Can you guys give me more recommendations on episodes to show my gf - she finally got into Dr who with Saturday's episode and im hoping to show her more episodes of that quality. Showed her blink which she loved.
I don't remember it well but I remember the 'are you my mummy' episode being creepy but can't remember if it's good or just gimmicky?
The final episode with the ponds could be great to show her too - and I remmeber loving the girl in the fireplace
Any others would be great
My ultimate recommendation is either to start in 2005 and go forward, or start in 2010 and go forward (and then back to 2005 at the end of Series 7, do the 9th/10th eras or their highlights, then on into the 50th and Capaldi). But if you're looking for individual episodes, here's a few per series that are worth your while. I've done a longer list of 3-4 episodes per series, and then bolded the ones of those I think are absolute must-watches from the Eccleston/Tennant/Smith eras:
- Dalek. Reintroduction of (and still the best episode with) the show's most important foe. Near Future.
- Father's Day - Nails the show's emotional core of the show. A story anybody can really understand and up there with only Vincent & the Doctor for that imo.
- The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances - Little bit scary, little bit creepy, Moffat 101.
- Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways - This is a tough recommendation as the weird big brother/weakest link stuff hasn't aged well, especially if you're not in the UK and don't remember the UK iterations of those shows fondly, but I also still think this is the best finale they've done. Also: It's got a regeneration without any of the excess guff that was tacked onto Smith & Tennant's.
- Tooth & Claw - One of the best examples of an episode that's just a fun romp, imo.
- Girl in the Fireplace - Lovely episode, great time bending stuff, a sad one too.
- The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit - the best 'future space base' story they've done, with great creepy religious oevrtones.
- Smith & Jones - The best companion introduction story.
- Gridlock - Just all around a wonderful episode with an incredibly simple concept.
- Human Nature/The Family of Blood - The best two-parter the show has seen.
- Blink - Goes without saying, really.
- The Fires of Pompeii - Best 'historical' episode they've done in the show's modern years.
- Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead - Mainly for how significant it becomes later, though this is the worst of Moffat's RTD-era stories.
- Midnight - Dialogue/character-wise for a guest cast probably the best the show has ever been.
- The Waters of Mars - Different side to the hero, good monster, fun 'down to earth' unglamorous depiction of near-future planet colonization.
- The Eleventh Hour - The best first story for a Doctor, and really sums up Smith's era right from the word go. Everything he later becomes is in here.
- Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone - How much did you like Blink? If answer is 'a lot', this becomes must watch.
- Vampires of Venice - See Tooth and Claw - it's not a 'special' episode, but it's some good self contained fun.
- Vincent & the Doctor - Amazing, amazing episode.
- The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang - perilously close to besting Bad Wolf/Parting but JUST falls short.
- A Christmas Carol - The best Christmas episode, and, well, is almost the season and all..
- The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon - Just a really good two-parter.
- The Girl Who Waited - excellent Doctor-light episode that in that respect is imo Blink's equal
- The God Complex - oft overlooked but genuinely brilliant.
Writing this has helped me to realize that while I find vast swathes of Series 6 actively awful, Series 7 is okay but completely unremarkable to where I have no stand-out recommendations from it, which is an interesting realization. Hmm.