Hot Coldman
oh yeah the Rani

Yeah, the Amelia Williams book was good to see. "Summer Falls" is an interesting title. The "lady in the shop" could be anyone. Hope they don't just go with River.
Yeah I remember the Detective one with Riversong.She wrote the book that they were reading through the whole of "The Angels Take Manhattan", remember?
Omega isn't THAT big a foe. I mean, he's huge in Timelord mythology, since he was one of the key players in getting them time-travel. But he's only in two not particularly classic stories.
Omega is really the last big foe that needs to make an appearance yet but considering his time lord origins I'd assume it will not happen as Moffat hates all about the time lord race outside the Doctor, hence no master anymore, or am I being wrong?
Omega isn't THAT big a foe. I mean, he's huge in Timelord mythology, since he was one of the key players in getting them time-travel. But he's only in two not particularly classic stories.
So, the four ongoing mysteries and plots as I see them...
1) Clara. Who is she? Why does she repeat throughout history? Why do elements of her life repeat with her (Nina, her job)? What is the relevance of the leaf? Why are the years when she's 16 and 23 omitted in her tally of years she's had the leaf?
2) The Doctor. Doctor Who? What's his big secret? How does he tie in to the Silence? What are the Fields of Trenzalore?
3) The Great Intelligence. What's its overall goal? Is it related to the Silence? To Clara? Has it got a long game concerning the Doctor?
4) The girl in the shop. Who was she? How did she know the Doctor's number, a number that we know from The Empty Child can never possibly be used? I find it difficult to think that Clara would call River a "girl".
2) "Doctor Who" is a question that can never be answered until Mofatt and his scriptwriters beat that joke to a cold bloody death.
Clara could be a plant/tree alien.1) Clara. Who is she? Why does she repeat throughout history? Why do elements of her life repeat with her (Nina, her job)? What is the relevance of the leaf?
Omega is really the last big foe that needs to make an appearance yet but considering his time lord origins I'd assume it will not happen as Moffat hates all about the time lord race outside the Doctor, hence no master anymore, or am I being wrong?
Clara could be a plant/tree alien.
Some plants look like they’re dying in the Winter (in her last two stories it was snowing) but she got to grow again in the spring… like a plant. She often wears red, plant pots are usually red.
... oh that's a cheesy theory. No I really don't know who she is.
Moffat has said that he hasn't done the Master and doesn't see himself doing him because he thought RTD had told all the story there was to tell, which is code for him hating him as a villain, I think. He also said he thinks his existence as a character weakens the Doctor. Never say never, though... RTD said the same thing about Davros (that he weakened the Daleks) and still bought him back, albeit with the very deliberate caveat of him being the Daleks' slave.
To be fair, the "Doctor who?" moment tonight was really funny.
Code for "RTD turned the character into a pantomime villain and my Area 52 rejects are much better anyway".
Well, Moffat is on the record as hating the Master back in the Virgin New Adventures days in the 90s (also lampooning him around the time he did The Curse of Fatal Death), so all this is no real surprise... He is a bit of a crap villain, really. Who's rogues gallery has always been a bit iffy.
I think if he'd wanted rid of him that badly, he wouldn't have pitched Series 5 to him to see if he'd stay.
Plus, the Moffat/Tennant/Davison families are close enough that they all have regular dinners round Moffat's house together (Tennant is married to Peter Davison's daughter, so they have a real Doctor Who heavy family) - and Moffat used to proudly tweet photos of several generations of Doctor Who alumni sitting around his dinner table several times a year before closing his account - I'd say Tennant was pretty much always a shoe-in for the anniversary. He's probably closer as a friend to Tennant than Smith!
Ah that's true! Well, Eccleston did say that Moffatt's S1 episodes were his favourites, so... nah, clutching at straws.
Episode was pretty good- nowhere near as awesome as Asylum of the Daleks, maybe a little too safe? Suffered the same problem as the Xmas special basically, trying to present season narrative and episode/week story at the same time, and then not gelling.
4) The girl in the shop. Who was she? How did she know the Doctor's number, a number that we know from The Empty Child can never possibly be used? I find it difficult to think that Clara would call River a "girl".
Just finished the ep....
I missed this show
Was this episode full of hacking whoompy wholly ?
I really hope it is Susan and that it is somehow going to tie into the 50th but it probably is going to end up being Rose.4) The girl in the shop. Who was she? How did she know the Doctor's number, a number that we know from The Empty Child can never possibly be used? I find it difficult to think that Clara would call River a "girl".
Yes. Luckily that phase was mostly but not entirely off-screen in the Christmas special.Kudos to Moffatt for not having The Doctor be an emotional wreck. Post-Rose Tennant was unbearable at times.
Reminded me of School Reunion. Was expecting a return of the dramatic typing music. (I love that episode, but that and this both are proof that people 'typing at each other' in jump cuts is never all that thrilling, even if whatever they're typing spells the end of the world.
Boring villains, and too badeither.we didn't even get to see the real villain
But all in all a very solid opening. Can't, as always, wait for next week![]()
Wasn't the person behind this allThe Great Intelligence from the christmas episode who is still alive?
Wasn't the person behind this allThe Great Intelligence from the christmas episode who is still alive?
This? I dont remember it at all to be honest (it was very very bland) so it could very well be as you say.years christmas' episode
Wasn't the person behind this allThe Great Intelligence from the christmas episode who is still alive?
Yes. It is also an established villain from the old series.
Also, seeing the Doctorwas fantastic and utterly magnificent.riding up the side of the shard
They seem to have been doing quite a few of these tie-in mini books. They published The Angel's Kiss, a book based around River as Melody Malone, as well as a Holmes-style Paternoster Gang Adventure.Anyone want to buy a book?
(Could well be an April Fools' gag, but it's just the sort of thing I could see them doing)
In somewhat related news, while reading up on that, I discovered this:
I think I must own it.
Incidentally - episode description indicates the second Gaitiss episode with Strax, Jenny and Vastra is the 'Doctor Light' episode - it'll be link Blink/Love and Monsters/Turn Left/The Girl Who Waited, and be largely about them with very little of the Doctor, it seems.
The TARDIS is now the snog box? What would Tom Baker think.
Shaolin monks are.Don't be a monk. Monks are not cool.
In somewhat related news, while reading up on that, I discovered this:
I think I must own it.
I have a T-Shirt with that on it.![]()