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Doctor Who Series 9 |OT| Let Zygons Be Zygons


Bet they're transmat beams.


I'm really ready for Moffat to move on, I'm just really bored of his writing style now. I haven't really liked an episode of his since Eleventh Hour.
Capaldi continues to be awesome however.

It's all over the place and his pacing is shit.


I genuinely don't know how the tension is going to be able to "ramp down" for episode three, considering there's not a hope in hell the jeopardy can be kept up the entire season, and the middle of the series will need to be a bit calmer.


I like the idea that Davros considers compassion to be the doctors weakness, but it was the one time he wasn't compassionate that may have created him.

Although why kill him? Surely the thing to do would be to help him on the battlefield, so he doesn't go all crazy? And anyway, how did he get away from Davros in order to time travel back there?

Also Capaldi sounding more and more like Tom baker, which is great


Well, that was great and confusing and weirdly paced and funny and unexpected.

I liked it, but it was too much. You expect a two-parter to be able to breathe, but apart from a very brief exposition scene when they are transported by Davros' servant that calmed things down, it was a far cry pacing-wise from recent Moffat-episodes such as Deep Breath (the second half, specifically), Listen and Dark Water.

Visually it was brilliant; they've once again upped the ante in terms of lighting, and I thought the effects (especially the snake reveal) looked great. Individual moments and scenes such as Capaldi grinding that axe like a boss, Sarff sliding through that Cantina-esque place containing some familiar alien faces, and the pre-intro sequence were really enjoyable. In general the beginning of the episode was really good, but the swift changes of locales, the sometimes confusing plot and dialogue weared on me a lot towards the end.

I hope the second part slows thing down (though it's most of the time the second part that is the most fast-paced, so I don't know what to expect), because I think this story has some great potential to end up being more than just good.


Loved the opener, had tension and of course missy being back is great along with the whole I'm his best friend speech and of course the doctor just proves it by stating why she is his best friend.

9 out of 10 for me.



Edit: Thought this was new, I forgot they showed them all in a trailer.


Thought the episode was entertaining enough.
The only part of the episode that I thought were dragging its heals were Clara and Unit. Clara and Unit basically served to setup the plot. Literally all instances of Clara's dialog were asking something that the viewer either doesn't know or probably can't be asked to remember. The setup could have been better without Clara. Just saying ... Missy holds her own. The show's premise is crazy as it is and didn't need the overbearing exposition. That part of the episode could have been played off by Missy sparing words with Kate ... who must have lost all her memory after that fall last season. Clara and Missy on a laptop in this whole, "Rushed plot, can't help you to trust me even though, literally, murdered people, and want to kill you, and I'm a time traveller" ... Doctor Who in general hasn't had this Marty McFly revelation that they have all the time they want ... otherwise they'd be sitting it out and coming up with a solution about 70% of the time in the Tardis or somewhere else.

The linked time displacement units between Missy and Clara were an obvious plot point. Wouldn't be surprised if that's how they both survived the end of this episode (and casually explains further how Missy survives the end of the last season/series).

Questions I have are why the Doctor doesn't have his screwdriver. Whether the Daleks destroyed the real Tardis. How much time has passed between The Doctor visiting Skaro.

I kind of feel that the end of this episode is and probably the whole story arc is going to get resolved in a paradox or "day is saved, deal with it" predictability given they didn't go into any depth about Missy or Davros survival (from either as a child or the last appearance from the 10th Doctor's run). I hope Clara dies ... like, for reals, Missy marks her words and she kills her at the end.


probably one of the best episodes in a while. nice opener to this series and just doubles down on the fact capaldi is perfect in this role.


Good first episode. Missy is such an entertaining character, how she's a protagonist for now but her unpredictableness and joy of senseless murder is still present.

I have to admit though, a lot made me groan. All that "The Doctor is dying" stuff made me completely switch off from series 6 onwards and ended in the exact dumb cop-out you knew it would. Moffat's bad habit of killing off characters who would never stay dead is rather annoying. Death in Heaven and Dark Water made me think he'd realised how to actually shock people with important character deaths but this just feels like series 6 again. Perhaps I'm a pessimist and things will get better. A lot of interesting things happened this episode and it really was a great way to open things up. Excited to see where they go from here
Really great episode. Ranks highly among new who for me.

Missy steals the show again she is really great.

Julian Bleach is a superb Dave Ross, honestly one of my favorites things about who since it's return has been his performance.

I can't think of a stronger opener for a series, Hopefully this sets the tone for the rest of the season.

Fucking loved it


Wasn't especially impressed with that episode. The pacing was dreadful, and the false tension they're setting up is very transparent. Might be better once the story is actually concluded.

I'm full of unpopular opinions, though. I thought Season Eight was the best season since Five.

EDIT: How many times has the Doctor been destined to die at this point? I've lost count. It seems when Moffat writes an episode, the Doctor has to dance with mortality.


Quite liked the episode.
The Maldovarium felt like RTD era, with a bunch of different aliens (and Oods!) and it was nice to see Shadow Proclamation and Karn (with the actress that did the Night of the Doctor special). It also has the best usage of old footage Moffat has done so far (the one with the fourth doctor).

Missy was pretty good and "How's your boyfriend? Still tremendously dead, I expect" slayed me. If we never see Danny Pink again, it would still be too soon. Hopefully he stays dead, but then again, this is Doctor Who.

I didn't get how Clara figured out where the Doctor was and, most importantly, when.
I love that they bothered to get the previous actors back not just for Davros, but also for Shadow Proclamation lady. That kind of detail is always appreciated.

Plus, hey, Judoon still look cool as fuck.
I love that they bothered to get the previous actors back not just for Davros, but also for Shadow Proclamation lady. That kind of detail is always appreciated.

Plus, hey, Judoon still look cool as fuck.

Yeah, I was pretty surprised they either rebuilt or used the same CGI model for the Shadow Proclamation. Since it was featured for about 4 seconds previously I figured they would just ignore it.

Also is "The Maldovian" Dorium Maldovar's bar? That's some neat world building.


It felt like the shortest Who episode I have ever watched, so that's a good sign. I hope Moffat has a good resolution for this story (but after the season 6 fiasco, I doubt it). I can't wait to see the rest
and be disappointed...
I love that they bothered to get the previous actors back not just for Davros, but also for Shadow Proclamation lady. That kind of detail is always appreciated.

Plus, hey, Judoon still look cool as fuck.
This is the closest that the series has felt to the RTD era (in detail, not tone) in a good long while. Shadow Proclamation! Judoon! Ood! Hath! Sycorax! Torchwood's Blowfish! TSJA's Skullions!

Nice to see that the Shadow Proclamation has upgraded from upscale leisure centre to stately home, too.


Wasn't especially impressed with that episode. The pacing was dreadful, and the false tension they're setting up is very transparent. Might be better once the story is actually concluded.

I'm full of unpopular opinions, though. I thought Season Eight was the best season since Five.

EDIT: How many times has the Doctor been destined to die at this point? I've lost count. It seems when Moffat writes an episode, the Doctor has to dance with mortality.

Do you happen to be a splintered version of me (or vice versa)? Because your opinions in this post mirror those of mine exactly.


I really liked it. Felt it dragged in the middle, especially the scene where Clara figured out where the Doctor was. That was the worst part of the episode. Everything else was golden, and Missy is amazing.

Really wondering how they're going to deal with Kid Davros and I'm also wondering if they're going to ever explain how Davros survived (probably not lol).
About the only complaint I have is going back to
"The Doctor is going to die" well AGAIN
but all in all, that was a cracking opener. Only dragged a bit in Essex.

And man, is Missy the best or what? Gomez just knows how to play this character to a T.



  • Great fantasy creature concepts as usual, i.e. "hand mines" and the snake person. I squee'd a bit at both.
  • Good performances from Peter, Jenna, and Michelle as always.
  • Plenty of dramatic tension.
  • Fantastic pre-credits sequence, even if it relies too heavily at the end on the audience knowing who Davros is.
  • Excellent callback to Genesis, and not just gratuitous as most of the "classic clips" feel but really worked within the framework of this story. (Although, how does Davros have those clips?)
  • The special effects were really a cut above.

  • PLEASE. ENOUGH storylines about "the Doctor's last day" and his impending death. This plot device can't have been used any fewer than four times during Moffat's tenure. The Doctor's murderer. The Doctor's grave. The Doctor's last will and testament. The Doctor's exorbitantly expensive funereal bill. Enough. How many times can this man march solemnly to his end? Doesn't Moffat get bored of writing this same scene over and over?
  • Missy didn't seem to have much reason to be there.
  • For that matter, neither did the Daleks.
  • Felt more like a series of interesting vignettes than a cohesive episode.
  • Blowing up the TARDIS no longer shatters the fabric of the universe? Why did they have to bring it to Skaro to destroy it instead of blasting it where they found it?
  • "Didn't die, not important why, moving on." The hand-waviness was in full effect. It was the climactic moment of the previous season for Chrissakes! (Although at a guess, this might be explained next week as the same way Missy and Clara manage to survive getting similarly vaporized.)
  • A two-parter to start a season off is kind of a downer.
The Daleks appeared for five minutes at the end of the first half of a two-parter. It is FAR too early to be saying their appearance is pointless.


That doesn't make their presence in a Davros story pointless.

Sure. Just saying, a Davros story doesn't necessarily need to be a Dalek story. I actually like both better without the other being involved; together, it's like they diminish one another.


That was exactly the sort of dynamic I wanted to see from Missy as an ally. Just wasting people left and right because she knows that she's too important to kill.


The doctor's death was likely a ruse to get Missy to show her face after he suspected she wasn't dead.

Davros and co came along for the ride


Excellent opener. Entertaining and very well-directed.

Will be hard to give a final grade until we see Part 2.

My only complaint (as others have said), is that Moffat's used the whole "Doctor's last day, etc." thing a few times already.

  • PLEASE. ENOUGH storylines about "the Doctor's last day" and his impending death. This plot device can't have been used any fewer than four times during Moffat's tenure. The Doctor's murderer. The Doctor's grave. The Doctor's last will and testament. The Doctor's exorbitantly expensive funereal bill. Enough. How many times can this man march solemnly to his end? Doesn't Moffat get bored of writing this same scene over and over?

  • wait what?

    oh boy.

    Fuck you, Moff.


The weird thing is that I used to think that Moffatt's problem with pacing was due to writing enough material for two episodes and then cramming it into one and that two-parters coming back would help his stuff breath. But now we have two-parters again and he's still writing way too much material.
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