This is picking up. Better than a lot of Series 8 episodes in any case.
This episode feels like a worse version of Silence in the Library to me.
Has there ever been one without one?And another 2parter with a Cliffhanger :O
Has there ever been one without one?
Mhh, the doctor is still using his "Sonic Glasses"I surely hope they change that again sometime this season.
And another 2parter with a Cliffhanger :O
the hell is with the 2-parter hate? DOCTOR WHO should always be in serial format
Like The Waters of Mars but without an actual thematic thread to give it any actual impetus. Alright, though - is a two-parter after all. It feels like perhaps the concept of next week (which sounds strong, the two timezones/Doctor ghost stuff) probably would've stretched to more than 45 minutes, but there wasn't really enough meat for a full 90 minutes either. I feel like once we've seen it all this'll feel like it would've been a great 60 minute episode or something. Lots of treading water! But interested for next week. Remains one of the show's strongest guest writers.
Glasses are shite. Get rid.
10 minutes after the episode ended, I do not remember a single one of the the crew's names. That is a bad sign, none of them made any impression on me.