So what is the consensus on the recent episode ?, I think it is the first truly classic DW episode of the Capaldi run, fuck I love solo Capaldi, (David been my first doctor will always be my favorite but I do think Capaldi is the best actor playing the rule), I do feel they should of focused less on the Doctor-Clare relationship as motivating the cycle, as I don't think the connection they tried to portray was really ever there.
Speaking of DW x Video games, I just finished playing the DW Lego dimensions level and level pack, and I definitely recommend it, they obviously put effort in making it.
You can use all 12 doctors(+ War) and their are like 8 different Tardis consoles, I think all the rest of the doctors make use iconic recording from the classic and new series, while Capaldi provides some great voice work, he gives some genuinely amusing references to the show while he interacts with other characters.
As for the Tardis, I can't believe this is the first game (is it?) I can just get in and fly around in the blue box, I didn't finish the all game yet, but their is a Tardis specific mechanic in non doctor who level which is really cool, and to top it off I can use the tardis to fly trough so many boring lego puzzles.
The levels themselves are fun if simplistic and repetitive, I prefer the one offered by the main game, both levels feature the 3 staple enemies of the new series, speaking of the main game level, the Cybermen did feel a bit vacant, but the Dalek segment was incredibly funny, and the WA part was actually kind of scary.
The Lego pieces themselves are really fun to play with, K-9 especially is really detailed (movable head and side armor), waiting to see how they will compare to the console set coming out in 2 days.