The Doctor Donna is the best companion combination
come at me bros
Do people not agree with this? Donna is the best.
The Doctor Donna is the best companion combination
come at me bros
The Doctor Donna is the best companion combination
come at me bros
Do people not agree with this? Donna is the best.
In crisis situations its helpful to be positive.And then he looks at what he wrote and thinks he has a story there.
Is thinking positively about the low chances you have of survival the actual way to deal with the hand mines?
Its the Mistress/Master? Outlandish wild schemes have been their thing.Why did Missy bother with the planes when just contacting UNIT and saying hi got the Clara meeting she wanted.
Didnt really seem very dramatic. She took 3 seconds to walk from the car to the table. i had to rewatch this part because i thought i had missed something but even now i dont get this complaint.Clara walking dramatically towards Missy while Mission Impossible music plays in the background doesn't make your stupid pile of nothing into a cool character.
i dont even understand what the complaint is here.Why is Moffat's solution to nobody ever dying in his stories to kill characters he introduced two seconds ago. And by "characters" and "introduced" I mean there was some dude in the background for a moment there before Missy blew him up. Remember in last year's finale when the Doctor got on the plane and then that one guy got ripped out the window. The fandom is still super upset about the death. Those 2 million viewers the show lost were all people who were upset that guy didn't come back.
i think the snipers are more for their protection. They should have evacuated the area though. Fair enough.Also why did you bother with snipers if Missy just randomly killing people is not enough of a reason to shoot her.
i agree that the Doctor dying is an annoying plot but its just part of the hook. Its not about the Doctor dying but the Doctor succumbing to despair from the guilt of his actions."The Doctor's final day" doesn't mean anything when he has those twice a day.
Guy gets attacked by snake and converted to Dalek puppet. Its also worth noting that the scene where the puppet finds the TARDIS we see a POV shot of someone lurking and observing him. Since the story isnt finished it might be relevant.When the Daleks are looking for the Doctor, how did he stay hidden for weeks with his friend, the secret Dalek?
The easiest explanation is that the tank doesnt stay there so it doesnt disrupt time. As for why it was there in the first place.. he didnt really care as he was dealing with the fact that all the hundreds of billions that are killed by the Daleks are ultimately his fault because he couldnt murder.Our hero The Doctor, at the end of his life, decides to take a tank into the middle ages for no reason, therefore likely fucking with the timeline in all sorts of horrible ways? Tennant decided to screw with time some more because he felt invincible and realized 15 seconds later that it was a bad idea. And I still have a hard time forgetting Father's Day, where saving one guy was a big no-no, and doing it anyway caused dragons to eat everybody.
The story isnt finished?And then the Doctor is a prisoner and without his Tardis, but somehow got to time travel again to go and kill young Davros. This would be a fine mystery if I had any faith in it not being the Pandorica loop again.
1 and Vicki are a severely underrated pair.
The only companion after that that I really like was Tegan. I love her almost complete disinterest in exploring time and space, and her insistence that she has to catch a plane at Heathrow Airport for almost her entire run. Definitely the best part of that little Tardis family at the time.
Not really a fan of Donna myself, but that's mostly because that kind of comedy doesn't really appeal to me. A bit too shouty and obnoxious. I do love me some Wilfred though.
In a sense, Donna starts out in a similar way to Tegan; stumbles into the Tardis with no real intent to join up. I'd also add in Lucie Miller in a similar way. Perhaps it's something that merits use for a more long-term companion?
Didnt really seem very dramatic. She took 3 seconds to walk from the car to the table. i had to rewatch this part because i thought i had missed something but even now i dont get this complaint.
The only companion after that that (in the classic series) I really like was Tegan. I love her almost complete disinterest in exploring time and space, and her insistence that she has to catch a plane at Heathrow Airport for almost her entire run. Definitely the best part of that little Tardis family at the time.
1 and Vicki are a severely underrated pair.
I feel like this is very true for a lot of common criticisms towards certain Doctor Who characters/writers.
I may even be guilty of thinking like that myself sometimes.
You liked Tegan and you didn't like Ace? :/
I like Ace, she's definitely better than most of her contemporaries. I just don't really care for a lot of the stories in that era. Most of the stories of the 80s aren't really my thing - and the McCoy era just isn't for me (although I'm doing a second rewatch now (halfway through Tom Baker now), and this rewatch made me change my mind on Pertwee - really love him now - so I might change my mind on McCoy as well. I hope so!)
But you're right, the fact that I didn't like the McCoy episodes had nothing to do with Ace. She was definitely one of the better ones of that era.
Pertwee is so amazing when he goes low key. Like he'll be bombastic about some rubbish or another to an extent that veers on irritating, but then it'll come time to be serious and he stops being cranky and lowers his voice. I love that in his serials.
McCoy has about as abysmal a first season as you could have, but once Cartmel finds his feet, things get dramatically better imo, with the drive to add some much needed mystery back to the doctor, and McCoy took to the new direction like a duck to water.
I mean looking at those last two classic who seasons:
Remembrance of the Daleks
The Happiness Patrol
Silver Nemesis
The Greatest Show in the Galaxy
Ghost Light
The Curse of Fenric
Every ep there is favourite of mine except Battlefield & Silver Nemesis, and Battlefield still has some good elements - I think one rewrite would have made it a good ep. Nemesis is a clanger though.
Oh, if you're watching via the DVD's, you need to watch the directors cut of Fenric - the original cut has a lot of problems that were fixed. Did you manage to watch the special edition of Day of the Dalek? That was very well done too. Kinda also has some optional CG that turns a scene that was originally rather pathetic into something really quite effective.
I haven't seen the director's cut of Fenric - did they actually add/rearrange scenes or are you talking about replacing special effects?
It's a movie-format extended re-edit with a full Dolby Digital 5.1 sound remix. There is five minutes more then the extended VHS edition & 12 minutes more then the original transmission. They actually shot enough to make five full eps, but ultimately decided it flowed better with four for a weekly serial. I think some scenes were also shuffled around to make more sense.
Nick Mallett, who directed the ep, and Mark Ayres, who scored it wrote up a detailed guide of what they wanted to do with the DC, but sadly Mallet died before he had a chance to do so. Ayres then carried out the work based on the notes.
There are also a couple of practical effect replacements where the original effects just didn't work at all (as they were only tested in the workshop, but the entire serial was shot on location, where they failed).
In a sense, Donna starts out in a similar way to Tegan; stumbles into the Tardis with no real intent to join up. I'd also add in Lucie Miller in a similar way. Perhaps it's something that merits use for a more long-term companion?
Why is Moffat's solution to nobody ever dying in his stories to kill characters he introduced two seconds ago. And by "characters" and "introduced" I mean there was some dude in the background for a moment there before Missy blew him up. Remember in last year's finale when the Doctor got on the plane and then that one guy got ripped out the window. The fandom is still super upset about the death. Those 2 million viewers the show lost were all people who were upset that guy didn't come back.
Anyway.. baseless speculation..Many are thinking that we will see how Davros came to be deformed and that the Doctor/companions are responsible but im thinking that this story might change the Daleks in a completely different way. The "save my friend" line could be referring to Davros. i rewatched Genesis of the Daleks the other day and the Doctor is discussing with Davros about altering the Daleks to be an instrument of peace for the universe. If the later Doctors abandonment is one of the pivotal moments he wouldnt realize this until hundreds of years later and would only be able to try and fix it then. Theyll probably go the safe route but the option is there to change things radically (for a bit anyways)
Yeah, I do appreciate that about her. Especially because, although I liked Rose, I really, really didn't like her love story, and I think they did Martha a great disservice by making her Rose-lite. But as for Donna, it's more her personality and the style of comedy surrounding her that really doesn't resonate with me. Just different tastes is all. I don't think I ever really got over that 'pulling silly faces behind the window'-scene in her first(?) story, although I appreciate that they toned her down a bit in later stories.
Never, but the same dude did the voice of the Beast in the Impossible Planet/Satan Pit two parter.
Also there were some audio dramas where he came back. Something about Faction Paradox or whatever, but I don't know how "canon" those are
This needs to be our defecto response to any posts like this in the future now. I love it.
Martha wasn't Rose-lite, but she absolutely was a meta-comment/reaction to Rose, an anti-Rose.
1) She super confident and successful.
2) The Doctor is *not* in love with her, despite her being into him.
I liked her a lot at the time (competence and feistiness is attractive) but looking back, she seems less like I whole character, like Donna, than a reaction to Rose (who herself was somewhat 2 dimensional).
The thing I'm kind of annoyed about with this most recent premiere is that it feels like Moffat has had The Doctor realize multiple times that he's not this big authority but instead just needs to be this madcap wanderer (erasing himself because he's become too big, the finale for series 8 ending with the 'I'm not a good man, I'm not a bad man, I'm a madman with a box' bit) and then it goes right back into stories all about him being the huge focal point/impetus/etc instead of the wrench/spanner in the works. Putting aside the fact that we're having another 'last day/death' so soon to the last time this happened, it does feel like the record skipping a little bit.
are people really upset about the use of the word bitch?
From what I know (only from this thread, haven't seen the episode yet) it's not used in a pejorative manner and seems more like an Elton John reference than anything else.. are standing on a precipice where the BBC is about to fall into a ravine, he said in a wide-ranging and impassioned session chaired by Radio Times TV editor Alison Graham.
"My take on it is that we have lost. I absolutely think that. The problem is people say you can fight for the BBC but there is no fight. You can [only] submit some opinions to the green paper.
RTD seems to be back on the scene with the BBC Drama scene a lot more this last year (which I think is a prelude to him inevitably returning to Doctor Who at some point), but he's in the Radio Times now warning about what he thinks is the now near-inevitably death of the BBC:
It's probably going to be a grim decade for a lot of the TV I love, including Who. =/
Fantastic was just looking for this. Hello new phone wallpaper
This sums up all the Moffat haters.
I wouldn't call myself a hater, but this irks me if only because most of the Moffat criticisms are pretty specific and thought out, and this meme refers more to random hate of innocuous things.