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Doctor Strange in The Multiverse of Madness | Spoiler Thread


Congrats. You're a bigger nerd than he is. Your memory of wandavision is impeccable (I guess) perhaps you should make a counter video telling him how wrong he is.

Edit: rlm also mentioned a poor script. Maybe you should go watch their video then write paragraphs about how wrong they are as well. sol_bad sol_bad I'd love to read it.

Ign also had script complaints. I guess everyone is wrong but you.

I liked RLM's review, they are always entertaining. My only problem is that Jay sometimes, maybe most of the times, tries too hard to be negative about things. He mentions at the start of their review that he got exactly what he expected and then later in the review mentions how a certain plot point didn't play out like he expected it to, contradicting himself. Mike seems much more down to Earth imo.

IGN doesn't really explain what the messiness is with the script. I've seen complaints about Wanda being too evil too early but if you ask me, having Wanda revealed as the villain half way through the film would have been too cliché. I really liked how they pushed her as the villain from the get go. As to her being so evil being unbelievable, they mention multiple times in the film that the Darkhold corrupts minds and the script even throws in evil Doctor Strange with a completely destroyed universe to push and show that very point.

And yeah, I'm a massive nerd. I live and breath this shit. Fact is, Critical Drinker should owe it to has fanbase to research things properly if he is going to talk about previous things in the MCU to try and make a point.
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Rodent Whores
He mentions at the start of their review that he got exactly what he expected and then later in the review mentions how a certain plot point didn't play out like he expected it to, contradicting himself.
That wasn't a contradiction.

Jay's expectation was about the style, tone, aesthetics and cinematography of a Sam Raimi Marvel movie, and that's what he got. His conversation about the plot is something different.


That wasn't a contradiction.

Jay's expectation was about the style, tone, aesthetics and cinematography of a Sam Raimi Marvel movie, and that's what he got. His conversation about the plot is something different.

Even that is a lie if that's the case. No one knew if this movie was going to be a "Sam Raimi" movie or an actual Sam Raimi movie.


Gold Member
america needs more experience/cardio she looked like she was coasting & seemed not into it wanda/dr.strange were good wanda was prolly the star for me her destroying the illuminati was dope can't wait for avatar 2 LFG


Rodent Whores
Even that is a lie if that's the case. No one knew if this movie was going to be a "Sam Raimi" movie or an actual Sam Raimi movie.
No, not really. What everyone "knew" about this movie is irrelevant. The only relevant thing to Jay's statement is what he himself expected (without knowing).

Jay expected a Sam Raimi gun for hire Marvel movie, and he said that's what the movie looked like to him, so he got exactly what he expected.


No, not really. What everyone "knew" about this movie is irrelevant. The only relevant thing to Jay's statement is what he himself expected (without knowing).

Jay expected a Sam Raimi gun for hire Marvel movie, and he said that's what the movie looked like to him, so he got exactly what he expected.

Agree to disagree. I think Jay just likes to try and sound intellectual.

Ulysses 31

Congrats. You're a bigger nerd than he is. Your memory of wandavision is impeccable (I guess) perhaps you should make a counter video telling him how wrong he is.

Edit: rlm also mentioned a poor script. Maybe you should go watch their video then write paragraphs about how wrong they are as well. sol_bad sol_bad I'd love to read it.

Ign also had script complaints. I guess everyone is wrong but you.
And then he can sink his teeth into this multi-hour breakdown of just the first 1/3 of the movie. :messenger_winking_tongue:



Just done watch it, really a non-stop trip across the multiverse, wow. Pretty great movie, Wanda’s kids have more screen time than I expected, but not for Mordo. I really like how America Chavez can just punch a multiverse portal like that

the Illuminati barely put up a fight against Wanda office moves(lol Wanda straight up sealing Black Bolt’s mouth Matrix style)…realy shows how powerful Scarlet Witch is

Also wasn’t expecting Clea to show up to invite a (Darkhold-corrupted) Strange to more multiverse adventure after the end
I am really shocked to see this. Wanda killed 4 superheroes within 1 minute
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Parody of actual AJUMP23
I liked it when Wanda was killing the illuminati. That was the best part of the movie. This movie also has real horror vibes. A chase film essentially with a lot of attempts to jump scare. I also really appreciate Bruce Campbell cameos. They have also gotten so far in the MCU, I have know idea who the characters are anymore. Like Charlize Theron at the end. No idea.

Good to have Sam Rami helming super hero movies again.


I liked it when Wanda was killing the illuminati. That was the best part of the movie. This movie also has real horror vibes. A chase film essentially with a lot of attempts to jump scare. I also really appreciate Bruce Campbell cameos. They have also gotten so far in the MCU, I have know idea who the characters are anymore. Like Charlize Theron at the end. No idea.

Good to have Sam Rami helming super hero movies again.

Charlize is playing Clea, a love interest of Doctor Strange and also a sorcerer supreme. If you remember the first film, the portal her and Strange are stepping through is the same as Dormamu's realm. She was actually introduced fairly early in the comics so I'm happy she is joining the MCU.
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And then he can sink his teeth into this multi-hour breakdown of just the first 1/3 of the movie. :messenger_winking_tongue:

Five hours and it's only the first third? Fucking hell.

I liked it when Wanda was killing the illuminati. That was the best part of the movie. This movie also has real horror vibes. A chase film essentially with a lot of attempts to jump scare. I also really appreciate Bruce Campbell cameos. They have also gotten so far in the MCU, I have know idea who the characters are anymore. Like Charlize Theron at the end. No idea.

Good to have Sam Rami helming super hero movies again.

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Ulysses 31

Five hours and it's only the first third? Fucking hell.
Well, they start at around the 37 min after everyone giving their general take on the movie and the status of the MCU and they go through most of the scenes, describing it and then criticizing it. If their descriptions are accurate, the very first scene with Defender Strange raises questions about his abilities and intelligence.
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Well, they start at around the 37 min after everyone giving their general take on the movie and they go through most of the scenes, describing it and then criticizing it. If their descriptions are accurate, the very first scene with Defender Strange raises questions about his abilities and intelligence.

Ulysses 31

I also agree that America is a nothing character but it wasn't her film. She'll get fleshed out elsewhere maybe?
If the breakdown I listened to anything to go by, being an ingrate is part of her character when she considers what defender Strange did to her as a betrayal. Even at her age she should be able to see that the choice was her or her and all the multiverses. Defender Strange's final act has able to keep her out of that monsters tentacles.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Bit how I feel when comparing phase 1-2 characters and writing to phase 4 MCU.

What didn't you like about phase 3? Aside from Captain Marvel, who wasn't even particularly prominent, I thought it was the best one lol even Thor finally got a good movie.

Ulysses 31

What didn't you like about phase 3? Aside from Captain Marvel, who wasn't even particularly prominent, I thought it was the best one lol even Thor finally got a good movie.
Didn't particularly dislike phase 3 but Endgame left a sour taste after the excellence of Infinity War. It's there where the inconsistency in world building and character developments started to jump out too much for me.
I think this film's story will make pretty big waves within the MCU. Wanda's actions might have officials and politicians start to turn against super powered people. Maybe after another incident or two they will want superheroes to undergo registration, or create power damepning cuffs or even sentinels. Someone like Trask needs to be introduced.

I really thought this would be where they would give a hint about mutants or deadpool.
Would have scored higher, but I did 100% expect some House of M where Wanda is revealed to really be a mutant and I didn't get that. My expectation got the better of me, I guess. I will watch it again in 3D.
I think it’s the opposite, I think a lot of us went in to this film wanting to love it, after no way home and some decent MCU shows like loki, this was our first big push into the multiverse. And a world class director like Rami? This had “potential best MCU film” written all over it.

But I hated it. Not because of America (loved the actress, would have enjoyed more of her). I hated it becuase it felt small and cheap when I thought we’d get grand and spectacular.

another poster pointed it out, the whole multiverse to explore and we get like 3 set pieces and a quick (though beautiful) 20 second multiverse fly through.

The illuminati area looked soooooo cheap, like a made for TV 90’s set. and what the heck was up with the cheap costumes?

also not even a mention of Loki/he who remains or anything???? whhhhhyyyy
I really enjoyed it. Also a big fan of Sam Raimi. Movie didn’t play out like I thought it would.
Illuminate was the best part of this. Black Bolt was dope as hell and Reid Richards was unexpected. Guess we aren't getting him as official Reid Richards when that comes along now eh.

Wasn't overly impressed. Expected more multiverse crazy stuff. Walked out thinking maybe I've seen too many super hero movies this last while.

That after credits scene. Was that... Psylocke?
I think this movie really tried to emphasize that this is the MCU's story. It's not the comic book story. It's not the cartoon story. It's not the thing fans keep making wild theories about. Those versions of events happen within their own universe and this movie is acknowledging that, the same way it wants viewers to acknowledge that the MCU will continue to be its own thing with it's own stories to tell. Going by that, I don't think Secret Wars and Kang's arc will go the way fans want it to, the same way Civil War didn't, the same way Thanos' motivations didn't, the same way Spiderman's origin didn't, etc.
For some reason marvel fans keep expecting it to go their way over and over with wild speculation. This movie told you no in two big different ways. Even what I predicted above your quotes could be entirely wrong and I think I've finally come to terms with that. You guys have to stop disappointing yourselves with these wild theories of Mephisto and of Xmen and of Spiderman and of Dr. Strange.
That's one thing DC has been able to stay detached from because of them constantly making new versions of their properties, because they've conditioned people to be okay with not knowing what to expect next, to not expect constant cameos, and to not expect all of those connections. Instead people judge most DC films on their own merits instead of the merits of every other past film combined.
The fourth wall breaking moment with scarlet witch was interesting. She literally looked dead in the camera at one point.
Definitely a Raimi thing. This movie actually reminded me a lot of Spiderman 1 and 2(Tobey's movies), right down to a few characters being over the top, America Chavez's arc being the cheesy innocent 'hero finding their confidence' arc, inserting the 90s Xmen theme, the villain finding their humanity in their final moments, and the horror elements combined with gruesome over the top deaths.
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One of the best MCU movies, top 3 IMOO alongside Spider-Man NWH and Endgame.

Marvel need to go easy on the parody of GotG and Thor. This movie had just the right amount of comic relief and maintained the intensity throughout.

FWIW the Wanda goes nuts and kills friends and mass murders because of her imaginary kids was actually a story arc in the Avengers comics. So this is an adaptation of comics cannon, but switch the venue. kind of like as how Planet Hulk was switched to Thor. Kudus for Marvel for successfully hiding this part. never expected it and thought this would be a team-up.

Yo, Wanda isn't taking anyones shit in that slaughter scene. And this movie finally answers who the strongest avenger is. Assuming this Cap Marvel has the exact same power level and move set as the one in the MCU films, Wanda just fucking mercs them all.

these were the scrub Illuminate. Power levels really don't matter. The script makes the characters weak or OP, dumb or smart. For example Spider-Man "defeated" Firelord the herald of Galactus and the Juggernaut. And Mr.Fantastic "defeated" Galactus and Magneto with fake guns.
We just play along for the fun and let things go, but the writers need help us by not overdoing the dumb parts.


I think this film's story will make pretty big waves within the MCU. Wanda's actions might have officials and politicians start to turn against super powered people. Maybe after another incident or two they will want superheroes to undergo registration, or create power damepning cuffs or even sentinels. Someone like Trask needs to be introduced.

The only thing is we've kinda sorta had that in the Civil War movie. I know that was primarily about the Avengers and controlling them but that's what the MCU has mainly dealt with, super powers in a few individuals. We don't have any larger groups of super powered beings like mutants or Inhumans yet. Once we do, maybe then we could see things like a registration act.

But yeah, a prior super hero turning full evil should have some sort of impact on the general populace and governments. Although, majority of what happens with Wanda in this film is away from prying eyes, Strange and Wanda talking at her cabin, the attack on Kamar-Taj and then the finally at Wundagore. The general populace wouldn't know about her involvement with Shuma Gorath at the start.

Was he jeopardizing the world with those? You mean to say his sense of responsibility didn't grow since Dr. Strange 1 and it took nearly destroying reality to finally learn?

Maybe I'm expecting too much from phase 4 regarding character development to make such assumptions...

Sorry, I totally missed this. Wong told Strange never to mess with time in the first film. Then at the end of the film when the world is in peril, what does he do, he starts reversing time and freeing Wong from that reversal, not knowing what the consequences could be. And what does Wong say when he does that, "well don't stop now", you could say that is out of character for Wong. Strange then proceeds to create a time loop which could effect the whole universe for all we know. No, arrogance and thinking he can control anything and everything is or was a part of him, and by extension he is engaged by Wong to do so. By the end of this film you can tell he has finally learnt to be more respectful of his powers and even bows to Wong at the end.
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The only thing is we've kinda sorta had that in the Civil War movie. I know that was primarily about the Avengers and controlling them but that's what the MCU has mainly dealt with, super powers in a few individuals. We don't have any larger groups of super powered beings like mutants or Inhumans yet. Once we do, maybe then we could see things like a registration act.

But yeah, a prior super hero turning full evil should have some sort of impact on the general populace and governments. Although, majority of what happens with Wanda in this film is away from prying eyes, Strange and Wanda talking at her cabin, the attack on Kamar-Taj and then the finally at Wundagore. The general populace wouldn't know about her involvement with Shuma Gorath at the start.

The fear of superpowered people is played out I think. that was the original theme of the X-Men comics from their start. The next step is to think of a different theme. Grant Morrisons X-Men run would be a great source material. Exploring a society that want's to be part of the post human world by whatever price. and teens with powers that don't care about being heroes and do what teens with powers would actually do.


I'm not sure I agree with folks saying Wandavision is required reading. I'm sure it greatly enhances the viewing, but I still understood the relatively straightforward story just fine. As a movie-only viewer, her character has been a villain in one movie, a rebellious hero who can't control her powers in another movie, and last time I saw her she was a vindictive bitch to Thanos in Endgame. Its not exactly whiplash from my pov for her to go full evil.
She isn't evil but actually insane. Wandavision explains her obsession with the kids. also how she more fully controls her power and what that power is. also a foreshadowing of what she becomes. It was thought she got things under control in the end, but instead she relapsed into a worse state.
The fear of superpowered people is played out I think. that was the original theme of the X-Men comics from their start. The next step is to think of a different theme. Grant Morrisons X-Men run would be a great source material. Exploring a society that want's to be part of the post human world by whatever price. and teens with powers that don't care about being heroes and do what teens with powers would actually do.
I feel like current Marvel taps into this from time to time, but they just don't make a full movie or show about it. Hawkeye wanted to be left alone to hang out with his family and he preferred not being recognized in public. The Eternals were living undercover for tons of years as normal people. Bucky has been making atonements and going to therapy and he only tagged along with Falcon because of the whole issue with the shield. Spiderman was even viewed as a small time neighborhood hero amongst people until Infinity War. They've been showing multiple times how people treated Strange at the wedding, how people treat Falcon, War Machine, and Bucky in public places(normally), how they treated Thor, Captain America, and Iron Man like celebrities, and also (even though this show is non-canon now) Jessica Jones didn't care about being a hero in her entire show's run, but was dragged into doing heroic acts from time to time due to the people she interacted with being so evil and messing with her friends. She ended up having no choice at a certain point. However she definitely was not a full blown hero and had moments where she used her powers to get paid or used them simply out of being annoyed.

It sounds like you want slice of life but with powers. That would be a pretty good Disney Plus show(probably as shorts), but I don't think they would put that type of idea in a theater.

The only thing is we've kinda sorta had that in the Civil War movie. I know that was primarily about the Avengers and controlling them but that's what the MCU has mainly dealt with, super powers in a few individuals. We don't have any larger groups of super powered beings like mutants or Inhumans yet. Once we do, maybe then we could see things like a registration act.

But yeah, a prior super hero turning full evil should have some sort of impact on the general populace and governments. Although, majority of what happens with Wanda in this film is away from prying eyes, Strange and Wanda talking at her cabin, the attack on Kamar-Taj and then the finally at Wundagore. The general populace wouldn't know about her involvement with Shuma Gorath at the start.
I see your point in the second half. Maybe this isn't the event that causes an extreme reaction as much as I thought it could be. If Wanda and Strange were fighting in a city like in Avengers 1 and 2 then I think there definitely would have been at least a small focus on it.

Sorry, I totally missed this. Wong told Strange never to mess with time in the first film. Then at the end of the film when the world is in peril, what does he do, he starts reversing time and freeing Wong from that reversal, not knowing what the consequences could be. And what does Wong say when he does that, "well don't stop now", you could say that is out of character for Wong. Strange then proceeds to create a time loop which could effect the whole universe for all we know. No, arrogance and thinking he can control anything and everything is or was a part of him, and by extension he is engaged by Wong to do so. By the end of this film you can tell he has finally learnt to be more respectful of his powers and even bows to Wong at the end.
To add onto this point, at the end of the day Wong and Strange are just regular guys who learned sorcery. Even though most people here hold them to an extremely high standard, Dr. Strange's flaws have been pointed out multiple times in almost every movie or show with him(or a version of him) in it. Wong has also been shown to have a little edge before, especially cage fighting in Shang Chi. Marvel must be doing something wrong with their non-dialogue storytelling though because people aren't picking these things up. The only hero who's been questionably 'perfect' was Captain America, and even someone as great as him had a few flaws.
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I feel like current Marvel taps into this from time to time, but they just don't make a full movie or show about it. Hawkeye wanted to be left alone to hang out with his family and he preferred not being recognized in public. The Eternals were living undercover for tons of years as normal people.

It was a whole different thing. teens who are anti-social, competitive, jealous and bullying with superpowers drug abuse and rejection of authority.

And those who want to be post human were harvesting organs from metahumans.
On a side note, if Marvel can do a movie like this, they should be able to also course correct and somehow humble 616 Captain Marvel. Right now she's been too cocky for her movie and endgame due to being way too powerful. I think her having a trilogy that undoes this and has her learn how a hero should act and learn from her mistakes, it could redeem her rocky introduction.


Maybe I'm not the correct audience but I've found the movie very by the numbers, not bad, fairly enjoyable, similar to basically all other marvel movies.
In my mind they are all a big shapeless blob of action scenes and weird costumes.

A nice rollercoaster of nice effects, but they're clearly the assassin's creed of movies. Decent.

I will forget everything in 2 days, as usual.

Ulysses 31

Of this guy's last 5 videos 3 of them have DISASTER (in all caps, no less) in the title. Really working that schtick for that algorithm.

Media criticism has really fallen off a cliff. So much of it now resembles this:

Disney productions and disaster seem to go hand in hand these days. :messenger_winking_tongue:

Linus Tech Tips had a video how to make effective video thumb nails for the YT algorithm so you can't really blame him to play into that game, now can you?

And bad YT thumbnails/titles doesn't have to mean low quality criticism.
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Disney productions and disaster seem to go hand in hand these days. :messenger_winking_tongue:
And yet this style of youtuber won't cover anything else. Because they know getting mad (or at least pretending to) about popular things drives views. So they don't look beyond a small handful of franchises in terms of what they cover and can only talk in hyperbolic terms about something being a DISASTER or DOOMED.

Ulysses 31

And yet this style of youtuber won't cover anything else. Because they know getting mad (or at least pretending to) about popular things drives views. So they don't look beyond a small handful of franchises in terms of what they cover and can only talk in hyperbolic terms about something being a DISASTER or DOOMED.
Well, he grew up with golden era DC and Marvel comics (pre-2009) when he sold them in his comic shop and he's seeing it being defiled in modern comics and movies. I think he lays out his issues well enough with the modern stuff to make me believe he's not just grifting and I'm glad there's people like him pointing it out. He also covers a lot of Lord of the Rings and he points out how it's not honouring Tolkien's earlier work with receipts.

You can't deny Disney is a goldmine for pointing out "modern day" trends in their adaptations and continuations (Star Wars).
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Perpetually Offended
Well, he grew up with golden era DC and Marvel comics (pre-2009) when he sold them in his comic shop and he's seeing it being defiled in modern comics and movies. I think he lays out his issues well enough with the modern stuff to make me believe he's not just grifting and I'm glad there's people like him pointing it out. He also covers a lot of Lord of the Rings and he points out how it's not honouring Tolkien's earlier work with receipts.

You can't deny Disney is a goldmine for pointing out "modern day" trends in their adaptations and continuations (Star Wars).

So... He's lamenting that things aren't EXACTLY how they were in the books?

I'm sorry but the LOTR movies are MASTERPIECES! So what if Tom Bobadil isn't in it?? They're movies... They can't go on for 15 movies to tell one story. You have to keep the average movie goers engaged.

These Marvel and DC movies don't have to follow the comics 100%. I appreciate the direction they've gone but I don't need a perfect recreation of Crisis on Infinite Earths, Secret Wars or Civil War or any specific runs of any of the characters. Give me things INSPIRED by those stories which give me new things to watch and make them good IMO, and you have my money.

Ulysses 31

So... He's lamenting that things aren't EXACTLY how they were in the books?
I think it's more he's seeing character assassinations and changes made for the worse rather than things not being 100% adapted. He's liked the earlier MCU movies and some of the later ones like Infinity War and No Way Home.
I'm sorry but the LOTR movies are MASTERPIECES! So what if Tom Bobadil isn't in it?? They're movies... They can't go on for 15 movies to tell one story. You have to keep the average movie goers engaged.
The things I've seen him point out are things that seem to go against things Tolkien established(how female dwarfs look which Hobbit got right or that the new Tolkien scholar said that the modern era had to be reflected in the series). Galadriel being a commander of armies seems a bit far fetched(You'd think Tolkien would've written about it she was waging wars) or how they're creating entirely new characters rather than using one of the many characters that are written about.
These Marvel and DC movies don't have to follow the comics 100%.
They don't but the if the new stuff is a lot worse(in his opinion), he can make videos telling/showing us why.


I think it's more he's seeing character assassinations and changes made for the worse rather than things not being 100% adapted. He's liked the earlier MCU movies and some of the later ones like Infinity War and No Way Home.

Of course he liked MCU in 2008-2018, it wasn't cool to hate the MCU back then. Go through Nerdrotics old videos, he actually had nuance to them. He eventually caught on where the money is at. Outrage, and it started with Dr Who. His views on his channel most likely don't even reflect his real opinion, he probably secretly enjoys the majority of what he shits on.

Ulysses 31

Of course he liked MCU in 2008-2018, it wasn't cool to hate the MCU back then. Go through Nerdrotics old videos, he actually had nuance to them. He eventually caught on where the money is at. Outrage, and it started with Dr Who. His views on his channel most likely don't even reflect his real opinion, he probably secretly enjoys the majority of what he shits on.
Could it be that earlier MCU movies weren't made by Disney and their injection of politics? And I think he grew with his Game of Throne critiques which is also a good example of things turning sour by bad writing and inconsistent world building.


Could it be that earlier MCU movies weren't made by Disney and their injection of politics? And I think he grew with his Game of Throne critiques which is also a good example of things turning sour by bad writing and inconsistent world building.

What politics are in the MCU?

Ulysses 31

What politics are in the MCU?
There seems to be a strong push for more prominence of women. Not bad in itself but in MCU it's often at the expense of the men and the storytelling. Men get humiliated(Loki, fat Thor, dabbing soy Hulk, getting kicked in the balls by women) while the women get forgiven or made excuses for(Melina in BW, Wanda in WV and MOM, Carli in F&W, Captain Marvel killing lots of her former colleagues without checking if they were mind-controlled/mislead like she was first). We don't really see men tutoring women or overpowering them in combat anymore the reverse is now more likely to be the case.

Feige has said that he's working towards having more female heroes in the MCU than male ones which seems like a strange goal to have unless it's ideology driven.

Ulysses 31

I don't understand the messy script criticisms either. Everything about the story is easy to understand.
It's more characters acting out of character, not using abilities they were shown to have, spectating instead of helping, monster stabbing Defender Strange but later on it only does grabs. Strange knows the enemy is a witch(witchcraft) and doesn't think for a second Wanda could be involved when he knows she's now a witch who enslaved a town before. Thinking she did the right think in Westview is also questionable coming from Strange.

There's also a surprising lack of calling in help from other heroes when the entire multiverse is at stake.

Also seems like character assassination of Wanda with the lack of Vision in her view of a perfect world.
PS: Wanda wasn't forced to let Westview go, no one can force her to do anything, which this movie clearly shows. So again he isn't paying attention to what these stories are telling him.
Doesn't have to be physical force, eventually Wanda knows she's enslaving a town and will get increasingly more push back over time. And then there's the bad optics of continuing to enslave people when she's fully aware of the situation.
PSSSSSS: Fuck me dead, then he brings up the point about Hayward holding Westview hostage in Wandavision because they have the guns. At that point in the story, Wanda isn't fully aware of what is happening.
To me it seemed the show was portraying Wanda as giving a good snappy comeback with her guns comment when the optics are very much against her.
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Well, he grew up with golden era DC and Marvel comics (pre-2009) when he sold them in his comic shop and he's seeing it being defiled in modern comics and movies. I think he lays out his issues well enough with the modern stuff to make me believe he's not just grifting and I'm glad there's people like him pointing it out. He also covers a lot of Lord of the Rings and he points out how it's not honouring Tolkien's earlier work with receipts.

You can't deny Disney is a goldmine for pointing out "modern day" trends in their adaptations and continuations (Star Wars).
People always view the stuff they grew up on that way and complain that it’s no longer as good as it used to be. Besides, isn’t the golden era of comics the, you know, Golden Age of comics?

Yeh, The Lord of the Rings is one of the small number of things he covers. You can't tell me that you can look through his list of videos and think it covers a broad range of topics. Lots of films he could be covering but instead it's the same few corporate franchises over and over. It's not only boring to have a critic who only covers a small range of stuff but if they also only have a small number of works to draw on then it makes their perspective really limited. I mean, shit, in that Dr Strange video you posted he can't help himself from bringing up Star Wars after a couple of minutes. The snake is eating its own tail.

It being a goldmine is my point. The youtube grifters churn out the same formula, serving an audience who just want the same stuff over and over again. Look at how formulaic the thumbnails and video titles are. It's such a soulless, tedious form of criticism, and that's not even getting into how they ignore any of the technical aspects of filmmaking and only talk about the plot. They're not looking to provide anything meaningful to their audience, just chase the clicks.

Ulysses 31

People always view the stuff they grew up on that way and complain that it’s no longer as good as it used to be. Besides, isn’t the golden era of comics the, you know, Golden Age of comics?

Yeh, The Lord of the Rings is one of the small number of things he covers. You can't tell me that you can look through his list of videos and think it covers a broad range of topics. Lots of films he could be covering but instead it's the same few corporate franchises over and over. It's not only boring to have a critic who only covers a small range of stuff but if they also only have a small number of works to draw on then it makes their perspective really limited. I mean, shit, in that Dr Strange video you posted he can't help himself from bringing up Star Wars after a couple of minutes. The snake is eating its own tail.

It being a goldmine is my point. The youtube grifters churn out the same formula, serving an audience who just want the same stuff over and over again. Look at how formulaic the thumbnails and video titles are. It's such a soulless, tedious form of criticism, and that's not even getting into how they ignore any of the technical aspects of filmmaking and only talk about the plot. They're not looking to provide anything meaningful to their audience, just chase the clicks.
There's a difference between not being as good as and being disrespectful to the source material. His complains are usually the latter.
Him mentioning Star Wars, which is also under the umbrella of Disney now, does not seem off base considering how the sequel trilogy and most Disney series turned out so far. It's another good example of current generation not understanding what made the older stuff so beloved or they just don't care and are selling out.
You can't deny a lot of reboots and modern sequels do end up kind of terrible most of the time and if you can make money pointing it out I don't see a problem with it. He usually does go the extra mile and does comparisons with the older stuff and doesn't just say it's bad and be angry.
I don't see how you can judge his criticisms as soulless when he's familiar with the source material. He may be repeating a lot of his criticisms but that's because there's a lot of formulaic wokified material being chummed out these days.


There's a difference between not being as good as and being disrespectful to the source material. His complains are usually the latter.
Him mentioning Star Wars, which is also under the umbrella of Disney now, does not seem off base considering how the sequel trilogy and most Disney series turned out so far. It's another good example of current generation not understanding what made the older stuff so beloved or they just don't care and are selling out.
You can't deny a lot of reboots and modern sequels do end up kind of terrible most of the time and if you can make money pointing it out I don't see a problem with it. He usually does go the extra mile and does comparisons with the older stuff and doesn't just say it's bad and be angry.
I don't see how you can judge his criticisms as soulless when he's familiar with the source material. He may be repeating a lot of his criticisms but that's because there's a lot of formulaic wokified material being chummed out these days.
There's plenty of stuff that comes out that isn't the few franchises that he chooses to cover over and over again. Why do you think his coverage is so limited? To pick two recent films, where's the coverage for The Northman or Everything, Everywhere All At Once? Only covering the same few things over and over because you are being driven by what generates the most clicks is soulless. Just being familiar with the original source material doesn't make someone a good critic. Film/TV is a medium made up of different elements and a good critic should be able to delve into and comment on the use of all of those. Does he talk about things like shot composition? Reference a wide range of works to help put the work in context? Nah, it's just complaining about plotholes and bitching about wokeness.


There seems to be a strong push for more prominence of women. Not bad in itself but in MCU it's often at the expense of the men and the storytelling. Men get humiliated(Loki, fat Thor, dabbing soy Hulk, getting kicked in the balls by women) while the women get forgiven or made excuses for(Melina in BW, Wanda in WV and MOM, Carli in F&W, Captain Marvel killing lots of her former colleagues without checking if they were mind-controlled/mislead like she was first). We don't really see men tutoring women or overpowering them in combat anymore the reverse is now more likely to be the case.

Feige has said that he's working towards having more female heroes in the MCU than male ones which seems like a strange goal to have unless it's ideology driven.

I have never seen a quote from Feige saying he wants more female heroes than male heroes. He wants to even the playing field, and guess what, a lot of women that love the MCU love seeing more female heroes. Anecdotal evidence but my wife, mum, sister and Bruce's are examples of this. They still like the male heroes more but they are really happy that the female heroes generally aren't sexualised and aren't damsels in distress.

And I had no idea including women was a political move, I thought it was just a smart business decision since the MCU is the most popular and profitable franchise on this planet ever.

I can't engage you in your specific criticisms because they aren't your criticisms, they are someone else's and you just happily accept them. If you ever watch a movie or a show before watching a 4 hour "criticism" video and form your own untainted opinion I'll be happy to engage.

Actually, a few things.
1: Fat Thor being a fat joke, fat jokes have been around for decades and I bet the people complaining about fat Thor have laughed at fat jokes 100 times before. Narratively, it made sense for Thor to get fat during a depressive stage of his life. Thor was a more comedic character in both Ragnarok and Endgame, most humorous moments were not related directly to him being fat. On top of that there were some really good, down to Earth and emotional scenes between him and his mother which were sorely missing from Thor 1 and 2 which made her death very "unrewarding" because you didn't care about their relationship.
2: Women kicking a guy in the balls scenes have been around for decades causing people to laugh.
3: Again, it's really weird that people will complain about Captain Marvel killing people but will happily watch Stallone, Van Dam, Segull and Schwarzenegger kill henchmen without asking if they have families they need to care for or if their boss is blackmailing them.
4: Men over powering women. Is this in regards to normal everyday female characters or female superheroes? If if you mean the former, they generally do need help in MCU movies. If you mean the later, what's the point of a female super hero if they are a damsel in distress?
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