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Do you think that games today are made for gamers?

Codes 208

One day I saw a 50-year-old woman playing candy crush in mobile... Is she a gamer?
No. And not just because the whole mobile debate but because the people that generally play those kind of games dont consider themselves gamers.
My grandparents also play slot games, candy crush or bejeweled on their ipads but not once have they ever considered themselves gamers as they were never dedicated to it


You are asking in the wrong forum. This forum doesn't have too many gamers discussing games. They are more interested in the drama. Whenever a good game comes out, they don't discuss much about it as the game is "boring" and it usually gets drown out by topics and discussions of other "bad" games.
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Neo Member
This is such a silly thing to say, similiar to "modern music sucks" or "there are no good new movies". Ig you look past what you wanna see to complain about, there are still great aaa games, great aa and fantastic indie scene(arguably better than ever) and no abundance of upcoming games to look forward to.


I think i know what OP meant, gotta add one simple word- core gamers.
And to formulated question like that- many western made aaa games arent made with core gamers in mind- thats why they keep on flopping, and hard =]


Gold Member
No, I don’t think many games are made with ‘gamers’ specifically in mind, that’d be a pretty narrow audience.

And gamers will buy, play, and enjoy those same games either way as long as they’re great, only maybe complain they’re too easy.


A lot of entertainment companies today are trying to chase the market that they don't already have under their thumb. So instead of producing another product that could sell millions to their previous market, they want to branch out and maximize profit by reaching new customers. And companies today are having a hard time balancing the idea of reaching that new customer base (which is hard) without alienating their current customers.

The current culture war in the US has had a massive impact on the western audiences. One side in particular, since the other side being almost completely censored on social media platforms up until recently. This has given the market place a very skewed idea of what is actually selling their products. And chasing this trend seems to have been very hard for companies outside of the US, since the culture war politics isn't nearly as prolific.

TLDR; the current market has no idea of what a gamer is, since everyone is a potential customer.
They worry about two things:

I personally do not need a cinematic presentation, it's a nice thing but I want to simply play a game. I don't know about all the social situations in the world happening now, I simply want to play the artistic vision, of an artist, how the artist meant for it to originally look, and play.

How do you feel about this?
LOL.... So much to unpack here.

  • First, clickbait title.
  • "I personally do not need a cinematic presentation, it's a nice thing but I want to simply play a game." Well, many gamers actually like that sort of thing. Gamers are not a homogenous group and judging by the fact that cinematic gaming experiences sell well, one can make the assumption that such games are being made for gamers.
  • "I don't know about all the social situations in the world happening now, I simply want to play the artistic vision, of an artist, how the artist meant for it to originally look, and play." Well, you see, now you're making the assumption that an artist doesn't want to make a game that addresses social situations. You're falling into the trap that developers aren't CHOOSING to address social issues. Is there pressure to include such things? Maybe, but gauging how much is inward vs. outward pressure is hard to say. Regardless, games are art and there have always been artists that want to comment on social issues. Wanting to play an experience led by an artist's wishes doesn't realistically reduce the likelihood of a game addressing social issues.
  • "I simply want to play the artistic vision, of an artist, how the artist meant for it to originally look, and play." Yeah, I quoted it twice. Why? Cause it's, for more reason than one, a strange thing to say. See, your clickbait title expresses that you presumably want games that are made for gamers, yet you yourself are expressing a desire to play games that were not made for gamers. You want an artistic vision that conforms to what an artist wants. This can often conflict with what a gamer wants. If you want to play games that are beholden to the artist, you will still play some great trad games, but you will also likely be playing a fair number of very avant garde, and/or cinematic, and/or socially conscious titles.
I get it. It's fun to play to the echo chamber, but c'mon... This is getting old.
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