Such bad timing, i dont know how this came out so close to the release
Dayum I'm looking forward to seeing my beloved Jenna <3
It's been knocking around the fandom for months now. The papers have held it back until the series is prominent again, hence it making headlines the week before released.
In a crossover no-one wanted, the Doctor is coming to Playstation Home this week!
Maybe this is some sort of massive River Song spoiler.
Or Playstation Home, like always, is full of fail.
Going through Season 3 and oh man, just finished an episode called "The Family of Blood". This has to be my favorite episode so far. Really liked Tennant's performance and that bittersweet ending was absolutely perfect.
This show is so damn good. I can't stop watching.
Going through Season 3 and oh man, just finished an episode called "The Family of Blood". This has to be my favorite episode so far. Really liked Tennant's performance and that bittersweet ending was absolutely perfect.
This show is so damn good. I can't stop watching.
When I think about 11 I really begin to dislike more and more about his character. Even the very first episode with him fell short in my opinion. I'm alone in this view and if I start talking about why I dislike him people will start giving their opinions on why I'm wrong and that's a whole rabbit hole I don't want to go down.
Safe to say since Moffat took over the showrunner and Matt Smith became The Doctor iv had less interest in the show.
In a crossover no-one wanted, the Doctor is coming to Playstation Home this week!
In a crossover no-one wanted, the Doctor is coming to Playstation Home this week!
They are costumes for your avatar. It says you can dress up with the eleventh doctors clothes as well as River Song's catsuit.I think they're just the costumes for your avatar. I hope they're costumes, because if those were models holy shit. have listed a new prequel for Doctor Who, Season 7 Part 2. Titled, Demon's Run: Two Days Later it has a running time of three minutes and has the following synopisis:
In the aftermath of the battle of Demons Run, a battle-scarred Strax lies dying on the floor - or has he just fainted...
It's on itunes.
This is a question for any of the Americans on this thread; how is Who's popularity over there nowadays?
I was reading this article from the LA Times, and it got me to thinking how I always thought Who was incredibly niche over there. Now, granted, I still don't think it is, or will ever be, a popular mainstream product in the States, but I've noticed a distinct uptick in American interest in the show, particularly since Moffat's taken over. I mean, it's getting TV Guide and Entertainment Weekly covers now, and I know those are distinctly mainstream, important magazines. Am I right in assuming the show's been growing in popularity, or is this just an outsider misinterpreting what he's hearing about? If it has been getting more popular under Moffat... why?
This is a question for any of the Americans on this thread; how is Who's popularity over there nowadays?
I was reading this article from the LA Times, and it got me to thinking how I always thought Who was incredibly niche over there. Now, granted, I still don't think it is, or will ever be, a popular mainstream product in the States, but I've noticed a distinct uptick in American interest in the show, particularly since Moffat's taken over. I mean, it's getting TV Guide and Entertainment Weekly covers now, and I know those are distinctly mainstream, important magazines. Am I right in assuming the show's been growing in popularity, or is this just an outsider misinterpreting what he's hearing about? If it has been getting more popular under Moffat... why?
This is a question for any of the Americans on this thread; how is Who's popularity over there nowadays?
I was reading this article from the LA Times, and it got me to thinking how I always thought Who was incredibly niche over there. Now, granted, I still don't think it is, or will ever be, a popular mainstream product in the States, but I've noticed a distinct uptick in American interest in the show, particularly since Moffat's taken over. I mean, it's getting TV Guide and Entertainment Weekly covers now, and I know those are distinctly mainstream, important magazines. Am I right in assuming the show's been growing in popularity, or is this just an outsider misinterpreting what he's hearing about? If it has been getting more popular under Moffat... why?
It's definitely more popular but not mainstream. People that don't watch the show are aware of it by its name, however. I think Netflix has a lot to do with its popularity as well as its almost always on the Popular/TV list.
It's on itunes.
nice, free too.
It's fucking HUGE in some places. It's easily the most popular "foreign" show in the States. It's getting popular because hipsters here are getting popular and Doctor Who appeals to that crowd heavily (and on purpose).
Isn't there suppose to be a big announcement today?
EDIT: One of the people in the know over on Gallifrey Base reckons they've started filming in the studio for the Anniversary Special today, so we're off and away!
I think Netflix is probably the single largest reason for it's success in the states. That and having celebrity evangelists like Chris Hardwick in your corner doesn't hurt.
Hardwick isn't really converting people - he's talking to people who already knew (hence why they're listening to Hardwick in the first place) Popularity in the states was growing via airtime on Sci-Fi and BBC America. Smith was lucky enough to be the right guy at the right time for America to really start paying attention, and Moffat made it easy for Smith's first episode to be a perfect jump-on point for people who had been hearing their friends talk about this new Doctor Who to give it a shot. The fact there was a low-level cultural awareness even if you DIDN'T watch the show helped, as well.
Awareness had been building since 2006, basically.
Torchwood didn't hurt, either. In fact, I know people who got into Doctor Who via Torchwood, as opposed to the other way around.
Yeah, I wouldn't argue that Torchwood was a large influence, but I do think there were a few tv-nerds who perked up at discovering Spike from Buffy was making out with this dude over in Cardiff, and from there, they just worked backwards.
Along those same lines, some of the fans of Queer as Folk's remake on Showtime probably checked out the original version that Davies did, maybe one or two jumped over to Doctor Who.
Netflix definitely helped, and I think there was just a heightened awareness that British Television wasn't just Masterpiece Theatre and Father Ted & such (although I love Father Ted) that caused people to give other british television a shot - including Doctor Who.
It also helps that there's not a lot of high tech sci-fi competition any more. Trek has been off TV for damn near ten years, Stargate is gone, Galactica is gone, and all the sci-fi on TV is basically just modern day stuff with some weirdness mixed in.Yeah, it's really picked up here in America since around when Matt stepped up. Before that it was kind of a 'niche' show, but the past few years it's grown to be a much more mainstream thing, even if it's still well into the realm of 'nerd shows'.
It also helps that there's not a lot of high tech sci-fi competition any more. Trek has been off TV for damn near ten years, Stargate is gone, Galactica is gone, and all the sci-fi on TV is basically just modern day stuff with some weirdness mixed in.