I've been reading the Dr Who threads on NeoGaf for as long as I can remember, before I got my account approved and I've always seen people talking about how bad some episodes where and they make me think I must be a really bad person and like crap cause I don't think there is an episode of New Doctor Who I didn't enjoy when I first saw it.
Heck I even enjoyed Fear Her to a degree and that seems to be one of the most despised episodes in New Who. I'll agree it was the best moment of New Who, but I did enjoy it. Same with Love & Monsters, I liked it being a different take on things then what we are used to.
I will admit in hindsight looking back the ending to series 3 does annoy me now, but I swear I didn't mind it at the time.
As for the most recent episode, enjoyed the hell out of it as usual. I do wish it had been a little drawn out more, like an extra 10 mins just to flesh some stuff out, same could of be said for the previous episode I guess. It does give you alot of stuff to digest really quickly. Was left saying what the hell at the ending, really can't wait to see where that leads. And I really want to know whats the deal with the eyepatch lady.
On a side note after I watched the episode I was left wanting more Doctor Who so I got around to watching some Sylvester Mccoy with Remembrance of the Daleks, really enjoyed it, I like Sylvester's take on the Doctor, its a shame he didn't get another year or 2 to go where he wanted to with the role. Also I'm in love with Ace, my god was she amazingly cute.
Out of interest does anyone know what the public reception at the time was to Sylvester taking on the role, I read that part of the Dr Who fandom where against the idea of him being cast, but looking at him in the role he really was perfect for it. Its a shame the series was where it was at the time in the 80's, would of loved to have seen some more well written stories behind him. Def going to have to watch Happiness Patrol next, and can't wait to get to Greatest Show in the Galaxy, I have vague recollections of watching that as a kid just as Doctor Who was ending, apparently its a pretty good ep so looking forward to it muchly.