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Doctor Who Series 9 |OT| Let Zygons Be Zygons

Aaaaand trailer quote. To be honest, I quite like the slower pace. The two part format affords it. Next week will naturally be more action packed.

More than a crap version of Silence in the Library it feels like a decent version of The Almost People to me.


Really enjoyed it, feels more like classic non-classic Doctor. Too bad it's a two-parter.

Edit: Oh, I'm glad I didn't follow this thread during the show. So much negativity.


Mhh, the doctor is still using his "Sonic Glasses" :( I surely hope they change that again sometime this season.


Also, love your avatar.

So, I'm adopting the approach that you can't judge a two-parter until both episodes have aired, but anyway:

- Monster design is cool.
- Some good zingy one-liners.
- who didn't see that ending coming
- next time trailer surprisingly meh
Like The Waters of Mars but without an actual thematic thread to give it any actual impetus. Alright, though - is a two-parter after all. It feels like perhaps the concept of next week (which sounds strong, the two timezones/Doctor ghost stuff) probably would've stretched to more than 45 minutes, but there wasn't really enough meat for a full 90 minutes either. I feel like once we've seen it all this'll feel like it would've been a great 60 minute episode or something. Lots of treading water! But interested for next week. Remains one of the show's strongest guest writers.

Glasses are shite. Get rid.


I really enjoyed this episode, it was nicely creepy, especially when the ghosts picked up the weapons. I LOVE the idea of Clara being trapped and the doctor having to go back in time to solve the mystery and save her, and the cliffhanger was an interesting one.

The characters were pretty good too, I especially liked how the most famous actors were killed off first to give more attention to the other characters. And I like how the Doctor has 2 temporary companions (who were probably my favourites of the bunch)

The conversation about Clara needing a hobby and chasing danger sure felt like foreshadowing.

Not gonna lie, probably my favourite Capaldi episode so far, and one of my favourites in a long while. looking forward to seeing how the mystery unfolds next week.
Really enjoying it so far. The monsters were good, the setting is good, the cliffhanger was good (if not a bit obvious). Just all round goodness so far, looking forward to see next weeks episode.
I was judging it by the standard of an episode 3 rompy kind of affair and in that respect it vaguely exceeded my expectations. Series 7B and Series 8 both fell flat for me pretty much in their entireties so enjoying three episodes in a row is giving me hope of a general return to form this series.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Nothing wrong with a slower pace but you need strong characters to carry it, and they were all painfully generic. Didn't care about any of them in the slightest, and feel like we've seen that exact bunch of people 101 times on the show. Just one was deaf this time as a plot-device.

Didn't find anything interesting in it at all, it made Time Heist look good in comparison.

Oh well, see what the 2nd part brings.


Like The Waters of Mars but without an actual thematic thread to give it any actual impetus. Alright, though - is a two-parter after all. It feels like perhaps the concept of next week (which sounds strong, the two timezones/Doctor ghost stuff) probably would've stretched to more than 45 minutes, but there wasn't really enough meat for a full 90 minutes either. I feel like once we've seen it all this'll feel like it would've been a great 60 minute episode or something. Lots of treading water! But interested for next week. Remains one of the show's strongest guest writers.

Glasses are shite. Get rid.

I walked into this thread to give my thoughts but I see they've been stolen from my brain and put into stringy word form here already by AP.

Especially the first sentence, nails it.
10 minutes after the episode ended, I do not remember a single one of the the crew's names. That is a bad sign, none of them made any impression on me.
Cue cards bit was great. Capaldi deserves better episodes than he's had this season so far. Big fan of S8, probably my favourite NuWho so far, but three episodes in and all pretty forgettable save for a Davros conversation or two.
Doctor Who should just be two-part stories from now on.

We are all in agreement, yes?


I really enjoyed this one. Glasses gotta go.
Eh. Whithouse is typically a very thematic writer so was kinda expecting more. This was just...shallow (yay water puns). No massively interesting characters except for sleazy business man who quickly dies, Clara barely gets anything to do, and the 12th Doctor felt decidedly 11th. It feels like the episode couldn't quite commit to the typical base under siege format because it wanted most characters to survive, but equally didn't have enough else to go on. So just lots of standing around talking,

I liked the cue cards though! And roundels!


I thought it was pretty adorable that there was a lot of scientific jargon that basically boiled down to "The TARDIS is afraid of ghosts" :p
I thought that was lovely, actually. Yes, it was traditional, but it was a sort of traditional that Moffat's era hasn't touched on much at all, and I loved the atmosphere of it all.

Next week looks brilliant. Well up for that.


I enjoyed that. I liked the slower pace that gave more time to trying to figure out what was going on rather than going from one action sequence to the next.

Looking forward to next week.
Not a bad episode, but at the same time felt like Whitehouse had watched the Alien boxset before writing it.
Best episode of this season so far, but his worst Who episode.
Not as bad as the last few seasons of Being Human though, eek.


Felt a bit like a lesser Waters of Mars, but it was fine. It lacked character moments, and to me the plot didn't feel complicated enough to warrant such a large amount of exposition. But the concept is good, I enjoyed The Doctor clumsily trying to be more empathetic, and the ghosts, while lacking any sort of character or unique trait, were deliciously creepy.

Very interesting cliffhanger too; looks like the second part might be significantly different from this one, which is really cool. Hopefully we'll get some good character moments, now that the group's split up. Looking separately at just this part it's just ok, but I think the two-parter as a whole has potential to ultimately be really good.
Pretty fun episode in all honesty. It's not without faults and they kind of ripped the sleezy company guy from Silence in the library but nothing was offensively bad. I really like Colin McFarlane so it's a shame to see him get sidelined as a actual actor fairly quickly.

Having a dead person on board is a great little plot element as is they Doctor getting to wave his Unit credentials to military folk despite the time jump.

I have a soft spot for secluded base episodes and this does a fairly good job at raising the steaks.

Next week looks like the stronger episode.

These two part episodes are great for exposition and building real characters. I hope we get more.

Strong series so far for me.


Are all episodes this series two parters? Because I'm ok with that.

I liked this episode and I found the ghosts creepy, that whole blacked out eye thing.


You guys didn't like that? I liked that far more than I thought I would. First of all, it didn't go through the whole Doctor Who formula of initial crew dies, then one member of the crew dies but not before giving Doctor crucial information (Mummy on the Orient Express; I expected it to happen here when that one dude was caught by the ghost, but was relieved he didn't die), and finally the Doctor finds out how to defeat them by seemingly almost sacrificing himself (which does actually happen apparently) and/or one of the crew valiantly sacrifices themselves and a handful survive.

Granted, we still have another part to go so who knows? All I know is that it seems to be dealing with the theme of adventure and how far people are willing to go for the sake of their own curiosity and thrill. I mean, it's being beaten over our heads with Clara being overly gung-ho throughout the entire episode and the Doctor being like "whoa slow your roll dude" as well as everyone being given the chance to leave safely but staying on for the sake of adventure.

I enjoyed how slow paced it was and the preview for the next episode looks promising so I'm adequately hyped. I like this two-parter format so far.
Hmm, that one never really seemed to get going.

Going back to the Autumn thing, Moffat has always in interviews made it seem like it was his idea. I've never seen any evidence it was done against his wishes.


I enjoyed the episode. Its a mystery that is slowly getting solved. Two part episodes gives the story time to breathe.

But you know
the doctor is probably in that suspended animation chamber they found


All felt a bit meh to me, with some potential shining through. Won't know how I feel until part 2, but I don't like people always knowing who the Doctor is, it's better when he's an unknown quantity to them. I thought the cue cards were a bit too slapstick, honestly, but maybe I'm just being a stick in the mud.
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