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Doctor Who Series Seven |OT| The Question You've Been Running From All Your Life

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I'd laugh if one of the fake torrents is Love and Monsters.

They'd probably die of shock, but only because that episode has a satisfactory conclusion HA HA HA

I am checking the fake torrent comments, and it seems one upload is this...


"The film follows a group of intergalactic homosexual black men from the planet Anus, who discover the presence of female creatures on planet Earth. Using rayguns, they proceed to eliminate females one by one from Earth, eliciting gratitude from the previously oppressed male population.[1] Before leaving the planet, they leave behind a "Gay Ambassador" to educate the Earthlings about their new way of life."

Sounds like something RTD would write/an episode of Torchwood am i right guys huh huh am i
They'd probably die of shock, but only because that episode has a satisfactory conclusion HA HA HA

I'd laugh if pavement blowjobs is a better conclusion than the secret to whoever Clara is.

Beat you to it APZ ;O

I am checking the fake torrent comments, and it seems one upload is this...


The Doctor's name is
Gaynigger. The reason it must be never spoken is because Doctor Who is never shown before the watershed.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Gaiman replied to some questions about the episode on his tumblr today:

Hey Neil--I've read that older versions of the episode script were much longer--Would it be possible for anyone to see those? Or are there legal issues keeping it from being released?
I don’t know if there are legal issues. I gave the original opening scenes to whatever the next version of the BRILLIANT BOOK is going to be (in which you find out about the No Kids On The TARDIS rule, how Clara talks the Doctor into it, and what Artie and Angie’s reaction to being inside the TARDIS is). And there were lots of scenes that weren’t shot, or were cut or changed…

As I say, I don’t know. I’ll ask the BBC.

when the cyberman in 'nightmare in silver' detached its hand and it scampered over to one of the platoon members, was that a quick reference to the other mother from coraline? or was i just imagining it?
Not as originally conceived. When I first wrote the scene the Cyberman needed to get over a heavily electrified fence, so it just seemed easier to have him take off his hand and throw it over, where it took care of things. As it wound up, when it was shot though, it became a lot more Coraliney.

re: nightmare in silver. How did you mesh in continuity stuff? Like there's a couple of lines at the end which feel like they're tacked on to lead into the next episode "a mystery... skirt". where you given a plot overview? Lines to include at the end? or was that added in editing by someone else? Just interested in how the tv writing world works.
A bit of both, at the end there. Some lines were mine, some weren’t. (And because the scene where the Cybermites ate Angie’s phone didn’t make it in, I’m not sure that the TARDIS giving her a new one made much sense.)

Not wanting to come off like i'm correcting you or anything but in the episode there was a scene with the Cybermites swarming over the phone.
Yup. And the part of the scene that follows where she picks up the phone, and it’s completely empty and now just a plastic case, and you realise that the cybermites have eaten the phone, wasn’t there…

Some people watching figured out that was had happened. Some didn’t.

What was the scene with Angie's phone originally suppose to entail. Did the Cybermites just really like the technology or was there going to originally be a payoff of some kind?
Originally the cybermites used the tech from Missy’s phone to fix the chess-playing cyberman enough that it would be able to take over Webley.

Really enjoyed Nightmare in Silver, however, some of the lines Artie and Angie had seemed really...odd (Angie saying 'I hate you!' to a Cyberman is the biggest case in point). What was the thinking behind the dialogue?
Um… a lot of Artie and Angie dialogue was cut to the bone, for various reasons. The “I hate you” was dubbed in later, when the episode was cut together as there were concerns that she needed to say something.

I don't know if this is a stupid question but did the cyber planner exist before the cyber mites ate Angie's phone? Because I was thinking that (since some mobile devices are called planners) they upgraded themselves to create cyber planner with what they got off her phone.
Here’s the history of the cyber planners: http://tardis.wikia.com/wiki/Cyber-Planner

It seems like a lot of questions about Nightmare in Silver are due to cut scenes- is it frustrating to have no control over what makes the final cut of something you wrote? Or does the fact that the final product was so good regardless of what was cut compensate for a few smaller things no longer being clear?
It’s something you take on when you write a 42 minute TV episode. Things you write often won’t get shot. Things that do get shot don’t get in, because there is only 42 minutes and the first cut will probably come in around ten minutes longer than that.

I was happy that pretty much all of Warwick’s scenes made it in, happy that about 90% of Matt’s conversations with himself got in uncut.

The scenes I missed most were the ones that either explained something that otherwise would leave you going “But why would they do X…? That doesn’t make sense,” or the scenes that got lost before it all started because budget or practicality would have made them impossible.


And some tweets:

@neilhimself Yes. RT @meeks_p: Liked it, but felt it should have been longer to properly develop all the characters and ideas. Was there a lot cut out?

@neilhimself It was. RT @meadrus: Was that a John Landis/Space Odyssey "See you next Wednesday"? I nearly did a spit take.

@neilhimself Explained in a scene not there any longer. RT @neilasaurus: Why did the Doctor have the kids sleep in a room ... instead of the Tardis?

@neilhimself Porridge's pulsar deactivated him. RT @BarackoShyama: What happened to webley at the end? was he just a half converted Cyberman?


Might as well air the episode every night this week instead of making us wait til Saturday. Right BBC America??? Right?!?!
Been watching Children Of Earth these days, halfway through episode 4 right now... and it's not nearly as good as it could've been.

The Torchwood cast and world is way too silly for something this serious. The concept is great, but the setting is killing it. The Torchwood guys only make sense in silly sci-fi, never in something this serious.

Also, the fact that the doctor exists and can be contacted in that same reality immediately makes everything ever dumber. Let's all disregard the perfect solution to the problem just for the sake of entertainment...

It should've been a standalone mini series, no Torchwood universe attached. It would've been much, much better.


I haven't watched a single episode since it came back. Seems like I'll miss Amy and Rory too much. How have these eps been?


I haven't watched a single episode since it came back. Seems like I'll miss Amy and Rory too much. How have these eps been?

All great with the exception of last nights (pacing was god awful and too many questions).

Anyone who tells you otherwise is upset.


I don't really get all the bitching and moaning about child actors this half. None of them have been anywhere near bad.
I haven't watched a single episode since it came back. Seems like I'll miss Amy and Rory too much. How have these eps been?

It's been okay. Way better than most of the episodes in S1-4, but the baseline for "good" has been raised so high that it's impossible to not be at least somewhat disappointed. Focusing on standalone episodes was clearly a mistake, for example.


Gaiman replied to some questions about the episode on his tumblr today:


Another episode that could have benefited from being a two-parter. This compressed storytelling was working well in the first half of the series but now that we have a new companion with extra side characters that require development, it's been very flat. Hopefully series 8 is back to normal.

Also is series 8 later this year or is it next year?
MasterBalls jumped the gun and made a thread. :lol It's settled then.


You know, I clicked in, saw "SPOILERS GALORE", and my hand did the "close tab" gesture pretty much of its own accord. It's pretty nice when every fiber of your being manages to work in concert for a worthy purpose.

Anyway, are there any stalwart holdouts still stubbornly insisting that the leak is a ruse or misdirection somehow? I mean, Moffat wants to make his mark, and he really wants to do things that change the course of Doctor Who forever. Truly, a master troll like this would never be forgotten.

Like if the Blu-Ray ended with him regenerating, but the actual episode was entirely different. Loss of sales from angry returns aside, that's how I'd fuck with my fans.


I'm kind of amused by how many people on a spoiler forum (Gallirey Base's spoiler forum) are really upset about the idea of anything from this episode leaking early.
I'm kind of amused by how many people on a spoiler forum (Gallirey Base's spoiler forum) are really upset about the idea of anything from this episode leaking early.

Twitter is the same really

I searched "Doctor Who Leaked" yesterday, and kept updating every 10 minutes or so - and most tweets are sadness, complaining, anger, or people saying sorry and sympathising to the wrong Moffat account
I'm kind of amused by how many people on a spoiler forum (Gallirey Base's spoiler forum) are really upset about the idea of anything from this episode leaking early.

I'm beginning to think this is a hoax. How could there be no legit spoilers up by this point-let alone the video.
I'm beginning to think this is a hoax. How could there be no legit spoilers up by this point-let alone the video.

The BBC has acknowledged it on the official site and social media accounts, and they'd know exactly how many copies shipped as the mistake was their official web store, not Amazon etc. If it was just one, or two, or twenty or something they'd have just probably contacted those shipped and politely asked, while not publicly acknowledging.

There was no post on Sunday. The few that are confirmed as receiving are probably very close to the distribution centre and paid fast shipping.Tons are going to arrive tomorrow (today). If some sources are to be believed, it's in the thousands.

EDIT: Also, the one guy who has it on GB spoiled the one thing we didn't know already, the final three minutes, and it tallies against other known things well enough. It's real, it's happening, etc etc.
I'm beginning to think this is a hoax. How could there be no legit spoilers up by this point-let alone the video.

1. It just got mailed yesterday (on a weekend), so I guess a small percentage would have it yet
2. It went to hardscore fans of the show - some of which might be decent people and may want to hide spoilers


1. It just got mailed yesterday (on a weekend), so I guess a small percentage would have it yet
2. It went to hardscore fans of the show - some of which might be decent people and may want to hide spoilers

I think it was actually mailed on Thursday or thereabouts. There's only really one person confirmed to have actually gotten it so far, but a few people have said they got shipping confirmations I think. Probably a bunch of people will get it tomorrow.


It's been okay. Way better than most of the episodes in S1-4, but the baseline for "good" has been raised so high that it's impossible to not be at least somewhat disappointed. Focusing on standalone episodes was clearly a mistake, for example.

This is also exactly how I feel, I shouldn't have to tolerate episodes like fear her, the idiot's lantern, love & Monsters, Cold War or the rings of akhaten anymore - I thought we'd moved on!


This is also exactly how I feel, I shouldn't have to tolerate episodes like fear her, the idiot's lantern, love & Monsters, Cold War or the rings of akhaten anymore - I thought we'd moved on!

You shouldn't have to tolerate them? The hell kind of logic is that? No one is forcing you to watch this show dude, and it sure as shit isn't a privelage bestowed upon you.


You shouldn't have to tolerate them? The hell kind of logic is that? No one is forcing you to watch this show dude, and it sure as shit isn't a privelage bestowed upon you.

It sure as shit hasn't been a privilege in 2013.

Is it wrong to want the show to be better? Especially when it has proven that it can be (7x01 and the christmas special were great pieces of writing, at least the best we've had in a while). I'm not interested in watching a show like the one we've had in series 7 part B - I'm willing to tolerate it if its a blip but if the show is like this constantly from here on out I'll probably abandon ship like I did for the majority of the RTD era, not sure what's so "entitled" about vacillating on whether or not I'm going to persevere with the show.


You shouldn't have to tolerate them? The hell kind of logic is that? No one is forcing you to watch this show dude, and it sure as shit isn't a privelage bestowed upon you.

We're being forced to pay for it.

I wouldn't say it's sunk to that bad levels yet but you can't just say you aren't allowed to complain.


I'm fine for complaining, sorry if it sounded like I wasn't. I didn't mean anything like that. Saying that you're "forced to tolerate" them, to me, sounds like something else entirely. It sounds like you're saying Doctor Who is a show specifically made just for you and shoved into your eyeballs, and you're forced to sit through episodes you don't enjoy.
Is it really immoral to download and watch the leaked episodes?
I mean, I've paid for the episodes through my TV-license anyway.
It's not like I'm denying them ad money either, as they never air ads on BBC normally.

What's the harm?
You'll make Steven Moffat cry

Eye for an eye

Is it really immoral to download and watch the leaked episodes?
I mean, I've paid for the episodes through my TV-license anyway.
It's not like I'm denying them ad money either, as they never air ads on BBC normally.

What's the harm?

It's still breach of copyright. It works much the same way that you're not entitled to a full private recording of a concert you've attended.

You haven't payed for the Bluray that the episode came on, either; do you think that you're entitled to free copies of all of the BBC's shows on DVD or Bluray?


It's still breach of copyright. It works much the same way that you're not entitled to a full private recording of a concert you've attended.

You haven't payed for the Bluray that the episode came on, either; do you think that you're entitled to free copies of all of the BBC's shows on DVD or Bluray?



It's still breach of copyright. It works much the same way that you're not entitled to a full private recording of a concert you've attended.

You haven't payed for the Bluray that the episode came on, either; do you think that you're entitled to free copies of all of the BBC's shows on DVD or Bluray?

I agree that torrenting / uploading the episode is a breach of copyright as its not yours to decide how to distribute but you are entitled to record the show from TV and keep that 'copy' so its not quite the same as a concert in that sense.
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