Wasn't Clara meant to be pregnant? Or did that theory go bust?
They probably realized nobody cares enough about Danny to care about him and Clara having a kid
Wasn't Clara meant to be pregnant? Or did that theory go bust?
I don't really see an issue with the Doctor being a Sherlock-like character,
I fear Orson Pink will just be left unexplained by Moffat and be another example of poor writing and planning.
I fear Orson Pink will just be left unexplained by Moffat and be another example of poor writing and planning.
I'm sticking to my guns that they realized nobody gave a shit about Danny and just killed himI fear Orson Pink will just be left unexplained by Moffat and be another example of poor writing and planning.
I fear Orson Pink will just be left unexplained by Moffat and be another example of poor writing and planning.
I just did a Google search on "doctor who Clara pregnant". There's a lot of speculation but not much to go on. The "three months" sticky note seen in the background during Clara's fatal call to Danny could mean anything, though it's the most persuasive evidence I've seen. The resemblance between Orson and Danny was written in an ambiguous way (Clara sees it, The Doctor doesn't) with the end of the series in mind.
There's no reason to suppose Clara is pregnant. Wouldn't she have mentioned the fact to Danny when she met him in the graveyard, or in that last conversation before he sent the boy back, or even during the crab dream? For such an important fact to go unmentioned doesn't seem plausible.
That's a damn nice looking LEGO TARDIS. Looks like we'll be getting more info about the proper set soonish.
Also notice that the ghost was looking at his closed eyes when deciding whether or not to clobber him with the wrench. And the question of why the ghosts have no eyes in the first place is bound to be significant.
John Hurt, the world-renowned star of film and television, is returning to the role of The War Doctor, in twelve full-cast Doctor Who audio plays.
What the hell?
It looks like there's an Eighth Doctor series that leads into it as well:
Wearing his Night of the Doctor costume and not the Purple Leather of the other Big Finish stuff.
What the hell?
It looks like there's an Eighth Doctor series that leads into it as well:
Wearing his Night of the Doctor costume and not the Purple Leather of the other Big Finish stuff.
In addition to The War Doctor, November 2017 also sees a prequel box set to the saga, Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor The Time War, which will follow the early stages of the Time War from the Eighth Doctors perspective. Paul McGann stars, alongside characters first introduced in the War Doctor box sets.
Just appeared in my Facebook feed:
Pretty huge news for Big Finish! Seems like they're inching ever closer to getting the core new-series Doctors involved.
Psst: It's not announced yet, but it's leaked: Tennant/Tate are doing stories in 2016.
Woah. I knew about the other stuff, but 10/Donna is news to me. I kinda can't stand Donna, but damn, that's incredibly exciting news for all the fans who can! I'll be crossing my fingers for some Rose/Mickey/Martha/Jack sometime down the line, or if I dare to dream, maybe even some Chris Eccleston.
EDIT: Nick Briggs chats with John Hurt on the Big Finish podcast.
It was probably always going to be that pair, as Eccleston is a grump, Agyeman is off in America and being quite successful at it, and Piper's semi-retired for a while to focus on being a mum (I think she said she's only doing one or two projects a year, or something. Then again, you can record a Big Finish in a day). I'm sure they'll be able to get Piper in soon though, and Barrowman is already doing Torchwood serials, so...
Oh, Freema's still kicking it in the US? Good for her. I could see Piper getting onboard, but as you say, maybe not right away. I think they'd have to physically restrain Barrowman. Noel Clarke would probably do it too, likewise Camille Coduri, now I think about it.
I'm still holding out some hope for Eccleston. It's well-documented now that his issue was with particular individuals (and to some extent the culture) on the TV show, so working with a much smaller organisation on projects that emphasise performance and story over visual effects or action set-pieces seems like something he might want to do.
Oh, Freema's still kicking it in the US? Good for her. I could see Piper getting onboard, but as you say, maybe not right away. I think they'd have to physically restrain Barrowman.
APZonerunner said:Love that man though, would love to see him do some more Who stuff. I'd love to see him write and/or direct an episode - his Torchwood was good!
I'm sticking to my guns that they realized nobody gave a shit about Danny and just killed him
Where the hell has all this bull about Clara being pregnant come from?
Wow Big Finish are going all out. 2016 is a stacked year for them.
Getting John Hurt to come back is fantastic though. I'm curious how they approach him because he's kind of like a new Eighth Doctor; he appeared on screen once, but its now pretty much entirely in Big Finish's hands as to how they shape him. Particularly since the War Doctor we saw was in his last days as opposed to in the thick of it.
I wonder if they can't get Ecceleston they'll just forgo him and have Rose or Rose+Jack stories with Piper and Barrowman. A mini arc where they get stranded away from the TARDIS would be neat.
As for Eccleston: I really wouldn't get your hopes up. I don't think he's a dick or anything, but he just isn't the kind of actor to return to something like this. Not uncommon for actors, but it sucks for fans like us because all the other Doctors have always been happy to return to the role years later. On the upside, even Tom Baker changed his mind and realised he was being a bit of an asshole towards the show, the other Doctors and his fans when he started doing Big Finish (his own admission - listen to Tom Baker at 60, it's a very uplifting listen because he talks about how unhappy he was, and how happy doing Big Finish made him again). It was even his idea to do 'something with the other guys' for Big Finish's 50th anniversary, even though he never wanted to do multi-Doctor specials in the past because he didn't want to play second fiddle to other Doctors. If even Tom can change his mind (granted, it took some time), Eccleston might too, at some point. And Tom Baker definitely was more stubborn and unwilling to work with others than Eccleston seems to be.
It's also worth remembering that, even though he didn't end up doing it, he was willing to listen to Moffat's pitch for Day of the Doctor. It might just have been a courtesy, but perhaps he hasn't completely ruled out the possibility as well.
Where the hell has all this bull about Clara being pregnant come from?
They could always just get an Ecclestone impersonator.
You know, I enjoyed the episode, but I'm really getting sick of the "Doctor arrives on space station/research lab/mining colony and there are only a few people left helpless against a monster or two".
I'm sticking to my guns that they realized nobody gave a shit about Danny and just killed him
You're more than likely right. The only thing they could possibly have changed before airing is the Christmas special which reeks of them planning to have Clara leave thenUnless I'm wrong, aren't all 12/etc episodes shot & finished before the 1st episode of a new series is even aired? So not sure if they can use public feedback in this case to determine this. Maybe if they went back and altered the script/scenes though.