George Oscar Bluth II
I feel like they could easily sidestep the servant aspect by just adapting Wong from Doctor Strange: Season One.I guess Doctor Strange's Asian servant who knows kung fu and magic is fine and dandy, though.
I feel like they could easily sidestep the servant aspect by just adapting Wong from Doctor Strange: Season One.I guess Doctor Strange's Asian servant who knows kung fu and magic is fine and dandy, though.
I don't see what the problem here is, honestly. They aren't in the business to spread our politics, they are in the business of selling movie tickets. And the Chinese market is huge. If anything not excising Tibet from the movie despite the substantial financial risk would be a political statement.
I feel like they could easily sidestep the servant aspect by just adapting Wong from Doctor Strange: Season One.
Man, should've just casted George at that post trying to say Takei is wrong. Looks like he's entirely on-point to me
I don't see what the problem here is, honestly. They aren't in the business to spread our politics, they are in the business of selling movie tickets. And the Chinese market is huge. If anything not excising Tibet from the movie despite the substantial financial risk would be a political statement.
I'm pretty sure this is the opposite. China was pissed
Edit: they didn't even release it in China because of this
The page posted above was the first time Strange's origin was told, in Strange Tales #115 (1951). The Ancient One's temple was said to be in India.The ancient one was in India, not Tibet, but hey who cares about details when we can be outraged about something.
Having a Asian character recast as white is problematic for sure.
However, it might have saved this movie from extremely overdone trope of "White man learning from Asian serious skills and being a hero". It's not about any culture, as the ancient one is just the latest in a of Sorcerer Supremes. His being Asian would actually be a distraction. Less Remo Williams, more actually about Doctor Strange.
I don't buy the covering their asses for China either, I think they just didn't want to have a sterotypical old asian man and went with a woman with name recognition and now they're having to deal with backlash. I think the final film will benefit, regardless of the negative reaction.
Having a Asian character recast as white is problematic for sure.
However, it might have saved this movie from extremely overdone trope of "White man learning from Asian serious skills and being a hero". It's not about any culture, as the ancient one is just the latest in a of Sorcerer Supremes. His being Asian would actually be a distraction. Less Remo Williams, more actually about Doctor Strange.
I don't buy the covering their asses for China either, I think they just didn't want to have a sterotypical old asian man and went with a woman with name recognition and now they're having to deal with backlash. I think the final film will benefit, regardless of the negative reaction.
Absolutely agreed! People, including George Takei, are so quick to label this as yet ANOTHER case of Hollywood Whitewashing (which is absolutely something to abhor, don't get me wrong) and that Marvel are greedy and racist bastards. But, to me, it seems they're doing a fresh take (avoiding the old Asian wise man/mentor cliche and stereotype) which is absolutely consistent to all the other films. Not saying this isn't partly done for the benefit of the Chinese box office, I just don't think it's as black and white (no pun intended) as so many make it sound.
This would be absolutely true if Hollywood did not have a history of whitewashing roles. It's not a fresh take to change a minority role to a white role. This has been done since the beginning of Hollywood. Is John Wayne playing Genghis Khan a fresh take? Is the myriad of white people playing minority roles a fresh take? How exactly is this a fresh take when it's been done ad nauseam?
Nepal, Tibet?Strange #1 (2004) - in this retelling of Strange's origin he specifically travels to Tibet:
People, this is how you don't shoot yourself in the foot.Wouldn't be the first time.
People, this is how you don't shoot yourself in the foot.
This is completely irrelevant (as always) to the point he was trying to make.2008, back when no one gave a shit about China. That probably wouldn't happen today with a $150M+ film.
He was booking a flight, Nepal-Tibet. Sorry, should have posted that with the previous panel for context.Nepal, Tibet?
Wow! Way to misread my post there. What you're talking about is Yellow Face which is even worse. How is that even remotely comparable? I specifically pointed out that that whitewashing was something to abhor and avoid.
What I'm saying is Marvel is in a unique situation.
"Oho! He's a Marvel fan, of course, he'd say Marvel's SPECIAL."
No really, think about it. They're their own studio. They can portray THEIR characters however THEY like. It's not the usual case of adaptations where they sign away the rights to the characters to Hollywood where there's already a whitewashing problem and just hope for the best. And it's certainly not like REAL CHARACTERS IN HISTORY (seriously, what's wrong with you?)
According to Feige, they saw the Ancient One as somewhat of a cliche and stereotype and wanted to do something fresh and different. Specifically citing the change of Jarvis into an AI that would become The Vision. They've already changed ethnicity, race, and gender of other characters in comics AND other media. They could've made an adaptation turning Strange into some high tech Sentai warrior with the Ancient One as since kind of alien computer if they thought it could work. I'm saying they could do that, it's their character. This isn't the usual case of Hollywood Whitewashing that everyone is on board for. I think they just really underestimated the role of the Ancient One and were careless into thinking changing that role wouldn't be considered whitewashing.
Basically, I think their intentions were good and had the right idea, but so many people just see it as another "victory" for Hollywood Whitewashing and I thinks they really underestimated the response.
This is completely irrelevant (as always) to the point he was trying to make.
I feel like the same people whining about whitewashing are the same people that would be whining about Asian stereotypes and misappropriation of cultures if they had kept the character the way the comics had it.
I think most people in favour of recognizing Tibet are also in favour of recognizing Palestine.
Every major studio has been pandering to China (specifically, their Ministry of Culture that needs to approve foreign entertainment) for years.
It's why the new Ghostbusters headquarters is in a Chinese restaurant. It's why Tony Stark goes to "the best doctors in the world" in China. It's why the Chinese Space Admin involvement is entirely positive in The Martian (there's a much more lengthy political maneuvering battle in the book). It's why Sandra Bullock gets into the Chinese Space Station in Gravity. It's why parts of Looper were originally set in Paris but moved to Shanghai. It's why in '2012', the only country to think ahead to build the arks is China. It's why in Days of Future Past, one of the last hiding places from the Sentinels is China. It's why Transformers: Age of Extinction has that whole "China will defend Hong Kong" scene. It's why Pacific Rim has a whole act in Hong Kong - despite being built upon a combination of franchises from Japan.
If you know what to look for, it's absolutely rampant in Hollywood right now and has been for some time. And, to clarify, these films aren't pandering the Chinese audience - they're pandering to the Chinese government. Because if you piss them off, you don't get bad reviews or low box office numbers - you don't get to release your film, period. Or their 'totally-not-a-bribe' fee quadruples.
We have the same issue when trying to get games released in China too.
Or really, we can go to this video:
And see how black people were excluded from things like MTV to appeal to midwestern white people
Money runs the world.
Ah, okay. At a glance it looks like someone thought Nepal was a city in Tibet.He was booking a flight, Nepal-Tibet. Sorry, should have posted that with the previous panel for context.
You know what else isn't to be sniffed at? The $180mil that China got to keep for themselves.Last years team-up Avengers: Age of Ultron grossed over $240 million at the Chinese box office, a quarter of its total worldwide gross. Though Hollywood movies only receive 25% of the Chinese box office take, $60 million is not to be sniffed at.
Yes, John Wayne was yellow face, but how is whitewashing a role any better? It isn't. THAT'S the point. So what if you pointed out that whitewashing is something to abhor and avoid? You easily dismiss the concerns of those who think this is whitewashing and justify it by calling it a fresh take. How is whitewashing a role a fresh take? You haven't explained that. Why couldn't they have used another minority actor for the role? Why not an Indian actor or actress? Hispanic? Why does it have to be white?
So because they can portray their character any way they like it justifies whitewashing a role? That's fine. They can do whatever the heck they want with their characters just as people are allowed to criticize them for their choice. The reason for the outrage is that this affects REAL PEOPLE in real life. Less Asians get acting jobs, less representation distorts societal perceptions, more stereotypes are accepted in society, etc. So seriously, what is wrong with YOU?
This is the person who has movies with mostly white people. Marvel has released approximately 17 movies and the majority of the actors and actresses are white. How is this not a case of the usual Hollywood whitewashing? Please explain that cause I have not seen a great move towards diversity that Marvel attempts to make. Also, so just because they change one instance of their character makes it fine to whitewash a role? Okay, I can play that game too. Remember Thor 2? They had an Asian actor, Tabanobu Asano, playing Hogun in the movie, and for some reason, they gave him the Poochie treatment with him having to return to his home planet (and probably died along the way) and never reappeared in the movie. How is that for a laugh?
No, let's be honest here. They went with Tilda because they wanted her. They did not think through the ramifications and came up with BS excuses for their selection. However, whether those intentions were good or not, this IS a victory for Hollywood whitewashing. I don't see how you can say otherwise. I'm not sure what your race is, but if this does not affect you, then you do not understand how frustrating this is. You can say that whitewashing is abhorrent and wrong all you want, but just trying to justify Marvel's BS just shows your acceptance of this practice.
The Ministry of Culture for China has basically the same outlook on homosexuals as the Russian government does - so, in effect, this is already happening. Though they mostly just edit anything out that's an explicit expression of homosexuality or a homosexual relationship rather than not having those characters at all in global releases.
This stands out to me:
You know what else isn't to be sniffed at? The $180mil that China got to keep for themselves.
If they're getting the better end of the deal out of releasing movies in their country, why should anyone be bending over to make them happy? They release the movie they get a bunch of cash, they don't, they don't. Simple as.
How many mainstream movies have openly gay characters that you can think of?Curiously, how do they treat current western films with homosexuals and so on. I take it they only greenlight Disney/Marvel superhero films (and other "non-offending" films) to be shown?
I don't have any problem with that. Like I said, it's their character. So changing a character's ethnicity/race is fine as long as it's not white? Gotcha. What a backwards double standard you have. I mean if you want to say that's one less role that could've gone to an Asian. Hey that's fine, but I care first about the actor themselves. Skin color (including white mind you) doesn't factor in for me at all. Sorry if that bothers you.
Hey you're the one who made the stupid comparison, don't take it out on me.
It's funny you bring that up. I visited my mom in New Zealand, and she was hyping up and telling me I should see 47 Ronin. She's quite the film savant. She told me it was totally misunderstood by critics. So I saw it, and yeah, she was right. I remarked to her how it's a shame with the whitewashing in Hollywood we can't get more films like this. She agreed. So, relax, I completely agree with that.
I'm sorry this upsets you this much, I really am, but you're really tilting at windmills here.
btw, yes I know Asano was in 47 Ronin too
Honestly if you're willing to make such over analyzing and negative presumptions like that. It's probably a good thing they made "Mandarin" a mixed/ambiguous race, because with what you say above you sound exactly like the kind of person Marvel was trying to avoid offending by changing Mandarin from the caricature villain he was originally.
I agree, believe it or not. I'm sorry I'm so apathetic to your cause and not rushing to your side to protest. But I'm optimistic and upbeat by nature. Yeah, I'm also white. I'm not going to see everything as a sleight like you do (come on, that complaint about Thor 2 is WAY over the top and makes you seem like a paranoid conspiracy theorist). But like I said, I don't think it's as black and white as people see it. I think you like to believe the suits are all kicking back going "Asians? In our movies? HAHAHA! NO" That's all I'm really "defending here"
It's not racist if you cast a white woman.
Your umbrage with ppl getting offended is anything but apathetic, nor the jolly good image you tried to portray yourself
I don't have any problem with that. Like I said, it's their character. So changing a character's ethnicity/race is fine as long as it's not white? Gotcha. What a backwards double standard you have. I mean if you want to say that's one less role that could've gone to an Asian. Hey that's fine, but I care first about the actor themselves. Skin color (including white mind you) doesn't factor in for me at all. Sorry if that bothers you.
Hey you're the one who made the stupid comparison, don't take it out on me.
It's funny you bring that up. I visited my mom in New Zealand, and she was hyping up and telling me I should see 47 Ronin. She's quite the film savant. She told me it was totally misunderstood by critics. So I saw it, and yeah, she was right. I remarked to her how it's a shame with the whitewashing in Hollywood we can't get more films like this. She agreed. So, relax, I completely agree with that.
I'm sorry this upsets you this much, I really am, but you're really tilting at windmills here.
btw, yes I know Asano was in 47 Ronin too![]()
Honestly if you're willing to make such over analyzing and negative presumptions like that. It's probably a good thing they made "Mandarin" a mixed/ambiguous race, because with what you say above you sound exactly like the kind of person Marvel was trying to avoid offending by changing Mandarin from the caricature villain he was originally.
I agree, believe it or not. I'm sorry I'm so apathetic to your cause and not rushing to your side to protest. But I'm optimistic and upbeat by nature. Yeah, I'm also white. I'm not going to see everything as a sleight like you do (come on, that complaint about Thor 2 is WAY over the top and makes you seem like a paranoid conspiracy theorist). But like I said, I don't think it's as black and white as people see it. I think you like to believe the suits are all kicking back going "Asians? In our movies? HAHAHA! NO" That's all I'm really "defending here"
Damn, it's okay everyone, some of this person's favourite movies have Asians. The best actor should get the role, seriously. Whitewashing exists, but this totally isn't the bad kind because this poster thinks otherwise. We should all aspire to be this calm and rational.