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Doctor Who Series 9 |OT| Let Zygons Be Zygons

Anyone else think "this is just like an Infocom text adventure" halfway through the show?

You see a shovel.
>get shovel
You take the shovel.
>dig grave


Also, great concept, a bit dull in execution. Could have been tightened up or made more dramatic.

I am wondering of they are going to bring back the half human thing too.
I'm down with this Me hypothesis. It was such a silly thing to add to her character that wordplaying around a late season cliffhanger makes more sense.

I have a bad feeling this is somehow going to be an issue of Gallifrey needing the Doctor to be occupied for 2 billion years without a Tardis so that he can emerge at the right time to help them with the fact that Me has spent 2 billion years becoming the most powerful creature in the universe. Similarly to Captain Jack, the years have been unkind, and she now looks like a bowl of oatmeal. In those 2 billion years, humans have evolved into Zygons, and under the direction of the great and all powerful bowl of oatmeal named Me have infiltrated Gallifrey and no one knows who is a Time Lord and who is a Zygon. Thankfully, they knew that even though the Doctor started this whole problem and they exacerbated it by killing Clara and having him threaten Me, it was also the only way to get him back to Gallifrey, which wouldn't have been in trouble if they hadn't tried to trap him after they were in trouble in the first place from trapping him.

no I'm not serious
I have a bad feeling this is somehow going to be an issue of Gallifrey needing the Doctor to be occupied for 2 billion years without a Tardis so that he can emerge at the right time to help them with the fact that Me has spent 2 billion years becoming the most powerful creature in the universe.

Actually that started out okay. I couldn't understand why they would create a puzzle that would take so long to resolve. I think you've hit the nail on the head: they're two billion years down the road and they want to keep him busy on the road to Gallifrey without any distractions such as babies to talk to and planets to save. It's perfectly possible that Ashildr created the puzzle; perhaps she developed time travel. We last saw Rigsy with the TARDIS, but he doesn't have the means to open it and neither does Ashildr. Then again maybe Ashildr took the slow way too.

Could Ashildr be the hybrid? Possibly, or maybe she changed her mind and had another child. Perhaps the father is a Time Lord.

no I'm not serious

Of course not.
Anyone else think "this is just like an Infocom text adventure" halfway through the show?

It's got that quality, and its clearly meant to clue you in that this is a puzzle game

I was also reminded of some of the levels of Quake. I've played that a lot because my reflexes are poor but it's easy to annoy the monsters enough to make them destroy one another while you hide in a safe corner just out of sight. In particular the mechanism that rearranges the rooms is very similar to Quake, right down to sound effects.


Knows the Score
I really hope the chalkboard is the Series 10 companion.


Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
The Hybrid being Me seems too obvious. I think it's a double-bluff.
I know Capaldi won't be around as the Doctor as long as we want him to, and that's really sad. I'd happily accept a 7 year run of him.

Great episode, I think the time loop was nicely obvious for the younger viewers to start piecing together.

What was the point of the small sandpit with the arrows pointed at it?

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I know Capaldi won't be around as the Doctor as long as we want him to, and that's really sad. I'd happily accept a 7 year run of him.

Great episode, I think the time loop was nicely obvious for the younger viewers to start piecing together.

What was the point of the small sandpit with the arrows pointed at it?

I think the Veil used it to dig into the garden where the Doctor was digging.


There is also the wordplay, the Doctor has always called Ashildr "Ashildr". No matter what she asks him to call her, so when he says "The Hybrid is Me" in this episode, you'd think he's referring to himself. Except he doesn't call her Ashildr any more because of her part in killing Clara, essentially no longer being the innocent girl he saved.

This is a good point.

He's calling her Ashildr like he wants to see her as her original self.

Now, maybe accepting that she has become more than just the innocent girl, refers to her as "Me."

I thought the performance was a bit flat.

They finally found a companion with a more annoying voice than Rose...



Little Big Planet 3 is getting Doctor Who DLC:


Any moment now, he's a-coming!


Edit: Another pic of the SackDoctor:

LBP Doctor Who, Lego Doctor Who, Minecraft Doctor Who...It really is time for an actual, proper videogame. Eternity Clock was nowhere near perfect, but it seemed like a promising start for a series if they worked on the concept a little bit more. I would love to see something like that again in the future.

Telltale Doctor Who would obviously be great as well.



Doctor finds the wall, remembers the word "bird" and then he connects the dots, enters the mind palace and screams "That's when I remember! Always then. Always exactly then!".

I quite liked that he meanged to extend his "And the Shepard says..." speech only when enough time passed and he extended the tunnel into a diamond wall. Creature needed to make additional steps to reach him, so the Doctor had more time to finish the speech. :)
For a game it's Telltale, Lego or bust, I think. I don't think anything else would actually get greenlit. Those are within the sort of limited budget the show could actually command, game-wise, while still coming out good. Eternity Clock was something more, or tried to be, and it was a bit naff. Same for the free games the BBC themselves did in Smith's era, and the Wii/DS games.


LBP Doctor Who, Lego Doctor Who, Minecraft Doctor Who...It really is time for an actual, proper videogame. Eternity Clock was nowhere near perfect, but it seemed like a promising start for a series if they worked on the concept a little bit more. I would love to see something like that again in the future.

Telltale Doctor Who would obviously be great as well.

Also IIRC WB is/was trying to get BBC to let them use The Doctor in the next LEGO movie


Sackboy Doctor is pretty darn cute.
I don't know that I'd call Eternity Clock promising.

Well I meant that as in 'the game wasn't good, but they were trying' (compared to the other games), and it could work as a story-driven 2.5D puzzley platformer. It's probably the best effort when it comes to Doctor Who games, although that isn't saying much.


Brilliant episode! I think it's safe to assume the Doctor is still 2000 years old (or so), since he just reactivates his memory?


Brilliant episode! I think it's safe to assume the Doctor is still 2000 years old (or so), since he just reactivates his memory?

Well technically the Doctor has just been born. They went with the theory that every time you use a teleporter you 'die', but your memories/personality/dna/etc gets copied and built into a new form in a new location. So that means that the Doctor we saw last week is completely dead, and the Doctor we had at the end of this episode and next week has just been born. (I think that theory about the way teleporters work comes from Star Trek, but I'm not completely sure. It's fun because it annoys the fanbase, because it's conceptually interesting, and because it offers a very dark view on the nature of identity and death).

There are lots of times where the Doctor used teleporters in the past as well, so we can assume that he 'died' all those times as well.

But yeah, it will probably give you more peace of mind to think of him as not actually having aged millions of years during this episode. The 'current' Doctor just has the memories of one 'trip' in that castle, he doesn't remember all the versions of him that died because technically that never happened to him. Not that version of him at least.
Brilliant episode! I think it's safe to assume the Doctor is still 2000 years old (or so), since he just reactivates his memory?
His memories are 2000 years old, his current body is 2000 years old (well his body is younger, but let's not go there).
Also IIRC WB is/was trying to get BBC to let them use The Doctor in the next LEGO movie

Hopefully this leads to a solo game. I'm still not shelling out £130 to play a single Dimensions level, sorry.
Also IIRC WB is/was trying to get BBC to let them use The Doctor in the next LEGO movie

Hopefully this leads to a solo game. I'm still not shelling out £130 to play a single Dimensions level, sorry.

The guys writing the script said they were talking to the BBC about getting him in, but it's not clear if he'd really end up being a two-minute cameo ala the Star Wars characters (probably more likely) or something more fully-featured like Batman (less likely).

I think the problem with Who and games really is just that international audience problem; even with the growth in the US, for instance, it's still very niche indeed and certainly not big enough to support a lot of games, at least not while retaining quality. That's why Telltale is probably the biggest and best bet for an 'adult' game, or Travellers Tales doing a LEGO one - the latter because TT is British based, and they have such a tight pipeline for those LEGO games now they could kick one out on a much more modest budget.

We'll see how the actual physical LEGO set and the Dimensions level & character packs sell in other territories beyond the UK, that could influence it significantly. Overall though Telltale is probably the best bet because of the constrained budget, download only format. Scale-wise, a Telltale game isn't much different to a Big Finish audio.
They went with the theory that every time you use a teleporter you 'die', but your memories/personality/dna/etc gets copied and built into a new form in a new location.

Is there another theory? I've got a feeling there must be but I can't think of any other coherent way you'd work teleportation in fiction.

The transporters in Star Trek were apparently introduced to save money on take off and landing scenes. The writers then exploited them as a convenient narrative device.


So that pretty much confirms
Ashildr is coming back and is most likely the hybrid. UGH. I hate the antihero angle Ashildr has taken, I wish she would just go full on evil. Wold be far less frustrating.

We know she's back, isn't much of a spoiler, she was in the next time trailer like 5 seconds into it saying something.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Is there another theory? I've got a feeling there must be but I can't think of any other coherent way you'd work teleportation in fiction.

The transporters in Star Trek were apparently introduced to save money on take off and landing scenes. The writers then exploited them as a convenient narrative device.

I thought Star Trek went with converting the energy of the person into a stream and then reconstructing it at the other end. The energy is preserved so therefore the person. It's just moving it.

This used an outside source of energy so the original person died.

Star Trek is breaking down and reassembling, this was scanning and printing.
I always thought a Telltale Doctor Who would be great, and like APZ says it's still the more likely one to happen, but christ after playing Game of Thrones I can't entertain it. So dull.
Little Big Planet 3 is getting Doctor Who DLC:



Edit: Another pic of the SackDoctor:

LBP Doctor Who, Lego Doctor Who, Minecraft Doctor Who...It really is time for an actual, proper videogame. Eternity Clock was nowhere near perfect, but it seemed like a promising start for a series if they worked on the concept a little bit more. I would love to see something like that again in the future.

Telltale Doctor Who would obviously be great as well.

If he didn't have the screwdriver, i wouldn't know who that's supposed to be...and he doesn't even have a sonic screwdriver anymore.
So what is the consensus on the recent episode ?, I think it is the first truly classic DW episode of the Capaldi run, fuck I love solo Capaldi, (David been my first doctor will always be my favorite but I do think Capaldi is the best actor playing the rule), I do feel they should of focused less on the Doctor-Clare relationship as motivating the cycle, as I don't think the connection they tried to portray was really ever there.

Speaking of DW x Video games, I just finished playing the DW Lego dimensions level and level pack, and I definitely recommend it, they obviously put effort in making it.

You can use all 12 doctors(+ War) and their are like 8 different Tardis consoles, I think all the rest of the doctors make use iconic recording from the classic and new series, while Capaldi provides some great voice work, he gives some genuinely amusing references to the show while he interacts with other characters.

As for the Tardis, I can't believe this is the first game (is it?) I can just get in and fly around in the blue box, I didn't finish the all game yet, but their is a Tardis specific mechanic in non doctor who level which is really cool, and to top it off I can use the tardis to fly trough so many boring lego puzzles.

The levels themselves are fun if simplistic and repetitive, I prefer the one offered by the main game, both levels feature the 3 staple enemies of the new series, speaking of the main game level, the Cybermen did feel a bit vacant, but the Dalek segment was incredibly funny, and the WA part was actually kind of scary.

The Lego pieces themselves are really fun to play with, K-9 especially is really detailed (movable head and side armor), waiting to see how they will compare to the console set coming out in 2 days.


For masters of time and space they certainly have the foresight of a lemming.

That's beginning to irk me a little. It's justified for most other antagonists in this series because they've never met the doctor, so underestimating him makes sense, but the time lords of all people should know not to fuck with him at this point. Reminds me of John Wick, except the time lords didn't attempt to apologize profusely after what happened to Clara.

Good episode, though.


Had to take a full day to let the episode sink in.

What an episode. I mean, whoa.

Sure, we had scarier, more clever and more complex episodes in the past, but this one had something special in it.

Capaldi's acting, the score, the setting, it was like watching a play in theatre.

Had way more character depth and just pure heart than most episodes.

And again, just look at this:

It's like straight out of a Romantic painting.

And the whole castle screamed this other painting to me:

Excited for next week, hope it won't be a letdown after this episode.
For masters of time and space they certainly have the foresight of a lemming.

That's beginning to irk me a little. It's justified for most other antagonists in this series because they've never met the doctor, so underestimating him makes sense, but the time lords of all people should know not to fuck with him at this point. Reminds me of John Wick, except the time lords didn't attempt to apologize profusely after what happened to Clara.

Good episode, though.

Well the problem was they accidentally killed his best friend. If the Time Lords' plan had gone right, the Doctor would've just teleported into his confession dial and that would've be that. And maybe then the Doctor would've given up - his friend was safely on Earth, he would have no grief to drive him. Ironically Clara's death was the thing that motivated the Doctor to keep going.

Or, ya know, the Time Lords always kidnap the Doctor and then get confused when he's angry at them.
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