stop after 2 big puffs. Seems much more cost effective than the cartridges I’ve been vaping for the past year or so.
That's pretty much my experience as well. I still do edibles and bud but only when its decent. You can get very nice wax devices these days too. I use a ceramic coil, water vaporizer.
I have a Dabbox and 4 different strains of Live Resin and 2 different kinds of shatter at the moment... gonna bust out one of the Lemon G13 (Sativa) LR either tonight or tomorrow... finishing up my last bit of Lucinda Williams live resign (well, I have another gram of it). I still have almost a quarter O of LW bud too.

If you guys are ever in the Denver area, feel free to hit me up, I can take you to or at least tell you about some of my favorite dispensaries in the area. If you guys ever were to organize a GAF Smoke Out/Meet Up I'd be down.


I smoke two joints before i smoke two joints and then i smoke two more.
Depending on what i have its either drinking or smoking.
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