Liked it, even though it was rather "vanilla-Doctor Who" I suppose, but it's kinda came at the right time for me. Next episode looks fun.
Nothing wrong with a slower pace but you need strong characters to carry it, and they were all painfully generic. Didn't care about any of them in the slightest, and feel like we've seen that exact bunch of people 101 times on the show. Just one was deaf this time as a plot-device.
Didn't find anything interesting in it at all, it made Time Heist look good in comparison.
Oh well, see what the 2nd part brings.
Hell, even Clara was more companion-y than she normally is.
One of them was named Cass.
I only remembered that because I work with a company that's called Cass.
I mean, I liked Cass (deaf girl) and her buddy; investor asshole did a good job being an asshole... But unless they're super annoying or have a really poignant moment, guest characters in a random locked down futuristic base always have no chance of being remembered.
The story is still quite fun, though, and sometimes that all you need.
Watching it again - just realised the reference to the alien planet where all the residents are cowards is a nod to God Complex. Nice touch by Whithouse.
For anyone interested, the overnight UK ratings were flat from last week's episode, 3.7 million. Was expecting even lower, so that's a small victory, but the rugby has really hurt the ratings these first couple of episodes. Should hopefully be >4 million next week.
For anyone interested, the overnight UK ratings were flat from last week's episode, 3.7 million. Was expecting even lower, so that's a small victory, but the rugby has really hurt the ratings these first couple of episodes. Should hopefully be >4 million next week.
I don't know why BBC put it on directly against the England match, makes no sense to me
Not a bad episode, but at the same time felt like Whitehouse had watched the Alien boxset before writing it.
I dunno, completely forgettable side characters is par for the course for New Who. Non-serial length stories make it harder to make memorable ones. I can't think of a single side character's name for the past 10 years, but I still remember Binro the Heretic.
As for this being worse than Time Heist... well, people never agreeing on this show is one of my favorite things about it![]()
Why are people comparing the first part of a two-parter to single episodes? We haven't seen the complete story yet.
I'm glad they're at least addressing the possible Tardis addiction that Clara seems to have. Especially now that Danny is gone. Something tells me this is how she's exiting the show. It's going to be related to that.
Not liking the way the Doctor's dialogue is becoming more and more interchangeable with Sherlock's. Anyone else noticing that?
Not liking the way the Doctor's dialogue is becoming more and more interchangeable with Sherlock's. Anyone else noticing that?
The big difference between the Doctor and Sherlock Holmes is that the Doctor does care about those around him, he's just not at all interested in their present emotional state. So long as they're safe, he's swell.
Whereas Sherlock is purely in it to massage his own ego.
Also, kudos for writing in a deaf character. I don't think I've seen sign language portrayed on screen in the method they did in the show - rather than being the focus, it was in the background nonchalantly.
I enjoyed that, but I thought the glowing writing was a bit strong of a clue. Still the foreshadowing is good. The writing was obviously the trigger for the ghosts attacking, that one guy lived because of something to do with the reactor that we're not sure of yet,
This episode was a bit of a surprise. The previews didn't make it seem that interesting, but it was pretty enjoyable. I think that every episode of series 9 will have the Doctor thinking he is going to die.
Also notice that the ghost was looking at his closed eyes when deciding whether or not to clobber him with the wrench. And the question of why the ghosts have no eyes in the first place is bound to be significant.Also, he was never allowed into the ship, so had never seen the writing. I suspect that's no coincidence.