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Doctor Who Series 9 |OT| Let Zygons Be Zygons


Speaking of Murray Gold, one of the teasers for Hell Bent from Digital Spy:

Murray Gold's superb 'The Doctor's Theme ' - also known as 'Bad Wolf Theme' - is back for the first time in years.

I'd say that one is great - but really relies on loving them. That's one that'll really benefit from watching in some sort of order.

I think that's true of a lot of stuff really. Like The Stolen Earth/Journey's End is improved immeasurably if you've watched all of what came before in order and care about the cast - it papers over the cracks in the actual plot, etc. Same's true of that - it's not really a very good angels episode but it's a great Amy and Rory episode (and incidentally, a great Doctor & River episode - it's the best we've had so far of them as a proper couple, not distrusting each other but just joking and living and rowing like real couples do.

Speaking of Murray Gold, one of the teasers for Hell Bent from Digital Spy:

Murray Gold's superb 'The Doctor's Theme ' - also known as 'Bad Wolf Theme' - is back for the first time in years.

Has it really been that long?! It was in
The 50th -- and before that, A Good Man Goes to War, albeit more subtly - and the bridge passage of it was used when the Eleventh Doctor blasted away the Daleks before regenerating. It's been around!


Speaking of Murray Gold, one of the teasers for Hell Bent from Digital Spy:

Murray Gold's superb 'The Doctor's Theme ' - also known as 'Bad Wolf Theme' - is back for the first time in years.

Is this Ten's theme? That soft, melancholy one?

edit: oh shit, it is :O Wait, actually
I guess Ten's theme is something else -- but this is the track I was thinking of!


Has it really been that long?! It was in
The 50th -- and before that, A Good Man Goes to War, albeit more subtly - and the bridge passage of it was used when the Eleventh Doctor blasted away the Daleks before regenerating. It's been around!

It also was REALLY subtly in
Into the Dalek if I'm not mistaken! During the bit where the Doctor is having some angst about how evil the Daleks are early on.

...I'll admit that's a bit vague.

But ignoring Day of the Doctor we really haven't had it in full in an episode of Who since the Tennant days. So I gotta say I'm happy about it returning! I absolutely love that theme.


Is this Ten's theme? That soft, melancholy one?

edit: oh shit, it is :O Wait, actually
I guess Ten's theme is something else -- but this is the track I was thinking of!

Haha, I get that too but
it's just as much Nine's theme as Ten's. You just tend to forget that since Ten got to use it for way longer.


I'm reaaaally hoping we get This is Galifrey at some point. I mean, they have to right? Or is it TOO obvious? :(

I was really expecting that to pop up at the end of Heaven Sent, especially because I knew about the reveal already from the synopsis. Was a bit jarring when it didn't actually happen although I guess that's on me.

But you could argue they were showing self-restraint, Twelve's theme worked well there anyway.

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
I hope they play Timelord Victorious/Vale Decem as Capaldi stands over a burnt-to-ashes Gallifrey, wearing his sunglasses and smiling.



Boys and girls of every age
Wouldn't you like to see something strange?
Come with us and you will stay
On our planet of Gallifrey
This is Gallifrey, this is Gallifrey
Daaleks scream in the dead of night

This is Gallifrey, everybody go away
Tardis tech isn't safe with other lesser life
It's our world, novice lords stay
On this planet of Gallifrey

...that was harder to write than I expected; so I won't bother finishing it.
I was really expecting that to pop up at the end of Heaven Sent, especially because I knew about the reveal already from the synopsis. Was a bit jarring when it didn't actually happen although I guess that's on me.

But you could argue they were showing self-restraint, Twelve's theme worked well there anyway.

This is Galifrey is triumphant, and it wasn't triumphant at the end of Heaven sent, he was piiiissed.
One thing I really liked about heaven spent was the setting. It was really abstract and interesting and fit into the overall plot if the show in a great way. Latley there's been way too many generic modernday/medieval/dystopian future settings.


Haha, I get that too but
it's just as much Nine's theme as Ten's. You just tend to forget that since Ten got to use it for way longer.
Yep, The Doctor Forever is more 10's theme. But I feel like he owned the Doctor's Theme after Forest of the Dead

I'm reaaaally hoping we get This is Galifrey at some point. I mean, they have to right? Or is it TOO obvious? :(
I hope so, This is Gallifrey is amazing. I really need to go back to those soundtracks there's a lot of real gems on them.
I'm guessing that Davies plays the massive headless robot, then?

Still looking like a lot of fun! I'm betting that the fandom at large will hate it with the passion of a thousand burning Runaway Brides for a few years yet, mind.
Yep, The Doctor Forever is more 10's theme. But I feel like he owned the Doctor's Theme after Forest of the Dead

I hope so, This is Gallifrey is amazing. I really need to go back to those soundtracks there's a lot of real gems on them.

Ten's theme is, well, Song for Ten. That's the piece that plays when he first gets his costume and throughout his run - though it's a character theme, not an action theme - and plays, in a sombre version, when he does his 'goodbye tour' to his companions at the end. I always thought of the other theme as less abscribed to any specific Doctor and more to the post-Time War Doctor in general. You hear it less in Smith's run, because he's less focused on the war, but you still hear it in A Good Man Goes to War - right at the moment Vastra points out he is very good at warfare - then again briefly in Name of the Doctor, then in the 50th, and then when he regenerates; you never get a full blast of it, but it's always been there thematically.


Moffat delivering. that was probably the best episode of the season, and the best Capaldi perfromance.

why room 12 doesn't reset is easy to understand, a) could be because it's connected to the real world and not fully part of the trap or whatever that was or/and b) the whole thing was meant to be solved somehow, and room 12 not resetting was part of the solution.
I'm not sure about the skull or ''BIRD'' not resetting, but I guess you could think of it as another ''flaw'' that the whole castle has and it was meant to be there so that someone could get out.

loved the progression at the end too.


Whoa, I think that might've been the best Doctor Who episode I've ever seen

And I didn't even understand all of it

So I get that he figured out what bird was a reference to and thus kept chipping away at the wall over time, and that he figured out he was the Hyrbrid (I think) but how did he get teleported there in the first place? So he was in his "last will and testament?" Who sent him there? Was it a portal to where Gallifrey was hidden all along? Who designed it? Why was it so hard to get to? Does the Doctor blame Clara's death on the Time Lords? I'm a little confused. It was awesome, but I'd love to have those things cleared up for me.

EDIT: Come on guys! :(


Rewatching Heaven Sent on the grounds that I was half-asleep the first time, the similarities to the New Series novel The Pirate Loop have struck me. (Albeit with fewer half-human half-badger hybrids, which may or may not be an improvement)

Capaldi's performance is great and Moffat remains capable of writing some fantastic lines, I just wish the story were a bit better than it thinks it is. Still a good episode though. Can't wait for the finale.


Whoa, I think that might've been the best Doctor Who episode I've ever seen

And I didn't even understand all of it

So I get that he figured out what bird was a reference to and thus kept chipping away at the wall over time, and that he figured out he was the Hyrbrid (I think) but how did he get teleported there in the first place? So he was in his "last will and testament?" Who sent him there? Was it a portal to where Gallifrey was hidden all along? Who designed it? Why was it so hard to get to? Does the Doctor blame Clara's death on the Time Lords? I'm a little confused. It was awesome, but I'd love to have those things cleared up for me.

EDIT: Come on guys! :(
There was a matching teleport in Arya's office. She said she had lured him there because somebody had told her to.

As she's in the preview for the last episode, it's reasonable to assume the 'someone' were the Time Lords.


Whoa, I think that might've been the best Doctor Who episode I've ever seen

And I didn't even understand all of it

So I get that he figured out what bird was a reference to and thus kept chipping away at the wall over time, and that he figured out he was the Hyrbrid (I think) but how did he get teleported there in the first place? So he was in his "last will and testament?" Who sent him there? Was it a portal to where Gallifrey was hidden all along? Who designed it? Why was it so hard to get to? Does the Doctor blame Clara's death on the Time Lords? I'm a little confused. It was awesome, but I'd love to have those things cleared up for me.

EDIT: Come on guys! :(

Well it's part one of a two-part story (or rather, part two of a three-parter) so we don't have all the answers yet. :p

But it does seem like the Time Lords laid the trap with Me to teleport the Doctor into the confession dial (a literal pocket dimension!) to put him in a situation where he would confess to who the Hybrid is. Instead, he played their game and eventually broke out into Gallifrey. Why the Time Lords want the identity of the Hybrid, why the Hybrid is so important, and why it motivated the Doctor to leave Gallifrey in the first place I think are all still unknowns.
So I've put off watching the past couple episodes because I didn't want to be super bummed out about Clara (my pet just died and it's been rough). Is this gonna totally bum me out tonight?


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Actually, looking into the website, there is promo art for all this season's doctor who.

Thank you thank you thank you thank you

Looks like I need a new gallery for my ipad :D


Not feeling any excitement, galiffrey is not really that interesting to me, i am sad the way this series turned out.
Internet rumor taken as fact. This is Gaf alright...

To be fair, he did say Maybe, ;P

But I am inclined to believe it and have already accepted the inevitable outcome of a Big Finish Year and one Christmas Special.

Like others have suggested on here, I will do either a full re-watch from 1963 onwards or a full rewatch of just New-Who to quench my thirst for Who in 2016.

At least we'll have the Series 9 OST to look forward to.

Speaking of Series 9, has anyone seen anything of a complete box set announced?

I know they've done the quite frankly pointless split series box sets, but I'm wondering when they will announce the full series 9 box set.

Series 8 was out before Christmas last year, but with the later air date of series 9 I'm wondering if it will be early January.


Not feeling any excitement, galiffrey is not really that interesting to me, i am sad the way this series turned out.

Yeah, I'm not wildly optimistic. The 'hybrid' stuff hasn't been set up at all in any meaningful way (the word has just been randomly plonked into dialogue here and there, rather than being part of an actual season arc) and aside from the Doctor's evocation of the Time War in Inversion Of The Zygons, Gallifrey's pretty much out of nowhere as well. I'd be delighted to be completely wrong, but it feels like we're set for one of Moffat's life-changing, canon-altering super-events, which only make the Doctor's history all the more ridiculous (see: Clara's every contribution) but usually relies on fanwank to create a false sense of excitement, rather than actual, substantive drama or character work.

But as I said, that's all speculation based on nothing more than past form and very limited footage, so hopefully I'm completely off base. The last two episodes have been fantastic, so it'd be great were Moffat able to make the landing.


Internet rumor taken as fact. This is Gaf alright...

Even though it hasn't officially been announced by the BBC it's not really a rumor anymore at this point because multiple people who work on Doctor Who have said that they are filming several months later then normal next year.

The past 2 years they began filming the first week of January to deliver this season by August or September. It takes about 9 months to film the 12 episodes plus the Christmas episode.

In a recent podcast interview one of the production designers on Doctor Who said that he wouldn't be back to work until February or March next year and they probably wouldn't be filming until April or May. At a recent New Zealand Doctor Who event Peter Capaldi said that they would be filming later then normal next year. 2 people on the show including the star of the show confirmed that they aren't going to start filming in January.

Now we do know from Moffat that they are filming a full season next year so it's not going to be a short season or a season of specials, however it's impossible for them to finish filming Doctor Who for a August or September start date if they begin in April or May. What's most likely to happen is that Christmas 2016 will be the first episode and season 10 will follow in early 2017.


Well it's part one of a two-part story (or rather, part two of a three-parter) so we don't have all the answers yet. :p

But it does seem like the Time Lords laid the trap with Me to teleport the Doctor into the confession dial (a literal pocket dimension!) to put him in a situation where he would confess to who the Hybrid is. Instead, he played their game and eventually broke out into Gallifrey. Why the Time Lords want the identity of the Hybrid, why the Hybrid is so important, and why it motivated the Doctor to leave Gallifrey in the first place I think are all still unknowns.

Thank you for the explanation. So is the hybrid a new thing or has it been around since the sixties?
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