I need to see The Doctor send her off to the Library, damn it.
We got pretty damn close in that one "Last Night" short.
I need to see The Doctor send her off to the Library, damn it.
I hate you...The chin, the souffle, and Mrs. Robinson.
Seriously. Doctor is gonna hook up with Clara, yeah?
So is the Doctor cheating on River? They are still married.
So is the Doctor cheating on River? They are still married.
So is the Doctor cheating on River? They are still married.
That was in an alternate timeline that ceased to exist
That was in an alternate timeline that ceased to exist
Not if Clara is somehow River. *coughcough*
This part in the new trailer gave me those vibes, specifically from her. Just look at that face.
I think he'll stay faithful.
What's interesting is that most people so far think his relationship with Clara may become romantic.
So I just realized I love Sherlock more than Doctor Who.
What is...what is happening?
Maybe the Doctor can finagle his way into a three-way.
What couple sitting at opposite ends of the fifth dimension would decide to be monogamous?So is the Doctor cheating on River? They are still married.
What couple sitting at opposite ends of the fifth dimension would decide to be monogamous?
Of course, I can't remember if River is supposed to be there at the fields of Trenzalore or not.
I'm debating whether to watch the rest of the starter episodes or go straight to The Daleks, I kinda recall not liking the other eps in the opening, but maybe time will give me the ability to enjoy them more.
As of now, my personal canon says that this season is happening after he sends River to the library in Last Night.
Of course, I can't remember if River is supposed to be there at the fields of Trenzalore or not.
If they don't show River's farewell at the singing towers of Darillium on TV then Moffat has failed.
Eh. I suspect anything they could possibly show would only disappoint people.
Wasn't there a mini-episode when doctor meets himself just before they go their last date?
I think that's all we're gonna get.
Cumberbatch is happening.
Then Moffat fails either way then?
I'm not too sure I agree with you anyways. The farewell scene between the Doctor and the Ponds was handled pretty well, so it's not like they have a bad track record.
That wasn't built up like "the singing towers". Whatever they do they're going to shatter some preconceptions about what that was, what it looked like, what they did, etc. With Amy and Rory we knew they were going but we knew absolutely nothing about how and why.
SitL is enough of a final parting for me. After seeing the rest of their story those episodes are imbued with a whole new life, and that's really fantastic.
Would River being sent off to the library even really carry that much emotional weight considering it's not the last time they'll meet? Sure, it'd be a nice continuity moment, but it's not like it would be some huge goodbye.
Of course it would. It's not the last time for River Song but it's the last time the Doctor would ever see her and probably the last time the audience would ever see her. It's absolutely a huge goodbye.
No it wouldn't be. They see each other out of order.Of course it would. It's not the last time for River Song but it's the last time the Doctor would ever see her and probably the last time the audience would ever see her. It's absolutely a huge goodbye.
Neither of those things actually follow.
No it wouldn't be. They see each other out of order.
Well, if the Doctor says farewell and River pops up a few episodes later then I'd agree the emotional weight would be removed.
I think narratively it may be true that if they ever go there it'll be the last time we see River, at least and especially played by Alex Kingston, but I don't think it's safe to assume it's the last time the Doctor saw her.
Maharg said:But I disagree that showing it badly is better than not showing it at all, and literary history is littered with substories best left to the imagination. There's nothing wrong with that, imagination is powerful. I absolutely disagree that it would be a failure to make this one of those things.
Yeah thats what I'm thinking, but I'm sort of interested in them just to see how Ian & Babara react to everything, but its really tempting to just jump straight into the Daleks.The Tribe of Gum episodes? They're... not particularly good. Not Web Planet/Gunslingers bad, but fairly dull and ponderous even for Doctor Who. I don't think giving them another go would change anyone's opinion on them, honestly.
Yeah thats what I'm thinking, but I'm sort of interested in them just to see how Ian & Babara react to everything, but its really tempting to just jump straight into the Daleks.
Are you calling The Gunslingers bad?The Tribe of Gum episodes? They're... not particularly good. Not Web Planet/Gunslingers bad, but fairly dull and ponderous even for Doctor Who. I don't think giving them another go would change anyone's opinion on them, honestly.
You already get the Doctor. Let us lady-lovers have the companion.Watching some of the old doctor who episodes reminds of a time I had a huge crush on Adric. Doctor who needs more young cute guys in the tardis
Uuuh no. Never was attracted to any of the doctors. We need a guy who is as sexy as Adric was on the show.You already get the Doctor. Let us lady-lovers have the companion.
"the last time I saw you - the real you, the future you, I mean - you turned up on my doorstep with a new haircut and a suit. You took me to Darillium to see the Singing Towers. What a night that was. The towers sang and you cried. You wouldn't tell me why, but I suppose you knew it was time. My time. Time to come to the Library. You even gave me your screwdriver. That should have been a clue."
If they can pull that off, it will be the most amazing heartbreaking episode. I hope they hold it as long as possible though. Does it have to be during Eleven's run? Probably not. But still. I'll hate when it comes because it means it'd probably be the last time we also see River... or would it have to be? I mean it would have to be after a goodbye like that having her show up again would be like bringing Rory and Amy back. Don't do it! J.D. didn't need to come back to Scrubs but he did anyway even after a touching farewell. Amy and Rory don't need to come back to Doctor Who. Even for ratings. And River should stay away when that time comes too.
I like River. So I'm not eager to see her go. But I am eager to see the episode she described. Just title it "Singing Towers" and the fans will know what's coming. Maybe have it happen as part of Eleven's death. Would give it a reason to happen. Maybe he knows he's going to die anyway so spare her the heartbreak and send her back.
Also... doorstep? She has a house? But they're married. Do they ever even spend time together as a married couple?
Yeah just watched the second ep of the Beginning today. Its not as bad as I remembered. Kind of wished there was more with The Doctor and his companions but most of the ep seemed to be with the Cavemen arguing about fire and what not. Was kinda interesting to see the politics of this Cavemen tribe with the 2 trying to be leader, but would have liked it to be more about the Doctor.I liked the cavemen episodes. I've always thought that An Unearthly Child works best with all four episodes. It's important to see the contrast between the Doctor's reaction to Ian and Barbara and their reaction to the cavemen.
This also means he'll have her sonic by then, so when we see it appear we know the time is coming.
Wait, so doesn't that mean the Doctor has to get a new Sonic Screwdriver before Matt's run is over?
So, with the 50th (and the number of retrospective articles & lists) coming, I was wondering if Who-GAF was thinking of making it's own "Best of DW" list?
So, with the 50th (and the number of retrospective articles & lists) coming, I was wondering if Who-GAF was thinking of making it's own "Best of DW" list?
isny said:Anything with Wilf in it earns a top spot on said list.