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DoA U demo.

So aside from only getting to choose 4 characters, how many costumes/stages are in the demo, cause time attack/team mode seems pretty varied.

Musashi Wins!

MrAngryFace said:
Dont derail my thread! I just wanted to say how cool the rain/lightning stage looked.

you dont get teh ban because its not a bout yer favortie games!!1! stop stop stop!!1!1

Deku Tree

MrparisSM said:
Hmmm, I haven't played the demo to know. But in the actual game there are like 20 customes per person...

Three ladys have 20 costumes. The rest of the ladies have around 15. And most of the men have 5-8 costumes (like anybody cares about their costumes).
Most of the costumes are pretty lame, though -- largely fanservice for the anime crowd. Very few costumes are COOL, although Leon's Matrix gear rocks.
Yeah, and it's her only good one. The Kagero (Deception 2) one is okay, if a bit 80s. Her raver costume used to be okay, but they added some nasty panty fan service for the pedo crowd. The old-school butterfly/ribbon ones are just silly if inoffensive. The rest are just schoolgirl yuck, dull-ass street clothes/swimwear, or weird fetishistic crap. Where's my rockin' kunoichi gear, Itagaki you assface?
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