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Doctor Who Series Seven |OT| The Question You've Been Running From All Your Life

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There's a simple, rather sad reason that it definitely isn't true: All copies of the scripts have the name of the recipient watermarked onto them. (See, for instance, the leaked 'Last Cyberman' script from earlier in the year) - no names on this.
There's a simple, rather sad reason that it definitely isn't true: All copies of the scripts have the name of the recipient watermarked onto them. (See, for instance, the leaked 'Last Cyberman' script from earlier in the year) - no names on this.

Ah - I would be interested in learning more about that leak!
Ah - I would be interested in learning more about that leak!

Basically, the script was left in (I believe) a cab. Someone found it, didn't read it, but took & posted a picture online that confirmed the episode's title. Someone helped the finder get in contact with the BBC, they returned the script. I think got to meet some people and a tour, I'm not sure.

And yeah, the more I think about it, that script is a fake.
There's a simple, rather sad reason that it definitely isn't true: All copies of the scripts have the name of the recipient watermarked onto them. (See, for instance, the leaked 'Last Cyberman' script from earlier in the year) - no names on this.
Actor's copies do, but I'm pretty sure the crew copies just have the standard BBC watermark.

The formatting is definitely off, though.


Those leaked toys
with 60s style Dalek flight platforms, an invaded London and Big Ben with all the Dalek guns hanging off it (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BBOQ5T3CMAA9RlJ.jpg:large)
are from the show, I tell you! They're not just some spin-off toy!

Man, it'd be awesome if they revisited the Dalek Invasion of Earth, where he parted ways with Susan, to finally fulfill his resolution:

During all the years I've been taking care of you, you in return have been taking care of me. You are still my grandchild and always will be. But now, you're a woman too. I want you to belong somewhere, to have roots of your own. With David you will be able to find those roots and live normally like any woman should do. Believe me my dear, your future lies with David and not with a silly old buffer like me. One day, I shall come back. Yes, I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine. Goodbye Susan. Goodbye my dear.
Think I will have to bail on the Doctor Who Internet as there's been a press screening of the first episode so spoilers will come pretty fast. previews and things will likely go up on Monday:

@denofgeek: Right then. In two Tweets' time, our one line reaction to Doctor Who: The Bells Of St John. There's a reason for this...

@denofgeek: ... as the BBC has asked for everything to be held back until Monday: we're good with that. But it means we can't say more than this...

@denofgeek: Doctor Who: The Bells Of St John is so, so good. Dripping with fun, brilliance, good storytelling and laughs. Loved it.

@nickycafc: Just finished watching new #doctorwho episode to be shown March 30, plus cast interviews. All brilliant, amazing ep!

@PhilipHamilton_: Cant say too much about Doctor Who opening episode (yet). But will say it's very fast-paced like an action film.

@ianwylie: One of the best Doctor Who series opening eps I have ever seen. The Moff: "A proper London thriller."

@ianwylie: Jenna-Louise Coleman on finale of new series ahead of Nov anniversary: "It somehow manages to pay homage - and look forward.".

@ianwylie: Matt Smith on 50th anniversary ep: "You will not be disappointed - I read it and I clapped at the end. It's epic and vast."
Den of Geek are normally pretty fair with Who reviews, so I'm excited.

A bit of RTD-esque London thriller sounds like just the thing. It's the first time we've properly seen modern London since The Eleventh Hour!


As for the current behind the scenes shuffling... I wouldn't be entirely surprised if Moffat was difficult to work with, but, frankly, writers can be. Moffat needs a Gardner-type on the executive level really fighting his corner; Willis and Wenger were utterly bloody useless, by all accounts, and we haven't heard of Skinner repeating Gardner's hardline tactics in terms of what's best for the show.

I'm mildly surprised Sue Vertue's name has never come up in the context of production. Anxious to keep home and work separate?
Yeah, it's nice to get some London in there. Must be the first time they've filmed the principal actors there since... Runaway Bride?

Not quite. They filmed in the Globe for The Shakespeare Code, John Simm filmed a little bit with Anne Widdecombe outside Parliament for The Sound of Drums, and they had Tennant and Piper back at the Brandon Estate for The End of Time. Also, they shot a metric fucktonne of stuff in London for Children of Earth.

Certainly the biggest, most recognisable London shoot they've done since then, though.
I'm mildly surprised Sue Vertue's name has never come up in the context of production. Anxious to keep home and work separate?

If I had to hazard a guess, the BBC wouldn't allow that. Brings Who too close to Hartwood Films, which is run by Moffat's mother-in-law and has Sue Vertue and Moffat on the Board of Directors. The Beeb's probably going to be squeamish about having Who so closely tied to an independent.
I'm mildly surprised Sue Vertue's name has never come up in the context of production. Anxious to keep home and work separate?

Vertue heads the production company she and Moffat co-own, though. Taking the Who job would require her to quit that and work FOR the BBC, and Who is produced in-house. She's making oodles of money, so that'd never happen.


Tons of stuff.

Hey thanks for that, very informative. Does seem like quite the mess too and couldn't the person get in major trouble for using the cash like that for herself and her boyfriend? I thought BBC had certain rules and major shit could go down if someone pulled such stunts.

I do kinda feel bad for Moffat, it's easy to tell he's taking a lot of heat when even books like the Brilliant Book touch on such things, when the time comes wouldn't surprise me in the least if he says he's glad to move on.
Don't knock it. That kiss earned £50 for Comic Relief.

On that note, Matt appeared as the Doctor in the Call The Midwife sketch, and has hosted part of the evening.



Red Nose Day. Matt Smith was on the Chris Evans show this morning for usual reasons, but because it's RND French and Saunders were around Radio 2 all day, and that's one of the things they got up to.

Also, there was a Call the Midwife sketch on the main show that had... Who associations.


Didn't the Doctor already do this?

They cross paths due to some kind of timestream-crossing clusterfuckery in the Five Doctors, but I never thought it was a proper reunion. Felt more like a cheap cameo than an emotional follow-up to that farewell. You almost get the impression that if Ford hadn't aged 20 years, they would have just played it off as the Doctor and Susan getting timescoop'd out of the midst of a random adventure than reuniting, especially since the then-current iteration of the Doctor hardly acknowledges her.

I'd like to see them actually show the Doctor going back to earth to check in on her and David, assuming she survived the Time War or whatever.
sounds like there will be a new trailer tonight.


The only other real clue he would give for the 3D special was to say: “You might see London. The thing is with Who, you will understand it more when you have seen it, but 'paintings' - that is all I am saying. Steven is gonna whup me tomorrow.”


The Picture of Dorian Gray inspired?

Also also, Episode 1 prequel next weeK:

'The Doctor takes a break on Earth, despondent that he can't find Clara'.

Looks awesome. Also a major change to the colour palette again. Much darker tint.
Love that it looks like The Doctor isn't just 'over stuff'; he honestly is tired of the Universe its just Clara is 'new'.

Something amazingly weakening about removing the bow tie - fucking love it.

Do you think the Doctor is at the fields of trenzalore near the end? Looks good.

Sudden thought, what if Trenzalore is the big bad and those are its hunting fields?


That thing at 0:32 - is it the back of a silence's head on some kind of arm / neck?

Definitely looks like he's at trenzalore in that sequence anyway.

"I am the Doctor and I am afraid"

"Doctor Who?"


...so where are the silence?

Most likely not in this season, I think Moffat said somewhere they were taking a break from them and coming back later, most likely so that Oswin gets a stable introduction.

Or they're in this season and are gonna kill the Doctor in that field and they also try to wipe out the TARDIS but thanks to the past Doctor he saves it and himself I AM A GENIUS
The Doctot's quote fits with the whole "cannot bear false witness nor fail to answer" thing if we're talking about the Fields of Trenzalore.

Isn't one of River's diary entries about the "Bone Meadows"?


Most likely not in this season, I think Moffat said somewhere they were taking a break from them and coming back later, most likely so that Oswin gets a stable introduction.

Or they're in this season and are gonna kill the Doctor in that field and they also try to wipe out the TARDIS but thanks to the past Doctor he saves it and himself I AM A GENIUS

Look at the scene at 0:32 in the UK trailer - that's clearly the back of a silence's head- compare its shape to this image:


The Doctot's quote fits with the whole "cannot bear false witness nor fail to answer" thing if we're talking about the Fields of Trenzalore.

Isn't one of River's diary entries about the "Bone Meadows"?

The bone meadows must have happened between the pandorica opens and the time of angels from river's perspective (as it was mentioned in TTOA) - so her timeline is about to get a whole lot more confusing if that event is going to be explored this season. (Especially as it seemed before now that her timeline was going forward, as the angels take manhattan is the latest part of her timeline we've seen other than the library)
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