Think I will have to bail on the Doctor Who Internet as there's been a press screening of the first episode so spoilers will come pretty fast. previews and things will likely go up on Monday:
@denofgeek: Right then. In two Tweets' time, our one line reaction to Doctor Who: The Bells Of St John. There's a reason for this...
@denofgeek: ... as the BBC has asked for everything to be held back until Monday: we're good with that. But it means we can't say more than this...
@denofgeek: Doctor Who: The Bells Of St John is so, so good. Dripping with fun, brilliance, good storytelling and laughs. Loved it.
@nickycafc: Just finished watching new #doctorwho episode to be shown March 30, plus cast interviews. All brilliant, amazing ep!
@PhilipHamilton_: Cant say too much about Doctor Who opening episode (yet). But will say it's very fast-paced like an action film.
@ianwylie: One of the best Doctor Who series opening eps I have ever seen. The Moff: "A proper London thriller."
@ianwylie: Jenna-Louise Coleman on finale of new series ahead of Nov anniversary: "It somehow manages to pay homage - and look forward.".
@ianwylie: Matt Smith on 50th anniversary ep: "You will not be disappointed - I read it and I clapped at the end. It's epic and vast."