Wouldn't be the first time.
Are you seriously accusing me of going the whole "My friends are Asian" route? Since when was being calm and rational a BAD thing?
I mean if you want to say I'm the dumb white guy who doesn't get it, don't beat around bush. I'm trying to be earnest here.
Edit: I guess that's already done . *sigh*
I already gave out this link in the thread. Perhaps you should read it and learn a bit more before commenting about skin color:
Plus 1 for the victim card. Poor you. You're the one who started with the what's wrong with you nonsense? Like I said, whitewashing has real world consequences. Just cause you are "color blind" does not make it okay.
This sounds exactly like those people who make racist remarks and come back with, "Oh, it's okay, so and so is my best friend cause he/she is [insert color], so I can totally say that". Can you be even more pretentious?
Sorry it does not upset you as much as me. That is what happens when privilege affords you that luxury.
There you go again with the excuses. Oh, it's people like me who are at fault here for Marvel whitewashing roles! Victim blaming at its finest. Why do you feel the need to blame people like me for asking for what is morally right rather than putting the blame squarely on Marvel? They're the ones who make these decisions. Hollywood and all those in power are the ones who make the decision to whitewash roles, but for some reason, people like me are the problem. L O L? Using your own question, are you serious???
Yeah, that's what I thought. That white privilege. Of course you won't see race as a problem in movies.
Also, it's not that they are asking "Asians? In our movies? HAHAHA! NO". It's that they don't even consider Asians at all. There is no consideration. None whatsoever. It's automatically let's go with so and so actor or actress and 99.9% of the time that person is white. You don't see a problem with that?
This is not about conspiracy theories. This is about reality and history has shown that Hollywood whitewashes roles. Where is the conspiracy in this? It's there. Read up on it.
Okay okay, you win! Uncle! Uncle!
It wasn't my intention to upset you or anyone else. When I said, "I'm sorry you feel that way." I didn't just throw it out as some "Oh boohoo" remark. I really meant that. I'm sorry I can't comprehend things like you do because of my "white privilege". I've never considered myself better than anybody. I've never been the kind of guy that just assumes the worst out of things, which was the reason I posted in this thread. Please forgive my ignorance.
How many mainstream movies have openly gay characters that you can think of?
Care to make a follow up post explaining this extremely odd example?
There are Chinese films about Tibet, and these films have been allowed by SARFT. It's more that Disney is covering their butts over the casting mess.Does China not allow any depictions of Tibet? I assume the main Dr. Strange plots don't discuss the sovereignty of the region. Why would a mere depiction of Tibet be offensive?
I would have been okay with it if the actor or actress was a minority person. Why specifically a white person? And you don't think that the Ancient One being white isn't a distraction? Just curious as to your thoughts on this since you think that an Asian actor would be a distraction.
Distraction because it's a stereotype. Now it's this odd androgenous person. She's otherworldly. Rather than an Asian stereotype, which is all over Marvel/DC comics already.
Let me be clear though. This has taken away a Asian role away from an Asian actor. No doubts about that. Do I think Asian actors should get more work? Yes. Should they be cast in a part that would be seen as hackneyed, old school asian-master stereotype? Nope. Could they have done it? Sure. Do I prefer the casting of Tilda Swinton? Hell yes.
Chicken or the egg? Does China back off first or does Hollywood grow a pair and put a gay relationship in a big-budget movie?Basically you're saying there are no examples so we have no idea how they approach this. I guess we'll have to wait for the first case study to unravel the mysteries of the Ministry of Culture that needs to approve foreign entertainment.
Hollywood has no leverage over SARFT, so isn't the outcome obvious?Chicken or the egg? Does China back off first or does Hollywood grow a pair and put a gay relationship in a big-budget movie?
Does China not allow any depictions of Tibet? I assume the main Dr. Strange plots don't discuss the sovereignty of the region. Why would a mere depiction of Tibet be offensive?
Care to make a follow up post explaining this extremely odd example?
The tdk post is so funny. It's the exact opposite of the point he is presumably trying to make.
I've seen Dark Knight 3 times and only in my most recent viewing did I connect the dots that Lau was burned alive. Yeah, I'm inattentive but it's surprisingly downplayed compared to what you'd expect.I'd think they'd be more salty over what Joker did to Lau. Nolan gave no fucks.
It's why in '2012', the only country to think ahead to build the arks is China.
That's really the scary part to me.Every major studio has been pandering to China (specifically, their Ministry of Culture that needs to approve foreign entertainment) for years.
It's why the new Ghostbusters headquarters is in a Chinese restaurant. It's why Tony Stark goes to "the best doctors in the world" in China. It's why the Chinese Space Admin involvement is entirely positive in The Martian (there's a much more lengthy political maneuvering battle in the book). It's why Sandra Bullock gets into the Chinese Space Station in Gravity. It's why parts of Looper were originally set in Paris but moved to Shanghai. It's why in '2012', the only country to think ahead to build the arks is China. It's why in Days of Future Past, one of the last hiding places from the Sentinels is China. It's why Transformers: Age of Extinction has that whole "China will defend Hong Kong" scene. It's why Pacific Rim has a whole act in Hong Kong - despite being built upon a combination of franchises from Japan.
If you know what to look for, it's absolutely rampant in Hollywood right now and has been for some time. And, to clarify, these films aren't pandering the Chinese audience - they're pandering to the Chinese government. Because if you piss them off, you don't get bad reviews or low box office numbers - you don't get to release your film, period. Or their 'totally-not-a-bribe' fee quadruples.
We have the same issue when trying to get games released in China too.
They allow depictions of Tibet. I believe what they don't allow is a positive portrayal of the Dalai Lama or showing Tibet as independent.Does China not allow any depictions of Tibet? I assume the main Dr. Strange plots don't discuss the sovereignty of the region. Why would a mere depiction of Tibet be offensive?
When Phurbu is involved in an incident involving the Dalai Lama's car, he is sentenced to have his eyes gouged out;
The ancient one was in India, not Tibet, but hey who cares about details when we can be outraged about something.
I'm currently not politically informed enough about the issue to join the discussion in a qualified capacity, but I wanted to make this post for clarity's sake and for those who aren't familiar with the comics.
Unless we think all non-american settings are used to bring in worldwide audiences now...sometimes they really are just for story and visual purposes.
is Scorsese banned from China for making Kundun?
edit: i don't think that stuff stuck out at all. kind of just proves that batman's hand is far reaching....
Hollywood makes movies, not history books.
I've seen Dark Knight 3 times and only in my most recent viewing did I connect the dots that Lau was burned alive. Yeah, I'm inattentive but it's surprisingly downplayed compared to what you'd expect.
This is exactly my point though, brother. At a series of scenes that are supposed to service the story of the film, they don't gel very well at all. They sticks out from the film like a sore thumb. You've got a story about The Joker running around, throwing Gotham into chaos...only for Bruce and Lucius to chill out in Hong Kong for a couple of days. They feel bizarrely misplaced. It's like Peter Parker going off to visit Tokyo halfway through Spiderman 2.
Hell, Hong Kong was even being used fairly strongly in the marketing before China pulled out of the distribution side of things.
There is a severe misunderstanding of how The Dark Knight was not screened in China. China didn't ban the Dark Knight. Warner Bros never sent it to China for review for whatever cultural reason that they never really outright specify.
He is.is Scorsese banned from China for making Kundun?