Well, that was fucking putrid. At least the worst season in the 50 year history of the show is over.
I don't even know where to start with that pile of shit. I went in with low expectations and still found myself angry. About the only decent part of the episode was seeing some of the past Doctors briefly.
This was at the same time the most fanwanky episode ever, and the most continuity destroying. So, congrats on that, Moffat. Not happy with just steamrolling over classic continuity, he even contradicted The Doctor's Wife which was only one season ago. You'd think he would have stopped Gaiman from writing that if he had planned this out (hint: he hadn't).
We also get tons of Moffat's favorite tricks: people's memories being rewritten, timelines changing, fake deaths, and the Doctor being some all important figure in the universe. This episode has the Doctor's grave being the most dangerous place in the universe, and his name being the most powerful secret. It's absurd, and it's just the apex of all the ridiculous fetishization of the Doctor that Moffat has introduced in his time on the show. Gone are the days when the Doctor was just a wanderer through space and time trying to right some wrongs and explore the unknown. Nowadays, every story has to introduce some huge secrets about the Doctor and build him up as some sort of godlike figure who the whole universe revolves around.
What makes matters worse is that there is no reason to even care. Jenny and Strax aren't even characters in any sense of the word. There's no reason to care about their supposed deaths, especially since we all know by now that they'll be revived within minutes (and indeed they are). Clara makes a big sacrifice, but it would feel more meaningful if we had a more strongly developed relationship between her and the Doctor to lead up to this. However, we don't. Clara is nice and funny, but her personality has never been fleshed out strongly enough, and we have no real investment in the relationship between her and the Doctor. She exists to befuddle the Doctor rather to have a real relationship with him, so we can't really get too invested in any of this. Perhaps this would have worked better if this half season had spent most of their time developing the Doctor and Clara's friendship instead of having the Doctor obsess over her 'mystery' (which turns out to have a very boring explanation). To make matters worse, it takes forever from the Intelligence jumping into the Doctor's timeline to Clara doing it, despite it being immediately obvious that that's what will happen. If that time had been spent on Clara wrestling with that decision, it might work, but we spend most of that time with Vastra and Strax, and by the time we return to Clara she's already decided to do it, so any sort of drama from the scene is robbed right along with the pacing.
Then we get Moffat's carefully crafted middle finger to the fans of the series, and a promise that the 50th anniversary will also suck, and everyone who watched the episode is wondering why they even wasted their time.