Heh, ever since the IT Crowd finale, I can't help reading this as Roy mistakenly calling it a "Damp Squid".The Beast Below
Just because of Smith's performance. Really fantastic. Episode itself is a bit of a damp squib. Overall concept of the story is great, too, if underdeveloped.
Actually, I'm mostly just stating what others have said. Here's a question: what do you consider the most mediocre episodes? The ones you barely remember? After looking at the episode lists the two that stick out are
The Sontaran Strategem/Poison Sky
The Curse of the Black Spot
Seriously, nothing screams filler episode to me quite like Curse
what do you consider the most mediocre episodes? The ones you barely remember?
I think all of New Who has done quite well in the sense that there's not a single episode that can't be described in a sense of "The one with the _____" in a relatively short sentence.
Daleks are the least threatening enemy of anything ever. Hate them so much.
I maintain that both these episodes are pretty great up until the conclusion of the threat.
As an aside - I really like Voyage of the Damned. It's not in my top ten or anything, but I like it. Like a lot of the episodes that get people's backs up it isn't really a 'proper' episode of Doctor Who, but it does what it needs to and really nails that "the BBC didn't have a big Hollywood movie TV premiere this year, so WE DID IT INSTEAD" vibe. Brave episode, I feel.
I think all of New Who has done quite well in the sense that there's not a single episode that can't be described in a sense of "The one with the _____" in a relatively short sentence.
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The hair is dead, long live the buzzcut
This definitely was fucking stupid:
But I still say Fear Her is the worst.
Is that a scar in his scalp?
Th.... that is.. Matt? What? What??? I thought it was someone trying to be an aging Eccleston Number Nine.OH GOD MATT WHAT HAVE YOU DONE
I think all of New Who has done quite well in the sense that there's not a single episode that can't be described in a sense of "The one with the _____" in a relatively short sentence.
The one with the fish fingers and custard
The one with the space whale
The one with the Weeping AngelsThe one with thegetting sucked into the crackDoctor popping out of the cakeaquatic vampires.
The one with the Dream Lord.
The one with the idiot drilling crew.
The one with the sad painter. ;_;
The one with the Doctor rents a room from that chav
The one with the big box they put the Doctor in
The one with the universe rebooting.
The one with the Future Scrooge.
The one with time look causing Amy to fancy herself.
The one with the Silence.
The one with the pirates and the EMH.
The one with Neil Gaiman's signature on (this one works for another twenty hours).
The one with the Gangers gaining sentience.
The one with the battle at Demon's Run.
The one with the reveal of River's backstory.
[Night Terrors is a tricky one]
The one with old Amy.
The one with the belief-eating minotaur in the hotel
[Closing Time is also hard, or maybe I'm getting lazy]
The one with all of history happening at the same time.
Okay, somebody else take over from here.
(heh, some of these are jokey stretches, but there are a lot of episodes that can be easily referenced like that.)
edit: Also, I'm looking forward to "The one with the bald Matt Smith"
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The hair is dead, long live the buzzcut
It reminds me of the 9th, the next Doctor should have short hair again.I'm bald now. Bald is cool.
It reminds me of the 9th, the next Doctor should have short hair again.
I had to edit this one:
The one with the Future Scrooge.
The One with the Flying Sharks![]()
Closing Time=The one with Bitey.
Does this pretty much confirm regeneration rumors? QQ
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The hair is dead, long live the buzzcut
No, not cool. Fan-TAS-tic.I'm bald now. Bald is cool.
It's from the end of the Love and Monsters episode, Ursula's face gets stuck in a piece of pavement and she has this conversation with Elton while they're recording a video:I'm still trying to figure out why his jacket looks like a disco ball.
And no one answered my question on the Pavement Blowjobs episode.
Moaning Myrtle as a paving slab sucking off that guy from Hustle. Trapped in my brain forever...
Maybe Smith is also playing the 9th Doctor in the anniversary special, obviously.
Well if I wrote that, somebody would probably have avatar quoted me.
Weirdly, I don't remember "Bitey" at all. Is Closing Time worth rewatching?
How does short hair equate to regeneration? He dies slowly over a period of years from some form of Time Cancer?
Family entertainment.
Well, because usually people change their appearance when they leave a role, and are sometimes under contract to NOT change their appearance while still in that role. Or something.
It's from the end of the Love and Monsters episode, Ursula's face gets stuck in a piece of pavement and she has this conversation with Elton while they're recording a video:
URSULA: At least I'll never age. And it really is quite peaceful, you'd be surprised.
ELTON: It's a relationship, of sorts, but we manage. We've even got a bit of a love life.
URSULA: Oh, let's not go into that.
Well, because usually people change their appearance when they leave a role, and are sometimes under contract to NOT change their appearance while still in that role. Or something.
I wish I could forget. :lolForgot about that one, thanks.
Wigs and such.
True. I am emotional and connected to Eleven and am going to bawl when he leaves, so I am over reacting.
Come on man. We have to be better than the Tennant loyalists who whined into Series 6.
Oh I was a big Tennant fan too. I am going to mourn Eleven as much if not more, but I am going to fall in love with the new doctor as well, and am excited to meet him. BUT ELEVEN WAHHHHH.
Tl;dr I can be sad that a doctor is passing, and still be excited to meet the new doctor.
Anyone?Which were favorite of the Doctor's outfits?
Mines are as followed:
1.Ninth's "boat captain" outfit
2.Third's "dapper gentle man" outfit
3.Eighth's radio drama outfit
4.Eleventh's series 7b outfit
Didn't the Fourth and the Sixth have a long coat as well?I really like long coats. So Tennant's outfit and Eleven's long coat phase.![]()
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The hair is dead, long live the buzzcut
Didn't the Fourth and the Sixth have a long coat as well?
Didn't the Fourth and the Sixth have a long coat as well?