So, with the 50th (and the number of retrospective articles & lists) coming, I was wondering if Who-GAF was thinking of making it's own "Best of DW" list?
I'm game. I'm 70% through a rewatch of classic who, so I'm not going to be able to suggest anything past "Enlightenment" since I don't trust my memory that well. New who stuff as well, some of the comments for those are somewhat spoilery I guess. All the episodes I consider to be "good":
Unearthly Child (First ep only)
The Daleks
The Aztecs
Planet of Giants
The Rescue
The Romans
The Time Meddler
The War Machines
Tomb of the Cybermen
The Mind Robber
The Invasion
The Seeds of Death
The War Games
Spearhead from Space
Doctor Who and the Silurians
Ambassadors of Death
Terror of the Autons
Day of the Daleks (watch the special edition!)
The Sea Devils
The Mutants
The Time Monster
The Three Doctors
Carnival of Monsters
The Green Death
The Time Warrior
Planet of the Spiders
Genesis of the Daleks
Pyramids of Mars
The Brain of Morbius
The Seeds of Doom
The Masque of Mandragora
The Hand of Fear
The Deadly Assassin
The Face of Evil
The Robots of Death
The Talons of Weng-Chiang
Horror of Fang Rock
The Ribos Operation
The Stones of Blood
The Androids of Tara
The Armageddon Factor
City of Death
Full Circle
State of Decay
Warriors Gate
The Keeper of Traken
Kinda(Turn on the new CGI effects!)
Mawdryn Undead
I did cheat a bit and watch a few episodes ahead of schedule, since I
really remembered liking them. And thankfully it wasn't a rose tinted jobbie!
The Caves of Andronazi
Remembrance of the Daleks
Curse of Fenric
New who list is from one I mostly did earlier in the year, so there's a lot of comments.
Rose -good pacey reintroduction to the doctor.
The End of the World - fun romp to finish up reintroducing the doctor
Dalek - great dalek reintroduction, really good work by eclestone here
The Long Game - some fun gameshow jabs. pegg!
Father's Day - fun paradox story
The Empty Child
The Doctor Dances - creepy, fun, and richard wilson
Boom Town - boring apart from the doctor stopping transmatting
Bad Wolf
The Parting of the Ways - good lead up, bad deus ex, brilliant last words.
School Reunion - brilliant guest stars(head, sladen, leeson), bit of a clanger of a story, but the guests make it fun enough.
The Girl in the Fireplace - brilliant.
The Impossible Planet
The Satan Pit - Great stuff. One of the very, very, few times we see something totally outside of the doctors understanding
Army of Ghosts
Doomsday - worth it just for the dalek/cybs interplay. The only RTD finale not to deus ex hard.
The Shakespeare Code - "the paper's blank". great stuff
Gridlock - eternal traffic jam was done well
Human Nature
The Family of Blood - brilliant stuff. vengeful doc is always interesting too.
Blink - one of the best who eps ever. the idea of the angels was brilliant. the execution of the idea was brilliant. how the doc was used was brilliant.
The Sound of Drums
Last of the Time Lords -Another RTD deus ex machina. starts off brilliantly at the end of time, and with the masters take over of earth. gollum doctor is moronic, as is how that is reversed.
Time Crash - yes
The Fires of Pompeii - where tate found her stride. great aztec-style debate between her and the doc in this ep.
Silence in the Library
Forest of the Dead - good "villains". good "weird stuff with good explantion"(dr moon). never been a great fan of river, but everything else was pulled off well.
Midnight - love "turn on perfect strangers" stuff like this
Turn Left
The Stolen Earth
Journey's End - if it wasn't for "yet another rtd deus ex", this three parter would be the greatest WHO related thing
ever. so very good. only other thing I can say against it is that the shadow proclamation were crap after their big build up.
The End of Time -barely got on the list. Just edges on the other side of voyage of the damned, where there Richard from keeping up apperances was the only worthwhile part, here Timothy Dalton is
just enough to make this fun to watch, spittle and all.
The Eleventh Hour - oh hey, it's "smith and jones" again for some reason but on a larger scale. bit more fun this time around though.
Vincent and the Doctor - ending saves it, really silly "villain" here.
A Christmas Carol - best christmas special. Story wasn't that great, but Gambon made this.
The Impossible Astronaut
Day of the Moon - only big nuwho multi ep "finale" without any trace of a deus ex. fantastic resolution.
The Doctor's Wife - brilliant lore ep.
Asylum of the Daleks - pretty fun stuff, need more old school dalek action. nice twist
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship - real old school who. loved it
The Angels Take Manhattan - scary angels again, hallelujah