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Doctor Who Series 9 |OT| Let Zygons Be Zygons


An actual decent episode with good pacing and a nice balance between drama and humor?? And written by Moffat?!

Holy Shit.

2 parters give the show room to breathe and the combined running time is on par with the older serials..


Kills Photobucket
Am I insane to think that Michelle Gomez is the best Master since Richard Delgado?

She's funny, and absolutely menacing, unlike Simms who just felt like a joke all the time. She is amazing in the role, and she and Capaldi play off each other so well.
Am I insane to think that Michelle Gomez is the best Master since Richard Delgado?

nope, I grew up with Ainley as the Master and discovered Delgado much later. Gomez is the best Master in 40 years!
er, so Spanish names= great Master



Mixing in the old-style '60s Daleks was a neat touch. It looks like they've assimilated the props from "Adventures in Time and Space" into the regular Dalek army.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Yeah, two parters are so much better.

It gives the series room to breathe, and having a mini story arc really does create a huge sense of urgency.

I hope they continue this format beyond Series 9
That was a great episode outside of the awful unit and tank scenes. The kid revelation was great. For once I wasn't spoiled with doctor who
What a load of horseshit.

Whatever happened to Doctor Who having quality storytelling? This was just a complete mess on every level. The plot was convoluted and spent a lot of time going nowhere, and the story is just a bunch of disjointed fanwank nonsense. What was the point of going from Skaro to Karn to the Shadow Proclamation to wherever to Missy suddenly coming back in 10 minutes? This would make even the most amateur of fanfiction writers blush. It's just an embarrassment. Even Warriors of the Deep wasn't this bad.

Beyond that, the state of Skaro makes no sense in the sections with young Davros. The technology is completely out of wack with anything we've seen from there in the past (even Genesis, the story this episode is trying so hard to be), and the creatures reaching up from under the ground have no connection to anything related to it. So it's not even continuity that actually connects to anything.

The Doctor is also not at all like the Doctor here. I remember the days when the Doctor tried to avoid interfering in history. Now he relishes in it. Bringing out tanks and electric guitars into history and bragging about it. This is not the Doctor. This is not Doctor Who. This is a perversion wearing the face of a once great show.

The dialogue remains pretty terrible throughout the whole episode, Davros is completely wasted, and Clara just kind of stands around without showing much of a personality. There is really nothing here to even remark on positively. Moffat also is taking his whole "greatest hits" thing to new heights, going back to the whole "this is the absolute end of the Doctor's life and here's what he does on his final day" bit again. This is like four times in the past five years now, right?

What a trial to get through.


That was alright I guess.

It was yet another death of the Doctor story. The twists were easy to see coming a mile away, the cliffhanger is ridiculous as we know Missy, Clara, and the TARDIS are safe and we know the Doctor won't actually kill young Davros. Clara had no personality. The snake guy is dumb.

At least Missy was entertaining.


The Doctor is also not at all like the Doctor here. I remember the days when the Doctor tried to avoid interfering in history. Now he relishes in it. Bringing out tanks and electric guitars into history and bragging about it. This is not the Doctor. This is not Doctor Who. This is a perversion wearing the face of a once great show.

I think they were all human Daleks so history is inadvertently saved? Now that I think about it ... it doesn't make sense. Snake-Robe Man was looking for The Doctor and followed Missy and Clara somehow ... but how the Daleks could have plants is beyond me. Actually, do Daleks have time travel? The whole when/where of that scene confuses me.


I will say i agree that the pacing was all over the place though. They seriously could've cut down on a lot of scenes or all this whizzing about between locations with no discernable reason. The return of the shadow proclamation was cool though. I am hoping they would give them a more substantial role this time around as I always liked the concept

Davros and the Shadow Proclamation give me horrible flashbacks to RTD's garbage series 4 finale. Cliffhanger is stupid because the Doctor is not going to murder a child and there's no way Clara, Missy, and the Tardis are all dead.

Also, I'm going to lose my goddamn mind if Davros is the main antagonist of the series. Make up new villains that serves as more than monster of the week shit. In eight years, there's been one new major villain group. I know the show is about time travel, but, come on, how many times can it be the Daleks?


I could have told you the reactions of certain people as soon as the episode finished. The episode had a lot of Moffat tropes, for lack of a better word.


Didn't really work for me, this one. Just felt like there was far too much going on in far too many different directions. How many minutes were wasted on all that "UNIT and the Mystery of the Frozen Planes" nonsense? If we absolutely have to have Missy involved, was there really no simpler way to involve her? Maybe something that exploits her alien intelligence to find the Doctor, rather than just having UNIT do a thing on a computer that somehow locates him 1000 years in the past?

All the stuff on with the tank and the electric guitar just seemed like scenes for their own sake, too. We're told in the briefest way that the Doctor is maybe going to die "tomorrow" for some reason, but we're not shown or told anything that explains why he's acting like such a weirdo.

I dunno. It seems like this story is going to be about Davros and the Daleks, and yet they're such a small part of this episode, with the rest of it being the Doctor capering around and Missy capering around respectively. It felt unfocused to me, I guess.
It's actually not, though.

Agreed. There was really no "prophecy of the Doctor's death inevitability" thing here, this time it was just him sending it I guess thinking it might happen or perhaps thinking that might be the outcome due to his guilty feelings.

Once the story got going I don't think it felt like a "the Doctor's gonna die" story anymore despite that being what gets Missy involved and draws her in. Though it's possible like the above said that that's because we've had a number of those recently.

Beyond that, the state of Skaro makes no sense in the sections with young Davros. The technology is completely out of wack with anything we've seen from there in the past (even Genesis, the story this episode is trying so hard to be), and the creatures reaching up from under the ground have no connection to anything related to it. So it's not even continuity that actually connects to anything.

I guess we'll see. They'll probably give us more details about those hands with eyes next episode.

Clara just kind of stands around without showing much of a personality.

Eh. Clara practically took charge in the Unit room due to her experiences with the Doctor and didn't even stand down against Missy, putting her life on the line even after she killed those two guys to stop her from killing any more of them, not sure how that's doing nothing. And on the "station" Missy was kind of taking the Doctor's role so it's not surprising she just kind of stood around while Missy "did her thing".


I think they were all human Daleks so history is inadvertently saved? Now that I think about it ... it doesn't make sense. Snake-Robe Man was looking for The Doctor and followed Missy and Clara somehow ... but how the Daleks could have plants is beyond me. Actually, do Daleks have time travel? The whole when/where of that scene confuses me.

Wait what, this is actually a good point lol. Plot hole right there.


I don't they were all Human-Dalek hybrids, in fact I figured that since the warrior was bit by a "snake", he could've been infected right then and there with Dalek building nanomachines or whatever.
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