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Doctor Who Series 9 |OT| Let Zygons Be Zygons

also did this remind anyone of Duncan Jone's movie Moon?

Yes, I got that clearly in the very first scene. The initial sequence shows a badly injured hand operating a lever, followed by the activation of a teleport from which Doctor Who springs still raw and fresh from the death of Clara. He steps out and notices the dust, and he's alone. It was great to see in detail how it worked out. I can't wait to watch it again.

One amusing nuance is how in the barrier chipping montage he gradually makes a little more progress in his final speech before he's zapped. That's clever writing.


Why are there so many spoiler tags for what is speculation based off of the episode that just aired?

I don't think the Doctor is the Hybrid. He has shown curiosity towards things that could be considered hybrid throughout this series. He also spent over two billion years punching a wall just so he could not tell them where the hybrid was. I am going to go ahead and guess that he didn't say that he was the hybrid as his last confession because the wall would not have moved or broken. I think he is just saying that to try and scare the hell out of the Time Lords, because he is pissed as hell.
Plus, he's already flat out lied about the nature of the hybrid as a confession and got away with it once. Pretty sure so long as he sells it hard enough, he can get away with it again.

But keying in on the potential misdirect that "Me" doesn't mean "The Doctor" but "Me" means "Ashildr" seems like the safest bet.


One amusing nuance is how in the barrier chipping montage he gradually makes a little more progress in his final speech before he's zapped. That's clever writing.
I was thinking during the episode that he's cutting getting back to the teleporter so close each time that he should be careful that he doesn't increase the distance he has to travel too far and end up dying in a corridor somewhere :p
Well, that was something. The hand at the beginning was too much of a hint and the dry clothes telegraphed it, but still I can say Moffat wrote something here as clever as he usually thinks he is. The whole production was on point for this though, from the writing, to the nearly perfect score, to Capaldi really selling every scene.

I imagine maybe I'm being too generous, but I think everyone who is a fan of this show has had a Doctor Who story they've imagined since they were a kid, and for me, it was the Doctor trapped inside an MC Escher puzzle with the solution being something both backwards and forwards in time, so as cheesy and self serving as it sounds, this episode spoke to me.

It's a shame that the last line sets up what could be the biggest finale letdown after the best buildup ever.

I'm half expecting Eric Roberts to show up as Omega or something to start part 2


Such a great swaggy pic


Credit to reddit user Degann for transcribing (https://www.reddit.com/r/doctorwho/comments/3ums9z/doctor_who_9x11_heaven_sent_postepisode/#s):

[–]Degann 37 points 4 hours ago
I honestly thought this was just a brilliant ending. https://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/g/grimm/g86h/chapter153.html
The doctors comments throughout is just a abridged version of the story.
7000 years: The Doctor: But it might take me a little while, so do you want me to tell you a story? The Brothers Grimm, lovely fellas... They're on my darts team. Argh! According to them, there's this emperor and he asks this shepherd's boy... "How many seconds in eternity?"
7000 years: "How many seconds in eternity?"
12,000 years: "How many seconds in eternity?" And the shepherd's boy...
600,000 years: "How many seconds in eternity?" And the shepherd's boy says...
1,200,000 years: ..And the shepherd's boy says...
2,000,000 years: ..And the shepherd's boy says...
20,000,000 years: And the shepherd's boy says... "There's this mountain of pure diamond. It takes an hour to climb it, and an hour to go around it!"
52,000,000 years: "Every hundred years, a little bird comes and sharpens its beak on the diamond mountain..."
nearly 1,000,0000,000 years: "..And when the entire mountain is chiselled away, the first second of eternity will have passed!"
well over 1,000,000,000 years: You must think that's a hell of a long time.
2,000,000,000 years: Personally, I think that's.
Personally, I think that's a hell of a bird.

It's amusing once you see it like that.


Nit pick - was that second shot of the skull falling in the ware and coming to rest on other skulls literally a repeat of the first shot? That gave me battlestar galactica cheap FX flashbacks. And there was no need - just cut that shot after the skull falls in the water if you can't afford the video toaster time to render a different version
It's so odd how Capaldi went from feeling like a fish out of water going through the motions in several spots last series, to this episode where it feels like he's been the Doctor for 10 years.


This is probably the second most conceptually horrifying episode of Doctor Who i've seen.
I hate that type of regeneration/teleportation so creepy.

True, however the doctor isn't really trapped for two billion years, and that dilutes the peril a little for me. It was more like billions of doctors, each being trapped for a few days. So you don't get that sense of determination or purgatory or punishment that you might otherwise.

Unless there is any hint that he retains any memory like Bill Murray does in Groundhog Day? Murray was way more tormented than the Doctor :p


Plus, he's already flat out lied about the nature of the hybrid as a confession and got away with it once. Pretty sure so long as he sells it hard enough, he can get away with it again.

But keying in on the potential misdirect that "Me" doesn't mean "The Doctor" but "Me" means "Ashildr" seems like the safest bet.

When did he lie about the nature of the hybrid? He confessed that he knows where and what the hybrid is. He told of the prophecy that it was half dalek, half timelord, but not that it was true.

I don't think Ashildr is the hybrid. If she is, why tell that to the Timelords? Also how would he know her future? He can't even keep track of her. I admit, I also am just hoping that it is not Ashildr. I find her character to become more annoying every time she appears.
Man, this sucks. This was such a compelling episode, and next week we get fucking Gallifrey, the only recurring location in the series with a higher potential for bad episodes than Earth at Christmastime
He told of the prophecy that it was half dalek, half timelord, but not that it was true.

I interpreted that to be the lie. The specificity of which two races made up the hybrid read as the lie to me. So if he knowingly lied about what it was (and it appears that he did, considering his dialog regarding how stupid an idea that would be) and the creature backed off, it's not a question of whether he's actually saying true things, it's whether he's being convincing enough to fool the Gallifreyan lie detector inside his confession dial.

I admit, I also am just hoping that it is not Ashildr.

Well then.


True, however the doctor isn't really trapped for two billion years, and that dilutes the peril a little for me. It was more like billions of doctors, each being trapped for a few days. So you don't get that sense of determination or purgatory or punishment that you might otherwise.

Unless there is any hint that he retains any memory like Bill Murray does in Groundhog Day? Murray was way more tormented than the Doctor :p

I think the lack of retained memory makes it even more horrifying. Each incarnation of the Doctor is faced with the decision of just giving up the secret and living or dying and keeping the secret, with the knowledge that billions of other Doctors after him will similarly die until finally one breaks through and gets to enact revenge. The realistaion that you're not the original, and your life purely exists only to help some other version far removed from you must be pretty rough psychologically.


I interpreted that to be the lie. The specificity of which two races made up the hybrid read as the lie to me. So if he knowingly lied about what it was (and it appears that he did, considering his dialog regarding how stupid an idea that would be) and the creature backed off, it's not a question of whether he's actually saying true things, it's whether he's being convincing enough to fool the Gallifreyan lie detector inside his confession dial.

Well then.

He was quoting a prophecy, but even he just made it up it doesn't matter. The confession was that he knew where and what it was. Everything else before it could have been a lie, but he did tell the truth. There is no reason to assume that he could lie to the Veil. If he could there would be no reason to punch the wall.


In terms of NuWho or Old Who as well?

We haven't had much of Gallifrey in the new series to be honest, mostly short scenes showing it at big crisis moments (mostly to do with the Time War). Never a full episode set there, which is probably what the next episode will be.

The classic series did have a number of (multi-episode) stories set entirely on Gallifrey, and well, it never really worked. I think some of the plots themselves were fun, but it ruined the mystique behind the Doctor a bit. I'm completely on board with revealing little hints about the Doctor's past here and there as I take each 'era' of Doctor Who on its own (what is and isn't 'canon' isn't that important to me, as long as the stories are good), but the version of Gallifrey they showed in the classic series was just a goofy, boring place full of parodies of bureaucrats. It never really worked. My personal most hated thing about old Gallifrey was that they had a parody of the CIA (still called that, although it stood for 'Celestial Intervention Agency') with a bunch of exceptionally bad actors there to act out a lot of bad comedy. Bad jokes can be fun, or otherwise easily ignored, but it just was the wrong time and place for crap like that - and the old Gallifrey episodes were full of stuff like that. Robert Holmes (normally a really fun writer) mostly set this up during the 4th Doctor's run, but he really went too far with making Gallifrey a silly parody instead of the mysterious place it should have been.

The Fisher King sort of referred to that this series, saying something about the Timelords being 'a bunch of boring bureaucrats who suddenly remembered they had teeth (during the Time War)'. Not an exact quote, but Moffat has said in the past that the overuse and sillyness of Gallifrey in the classic series was a mistake.

I doubt they'll do anything like that now, but doing Gallifrey right certainly is very tricky. It's a big balancing act whenever you heavily go into the Doctor's personal world/past like that. At least Moffat is aware why it didn't work in the old series.

Edit: I should add that a couple of fun things came out of the classic series Gallifrey 'lore' as well. Most notably stuff like Omega, Romana or Douglas Adams' idea for Shada.


I don't think Ashildr is the hybrid. That would be weird in the context of what the Doctor says in the end and what the prophecy said. Two warrior races. Sitting on the top of Gallifrey. I can't imagine this being Ashildr. Then again, the wordplay seems important. I can''t wait for next week.

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
I don't think Ashildr is the hybrid. That would be weird in the context of what the Doctor says in the end and what the prophecy said. Two warrior races. Sitting on the top of Gallifrey. I can't imagine this being Ashildr. Then again, the wordplay seems important. I can''t wait for next week.

Ashildr is a viking though, they're pretty much the warriors' warriors.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I'm just hoping that Moffat's form carries through from this episode; if it does we could have an absolute scorcher for the finale. It's been really weird, I've thought this season was one of the worst of NuWho with only the Fisher King duo being particularly interesting, but one episode of Heaven Sent's quality and I'm suddenly all excited again!


Last episode was AWESOME.

I watched only few secs of the preview, and I shut it down. I want to watch it fresh. :D

Anyone knows will Christmas special be a standalone, or will it connect to the storyline in finale?


So was the Doctor expected to reach through the diamond-glass or was this a fault in the plan of the people who put him in there?


I really hope the chalkboard is the Series 10 companion.

I feel like that was just a deliberate taunt by whoever designed the maze. Like "Oh hey, here's the exit, you just have to get through 20ft of almost impenetrable crystal. That must be super annoying for you, huh?"


"SHE is the hybrid!"

"What? Human and Alien?"

"No! Human and Viking!"
Human and Mire.

The Mire were called the greatest mercenaries in the galaxy, and at the end when The Doctor brought Ashidr back to life, he said that the chip had infused her with some Mire DNA.

It would blindside the Timelords because they probably don't think of Humans as a "warrior race" when I think Doctor Who reminds us a lot of the time just how violent we are as a species.

There is also the wordplay, the Doctor has always called Ashildr "Ashildr". No matter what she asks him to call her, so when he says "The Hybrid is Me" in this episode, you'd think he's referring to himself. Except he doesn't call her Ashildr any more because of her part in killing Clara, essentially no longer being the innocent girl he saved.


I don't think Ashildr is the hybrid. That would be weird in the context of what the Doctor says in the end and what the prophecy said. Two warrior races. Sitting on the top of Gallifrey. I can't imagine this being Ashildr. Then again, the wordplay seems important. I can''t wait for next week.

If it was the Doctor, building up the idea of a hybrid seems pretty pointless. Unless of course they're going to reference the movie. But they're definitely not doing that.

Then again there have been rumours of
Paul Mcgann


Human and Mire.

The Mire were called the greatest mercenaries in the galaxy, and at the end when The Doctor brought Ashidr back to life, he said that the chip had infused her with some Mire DNA.

It would blindside the Timelords because they probably don't think of Humans as a "warrior race" when I think Doctor Who reminds us a lot of the time just how violent we are as a species.

There is also the wordplay, the Doctor has always called Ashildr "Ashildr". No matter what she asks him to call her, so when he says "The Hybrid is Me" in this episode, you'd think he's referring to himself. Except he doesn't call her Ashildr any more because of her part in killing Clara, essentially no longer being the innocent girl he saved.
Good point. Still weird.

If it was the Doctor, building up the idea of a hybrid seems pretty pointless. Unless of course they're going to reference the movie. But they're definitely not doing that.

Then again there have been rumours of
Paul Mcgann
I got my bet on
the Valeyard


So was the Doctor expected to reach through the diamond-glass or was this a fault in the plan of the people who put him in there?
I assume the plan was just wear him down until full soul bearing then either boot him out or finish him off. I can't assume they planned billions of years of wall punching.


Holy shit, I just finished Heaven Sent, I did not expect it to be THAT good. Peter Capaldi is Boss, it was so thrilling to see him solve the mystery and getting over Clara. I think it's the best episode of New Who I have ever seen (or at least the best Capaldi episode).
I absolutely cannot wait until next week.
Finally, Gallifrey!


So was the Doctor expected to reach through the diamond-glass or was this a fault in the plan of the people who put him in there?

Fault in the plan, it's the only room that doesn't reset after the Doctor leaves it, probably because the stuff takes him billions of years to break down and they didn't expect it.
The wall was certainly there to be punched.

The absence of resets in certain places was no accident. It was a puzzle. Somebody set it up so that it could be beaten.

The Time Lord bureaucracy in the old series was let down by lame writing and lack of funds. So far in the revival they've been tolerable at the very least. The look is right. Timothy Dalton's scenery chewing made them seem real. Ken Bones is back and Donald Sumpter is great at this sort of thing, you can put him in any costume and he looks and acts the part.

I think we may be in for a treat.


Human and Mire.

The Mire were called the greatest mercenaries in the galaxy, and at the end when The Doctor brought Ashidr back to life, he said that the chip had infused her with some Mire DNA.

It would blindside the Timelords because they probably don't think of Humans as a "warrior race" when I think Doctor Who reminds us a lot of the time just how violent we are as a species.

There is also the wordplay, the Doctor has always called Ashildr "Ashildr". No matter what she asks him to call her, so when he says "The Hybrid is Me" in this episode, you'd think he's referring to himself. Except he doesn't call her Ashildr any more because of her part in killing Clara, essentially no longer being the innocent girl he saved.

Bang on, came here to post this.


There are some good reasons to believe Ashildr/Me is who The Doctor referred to (I mean, she even calls herself "Me", lol), but at the same time he specifically calls out the "half Dalek"-part of the prophecy to be faulty: "The Hybrid is not half Dalek. Nothing is half Dalek. The Daleks would never allow that." It suggests that the half Time Lord-thing is still true, though.


Think Moffat is just trolling because he knows people don't like the half-human, half-time lord thing from the movie and he also knows people are smart enough to connect the Me thing instantly. So I don't think it's either the Doctor or Maisie Williams.

It'll be something like "The Master is the hybrid for some unexplained reason" and then we'll all be like "Oh Moffat".


Is anything going to come out of Missy's little partnership with the Daleks at the end of the second episode?

What partnership? She wasn't working with them at all. Unless you're referring to her "I've just had an idea" line? Probably referring to reusing their beam energy to teleport away.
Is anything going to come out of Missy's little partnership with the Daleks at the end of the second episode?

I think it's already been confirmed Davros has nothing to do with the whole "hybrid" thing (no matter how much he thought he did), and I don't see Missy being involved either.

They have to save something for Series 10, maybe even Capaldi's regeneration.
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