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Doctor Who Series 9 |OT| Let Zygons Be Zygons


Having a legit male companion would be nice.

Rory and Captain Jack were awesome, and seeing classic who Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart and Harry, we need more of that please.
Yeah, I really enjoyed Rory in particular, but he always felt second fiddle to Amy while she was the 'main' companion and he revolved around her.

I'd love a series with a male companion and a female companion, both equally important, and not connected to each other in any way, maybe they'd even start out clashing with each other and trying to 'out-companion' the other.

I think Bennett would be a good idea because he's quite cowardly but driven, which is in contrast with Clara who is brave but chaotic, and he'd probably have a student/teacher dynamic with the Doctor which I could imagine Capaldi doing well. him being a scientist would come in handy too.

Also he's pretty easy on the eyes which would be welcome.

It's going to end up being another girl in a miniskirt but a man can dream
Purple coat and fob watch Lego 12? Must be a costume from later this season.

And I want to see this line go for 20 years. I want a Vengeance on Varos set with a little minifig Sixie and Sil.
I wasn't the biggest fan of the idea of the War Doctor, but maybe Big Finish can redeem the idea once freed from Moffat.

Tennant is obviously happening, and is all but confirmed, so I guess it's just back for me to keep holding out hope for Eccleston.
Purple coat and fob watch Lego 12? Must be a costume from later this season.

I assume its meant to be 11th Doctors costume before he regenerates. That way you can stick Matt's head on that body and have it be his costume too. It generally seems to be a 'Time of the Doctor set' what with Clara's outfit and the TARDIS still having the blue time rotor.

Very clever way to do the TARDIS though. I'll happily lay down the cash for that come Christmas.
I wasn't the biggest fan of the idea of the War Doctor, but maybe Big Finish can redeem the idea once freed from Moffat.

I saw John Hurt a couple of years ago in Day of the Doctor. That was a great idea that went far beyond good casting. The spartan layout of his console, his weary face, his manner of dress and his interaction with the other Doctor Whos, they all built a picture of this man as somebody we'd all love to know more about.

I don't buy all this fan nonsense about how character X/writer Y/show runner Z is the worst ever. It gets tedious. No, it _started_ tedious and I wish everybody would realise that this crap doesn't matter. The show is an international success and widely acknowledged as one of the BBC's greatest assets. The current show runner is simultaneously producing two of the greatest shows the BBC has ever seen and he's deservedly won awards for both.


Is there a comic or something that goes more deeply into the Time War? When 10 listed off the horrors that came from it, that peaked my interest more than anything.

The Doctor said:
You weren’t there. In the final days of the war. You never saw what was born. But if the time lock’s broken then everything is coming through. Not just the Daleks, but the Star of Degradations. The Horde of Travesties. The Nightmare Child. The Could-Have-Been King with his army of Meanwhiles and Neverweres. The war turned into hell!

With awesome names like that, it sounds like I need to see this stuff. Doctor Who horror stories are my favorite sorts of episodes, but they never went into it.


I've always been curious about all those horrors as well. Esp the The Nightmare Child. The mystery of it all does help to create an extra set of creepy/horror element to it I think.

Though A Dalek in the "The Big Bang" was called a "Neverwere" after the universe died.


I think audio is the best format to explore those sorts of things because you can leave enough of it up to the listener's imagination


Is there a comic or something that goes more deeply into the Time War? When 10 listed off the horrors that came from it, that peaked my interest more than anything.

The Engines of War is a Novel about the War Doctor during the War. I haven't finished it, (I keep getting pulled into other things,) but it does explain the Skaro Degradations. If I recall correctly, they are
Daleks who were retro-evolved by the mainline Daleks into something even nastier. (Stealing the idea from the Timelords sending the Doctor to make them less nasty in Genesis of the Daleks.)

I read something on Gallifrey Base, years ago, in which Davies supposedly explained what the Nightmare Child was. I don't remember what it was exactly, but I do remember thinking, "Oh, no, that would have been awful on TV." I think it was a sentient gaseous cloud, or something.

Though A Dalek in the "The Big Bang" was called a "Neverwere" after the universe died.

Yeah, I always assumed that someone found a way to weaponize those.

Yep. The best special effects and visuals are in my mind.

Yep, Davies has also said something to the effect that he left a lot of that stuff vague and/or unexplained on purpose, as a jumping off point for people to use their imaginations and for children to come up with their own Doctor Who adventures. It's also why they never explain who the woman in End of Time is. From the commentary, it's pretty clear that Davies intended her to be
the Doctor's Mother,
but he left it purposefully unclear, so people could make their own decisions.


I saw John Hurt a couple of years ago in Day of the Doctor. That was a great idea that went far beyond good casting. The spartan layout of his console, his weary face, his manner of dress and his interaction with the other Doctor Whos, they all built a picture of this man as somebody we'd all love to know more about.

I don't buy all this fan nonsense about how character X/writer Y/show runner Z is the worst ever. It gets tedious. No, it _started_ tedious and I wish everybody would realise that this crap doesn't matter. The show is an international success and widely acknowledged as one of the BBC's greatest assets. The current show runner is simultaneously producing two of the greatest shows the BBC has ever seen and he's deservedly won awards for both.

This post deserves more attention. This thread gets far too cynical for its own good sometimes.
The one thing I love about Big Finish is their use of the same promo shots over and over.

Obviously photos of old doctors are limited but you could probably get Paul McGann into a photoshoot every couple of years instead of using the same old TV Movie shots.

I do a decent amount of commuting so I could always use something different to listen to. Ill have to try one some day.
Alright, so I just watched episode 3.

Technically it was fine, but it really felt like a by the numbers episode to me. I couldn't get invested in any of the characters. The "business" guy was pretty much straight out of Alien, putting profit before safety. I never actually cared about what was happening. Having said that, it was much better than the flesh avatar episodes from Smith's era, so there's that. And I'll admit the cliffhanger was a good one, perhaps part 2 will be stronger and this was just the setup.


I really, really hoped that the sonic glasses was a one-episode thing, no sonic screwdriver is such a letdown for me.

I don't mind the sonic shades for a little while but I hope the Doctor gets his screwdriver back by the end of the season (I personally hopr Capaldi get a new Screwdriver design).


I honestly don't mind the sunglasses so much. Every Doctor has their goofy things: 2 had his flute, 4 had his jelly babies, 5 had his celery, 7 had his umbrella and spoons, 11 had his fez, etc. The one thing that is a bummer for me is that I had hoped that the opener meant that he would have no sonic at all for a while. I don't think the Doctor should always have his sonic - he used it rarely (and mostly for small things) in the classic series, and it was definitely overused by 9, 10 and 11 to get out of some plot problems a bit easier. It became more of a magic wand than a screwdriver (I mentally high-fived myself when John Hurt gave Tennant and Smith some shit when they tried to act like their screwdrivers were actual weapons in Day of the Doctor). Basically it created the same problem as when K9 became a constant companion for the 4th Doctor for a while. I love both the screwdriver and K9, but I think less is more.

If this Doctor is going to have a sonic, I don't particularly care that it's a pair of sunglasses. It's goofy, it's so uncool that it's cool again, and it fits his semi-retired 60s rocker style. After all, the original joke with the screwdriver was that a screwdriver is the lamest, most uncool weapon the Doctor could have, and that made it cool. The sunglasses work with that, I think. I think it would have been cool to have a Doctor that wouldn't use his sonic at all for a while, but eh.

Also the sunglasses have the potential to create some very fun moments. I loved the look of the Doctor wearing them while looking through the porthole at those ghosts, for instance.
I don't care about the sunglasses as long as they're not used as the Sword of Omens like the screwdriver has been over the last few years.

I'm very happy that Barry Letts & JNT cut down on it during their eras so it never really became an absolute staple of the classic show, and now (a couple of years ago really) is a really good time to do that again for nuwho.


I honestly don't mind the sunglasses so much. Every Doctor has their goofy things: 2 had his flute, 4 had his jelly babies, 5 had his celery, 7 had his umbrella and spoons, 11 had his fez, etc.

I'm kinda hoping we get to see more of 12 on his guitar. Nothing too showy, but I can imagine him pacing around the TARDIS strumming out a few chords whilst trying to figure something out.

I love both the screwdriver and K9, but I think less is more.

I completely agree. I too don't mind the sunglasses too much, but lessening the Sonic devices somewhat wouldn't be a bad thing. Being over-reliant is clearly the reason others seem to get so uppity about the lack of a screwdriver for this season.


I'm kinda hoping we get to see more of 12 on his guitar. Nothing too showy, but I can imagine him pacing around the TARDIS strumming out a few chords whilst trying to figure something out.

I'd hope for an exchange along the lines of:

"Is it a sonic guitar?"
"It's a guitar. That's rather the point."
I don't mind the glasses at all.

In fact, it's a bit of a missed trick, I'd think that something along those lines wasn't introduced earlier. Especially since both 10 and 11 copped to wearing their glasses only when they felt like looking smarter.

Sonic reading glasses instead of a screwdriver would have actually made them appear smarter.
Did ten only use his 3d ones in the void/dalek/cybermen finale? Pretty much what twelve used them for here as well. Happy as long as they're just situation informers and not situation resolvers


I wasn't the biggest fan of the idea of the War Doctor, but maybe Big Finish can redeem the idea once freed from Moffat.

Tennant is obviously happening, and is all but confirmed, so I guess it's just back for me to keep holding out hope for Eccleston.

Not to sound overly grim about it, but given Hurt's cancer diagnosis I'm a little worried about that ever happening. :\


I've always been curious about all those horrors as well. Esp the The Nightmare Child. The mystery of it all does help to create an extra set of creepy/horror element to it I think.

Though A Dalek in the "The Big Bang" was called a "Neverwere" after the universe died.

I ran a Doctor Who RPG campaign once where the arc villain was the Could-Have-Been-King. The concept I ran with is that a Neverwere is just a thing that has ceased to exist due to the meddling of time travel in general. The Time War caused an incalculable number of these to come into being and one side or the other found a way to tap into the residual energy of what was once an entire lifetime and reel their wraithlike remnants back into creation in an effort to create yet another army to fight the other side. Imagine, an army of completely forgotten, dispossessed, pissed off unpeople, rampaging across the universe.

The Could-Have-Been-King was something far older than the Time War though. He was something ancient that had been unmade by Rassilon's own hand in the earliest days of the Time Lords shortly after Omega trapped the Eye of Harmony and their mastery over time began. The King took advantage of the hubris of letting them all into the universe again, set the Neverweres and Meanwhiles loose to just burn creation indiscriminately. Tried to set himself up as a legitimate third faction in the conflict. Neither the Time Lords nor the Daleks were having that, though.

If people thought Missy converting all the dead into soldiers would produce a lot of troops, that's nothing on those unmade by time travel. Whole worlds, massive civilizations, things too old and too dangerous for the Time Lords to permit them to exist. Weaponizing that is the actual picture of insanity. But that's just what they did...and what if such a force could find a way to slip the time lock?


Not to sound overly grim about it, but given Hurt's cancer diagnosis I'm a little worried about that ever happening. :\

Don't worry, it's happening. They announced this just recently:


They also released a (short) podcast where Briggs talks to Hurt for a bit, and they already recorded the first of four boxsets at that point.


Not sure how I feel about this season yet. Liked Capaldi coming in on the Tank and shredding on the guitar. Didn't care for the glasses too much.

Spoilering my thoughts on the end of the last episode to be nice. If not needed let me know.

Wondering how the Doctor gets out of the 'becoming a ghost' thing that the last episode ended with. Especially since it looks like Clara tells him about it, which reminds me of when Amy read what happened to River in the book in Angels Take Manhattan
I honestly don't mind the sunglasses so much. Every Doctor has their goofy things: 2 had his flute, 4 had his jelly babies, 5 had his celery, 7 had his umbrella and spoons, 11 had his fez, etc.

Also the sunglasses have the potential to create some very fun moments. I loved the look of the Doctor wearing them while looking through the porthole at those ghosts, for instance.

I think this is what hit for me - it's a quirk for this Doctor along with (hopefully) the guitar. I like the sunglasses, and we've only seen them for 3 episodes so far.


Not sure how I feel about this season yet. Liked Capaldi coming in on the Tank and shredding on the guitar. Didn't care for the glasses too much.

Spoilering my thoughts on the end of the last episode to be nice. If not needed let me know.

Wondering how the Doctor gets out of the 'becoming a ghost' thing that the last episode ended with. Especially since it looks like Clara tells him about it, which reminds me of when Amy read what happened to River in the book in Angels Take Manhattan

Easy. Consider the Doctor:
he is "dead" in the sense that he's put himself into suspended animation inside that sarcophagus they found at the end of episode 3. That way he can have died in the past, it provides a means for the ghost to exist (no doubt further supported with a little techno babble next ep) but still allows him to survive the adventure.


It makes zero practical sense not to mention disguises Capaldi's eyes, his most distinguishable feature. It's stupid.

It's not like he's wearing them all the time. Tom Baker is famous for his scarf and hat, and he went without them plenty of times. I think the glasses rather fit him honestly.

It's just a small, silly change (which is what Doctor Who is built around after all), and it's not like we'll never see the screwdriver again. It's only a good thing to allow new Doctors to create their own little iconic things for their era. The show would just get boring otherwise.


I have a stupid question regarding Big Finish because I can't seem to find the info on their FAQ page and don't really know where else to look.
If I place an order will they charge me now, or on the items release? And similarly if I were to order a bundle would I face the whole charge upfront, or would they charge me for each CD as it releases?

(I've never used anyone who uses sagepay for card processing before either so that doesn't help but it looks like it might be one upfront charge?).


Wow. That is bright... Did J.J. Abrams direct this theme?

Huh, yeah. Probably should have been a bit less bright. I would have also made that Tardis turn a bit more slowly - it'd be a pretty chill theme then. This seems like it could get annoying quickly.


I really liked that episode a lot-I'm a sucker for "trapped in a location, have to figure out a puzzle" stories.

I really hope Toby Whithouse gets the show runner gig after Moffat.
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