Congrats. You're a bigger nerd than he is. Your memory of wandavision is impeccable (I guess) perhaps you should make a counter video telling him how wrong he is.
Edit: rlm also mentioned a poor script. Maybe you should go watch their video then write paragraphs about how wrong they are as well.sol_bad I'd love to read it.
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Review - IGN
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is a Sam Raimi movie from top to bottom, for better and
Ign also had script complaints. I guess everyone is wrong but you.
I liked RLM's review, they are always entertaining. My only problem is that Jay sometimes, maybe most of the times, tries too hard to be negative about things. He mentions at the start of their review that he got exactly what he expected and then later in the review mentions how a certain plot point didn't play out like he expected it to, contradicting himself. Mike seems much more down to Earth imo.
IGN doesn't really explain what the messiness is with the script. I've seen complaints about Wanda being too evil too early but if you ask me, having Wanda revealed as the villain half way through the film would have been too cliché. I really liked how they pushed her as the villain from the get go. As to her being so evil being unbelievable, they mention multiple times in the film that the Darkhold corrupts minds and the script even throws in evil Doctor Strange with a completely destroyed universe to push and show that very point.
And yeah, I'm a massive nerd. I live and breath this shit. Fact is, Critical Drinker should owe it to has fanbase to research things properly if he is going to talk about previous things in the MCU to try and make a point.
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