Now this is all I can imagineUnless they really pull out the stops for the anniversary. Loads of returning Doctors (or, hell, Tennant and Eccleston) would bring that magic back.
Now this is all I can imagineUnless they really pull out the stops for the anniversary. Loads of returning Doctors (or, hell, Tennant and Eccleston) would bring that magic back.
It's the PR machine as strong as Davies' that I'm concerned about, frankly. Say what you want about RTD, but he was an absoute master at hyping people up and keeping Who in the news. Moffat hasn't naturally got that kind of exuberant personality, but we've had a couple of gaffes lately; hyping Richard E Grant up as an iconic star before he was revealed left a bitter taste in some people's mouths, and the lack of clarity over episode counts and what the anniversary will actually entail is causing a bit of panic in fandom. It's not disastrous, by any means, but it's not as slick as it once was.
The flipside is that the BBC is really hyping the anniversary in its own right; putting it at the top of their list of things to look out for in 2013, commissioning mystery high-profile authors to write short fiction for it in the run up to the anniversary, commissioning the Gatiss origins drama, and whatever else it is they're doing. Last time they threw their weight behind an anniversary so much was EastEnders' 25th, which ending up pulling in around 20 million viewers.
Man, how huge was Tennant? Good lord, those 13s... Unless I'm reading the numbers wrong.
Still, good to see Snowmen doing well.
Confidential I don't really miss and isn't what I'm moaning about. It was fun, but you can only do so much navel gazing and only have so many music videos before it becomes boring. I didn't really watch it during series 4 or 5, though did watch the cut-downs on the DVD. The commentaries were always a freebie, though, a little nod for the really hardcore that cost bugger all to produce - the core cast and production team are at BBC Wales anyway, so it only takes them an hour to do, and the DVD ones actually have a budget - so it bums me out we get so few now.
2013 is the 50th birthday of Dr.Who. As part of the celebrations,BBC Worldwide is pleased to announce, coming in October...
'Shada' a 12 part animated web series starring Tom Baker with Rory Kinnear, Sheridan Smith & David Warner.Based on a story by Douglas Adams
I'd have preferred a lot more nitty-gritty in Confidential.
More script talk etc.
A 5-10 minute segment talking about a villain in days gone by etc.
Saw it RT'd off Blogtor Who who has now said it looks like a fake account.
SORRY ALL. On the plus side I just posted on a forum rather than did a games journalism over this mistake.
You'll take your random pop music montage and you'll like it, mister!
Also I am going to live in the total fantasy world where Doug Adams just announced that he's coming out of retirement to write a prequel to Shada for the anniversary. This will be a wonderful way to ignore reality until the season resumes.
The BBC has announced a new Doctor Who story series in collaboration with well-known children's authors.
The series will feature original Who stories called "eshorts" in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the science fiction series.
Each short will focus on one of the 11 incarnations of the Doctor thus far, starting with William Hartnell and ending with current Doctor Matt Smith.
The first author's identity will be unveiled to the public on the official Doctor Who Facebook page on January 7, while the first story will be released on January 23.
Also I am going to live in the total fantasy world where Doug Adams just announced that he's coming out of retirement to write a prequel to Shada for the anniversary. This will be a wonderful way to ignore reality until the season resumes.
I think I stopped watching Confidential after the 3rd or 4th series. I was more interested in it when it would take alot of time out to look back on the classic series and not just show you how the new series was made. I guess thats cause I'm a fan of classic Who and really liked hearing all the little stories about itI feel like Confidential's days were always numbered, and I personally felt the concept got really long in the tooth after a few years. There's only so much "zomg look at this location shooting we did and aren't we awesome!" you can fill a whole other half hour to hour long show with every week and not have it get really repetitive.
I know that's probably an unpopular opinion, but after a certain point it stopped being something that was selling the show and just became an hour the BBC probably increasingly felt could be better used.
There was some winking that JK Rowling might be involved, but I'm not sure if that was coming from a position of knowledge or not.At risk of fucking up twice in one day on 50th Anniversary things:
Each eshort will be priced £1.99.
The collection will be published as a paperback in November, priced £7.99.
At risk of fucking up twice in one day on 50th Anniversary things:
Each eshort will be priced £1.99.
The collection will be published as a paperback in November, priced £7.99.
Seems like a good shout.I'm expecting Anthony Horowitz will be one of the authors.
Rowling turned down writing a script, a process she had little experience with. A piece of short fiction is a different thing entirely. And I don't care if Gaiman's purely a children's author, I want some Who prose from him.Gaiman's no children's author, and JK had the opportunity to be involved with Who before and turned it down. Still looking forward to this, mind - especially interested to see how they make the 1st-8th Doctors exciting for younger audiences who don't remember them.
If they managed to throw enough money at Eccleston to make it a full cast play, I am there like you wouldn't believe. Nine with Rose and Jack, please.Don't forget that, for adults, Big Finish are doing an audio adventure in collaboration with the BBC for each Doctor, one a month, from now through 'til November. The first story takes place before the very first episode of Who, and features Carole Ann Ford, who played Susan back in 63. It's not clear if the others - and more specifically the ones featuring living Doctors - will be audio books or full audio plays, but if it's the latter, it'll be the first for Eccleston/Tennant/Smith! Big Finish don't have the license for anything past 1996, and still don't, but it appears the BBC has made some one-time exceptions for the 50th.
JK Rowling turned down a guest appearance (as herself, aliens were going to make her characters come to life), I don't think she was going to write an episode.
Rowling wasn't actually approached for that. It was an idea Davies was kicking around for the 2008 Christmas Special, but Tennant vetoed it.JK Rowling turned down a guest appearance (as herself, aliens were going to make her characters come to life), I don't think she was going to write an episode.
She turned down the opportunity to co-write a script for Series 4, because she got in touch with RTD in a jokey way about the expelliarmus reference in The Shakespeare Code, or thanked him at a party or something. She was going to get different treatment to everyone else; the offer was to write a treatment, which would then be fashioned into a more traditional script by a more experienced screenwriter. In fairness, at the time she turned it down because she was too busy. When brainstorming for "The Next Doctor", RTD threw around the idea of a story where some alien influence basically makes JK's stories come to life, making them real. She was never approached, though, as fairly quickly he asked Tennant about it. Tennant hated the idea, suggesting it was edging too close to the sun, and after a bit of thought RTD agreed the idea was rubbish and binned it.
We got The Next Doctor instead.
God, I loved the Artemis Fowl books when I was a kid. Great choice.
Wait, what? The Lost Colony? That's like the worst Artemis Fowl book! He starts screwing with the tone in ways I couldn't stand, even when I was younger and it first came out. The first or the third have to be the best.The 5th Artemis Fowl book is easily the best in the series, and is a good showcase for Colfer's ability to write exciting adventures (even if that particular story is more Bond than Who). I'll give his 1st Doctor story a read, sure.
Wait, what? The Lost Colony? That's like the worst Artemis Fowl book! He starts screwing with the tone in ways I couldn't stand, even when I was younger and it first came out. The first or the third have to be the best.
Wait, what? The Lost Colony? That's like the worst Artemis Fowl book! He starts screwing with the tone in ways I couldn't stand, even when I was younger and it first came out. The first or the third have to be the best.
Eh, I really liked it. The 4th one was dogshit, and the 5th one had both loads of new elements, antagonists who weren't completely unbearable, and a neat adventure tone. It was a bit of a drastic shift, but it was fucking welcome to me after the 4th, where I felt Eoin was losing the plot a bit. So boring.
Again, this is speaking as a child reader- if I read it nowadays, I could hate it for all I know.
I read the sixth one, hated it (I have no idea why he kept bringing back that one character), figured I was too old for it, and dropped the series. Wikipedia tells me it got a bit weird since.
I think I stopped watching Confidential after the 3rd or 4th series. I was more interested in it when it would take alot of time out to look back on the classic series and not just show you how the new series was made. I guess thats cause I'm a fan of classic Who and really liked hearing all the little stories about it
I liked Confidential, but I agree with this. I think my favorite episode was the one they did for Blink...which had nothing to do with Blink at all, and was just an hour of Tennant and RTD nostalgia tripping.
I also had a thing for Beth Willis, as weird as that may be.
I liked Confidential, but I agree with this. I think my favorite episode was the one they did for Blink...which had nothing to do with Blink at all, and was just an hour of Tennant and RTD nostalgia tripping.