To make it absolutely clear, the BBC is funded by taxpayer money, meaning they don't run ads because everybody in Britain with a TV has actually already paid for it. The BBC doesn't do ads, or product placement, or any of that. I was amazed they were allowed to use Jammie Dodgers in The Bells of Saint John, to be honest, as Jammie Dodger is a brand - mentioning them in Evolution was one thing, but briefly showing the packet really stunned me.
That's why whenever you see people using computers and things in Who they're always clearly an off-the-shelf computer with logos covered up or replaced, like the "Myth" laptops or pretty much all TVs being from Magpie's.
It's likely that they spoke to Jammie Dodgers and got permission, its good publicity all around and tethers the show to reality, Every British person knows what a jammie dodger is. Product placement on BBC is uncommon but it happens. Its not true product placement in the sense that the BBC did not receive money and shoe horn the product in to for that money. The biscuit previously server a purpose as "big threatening red button" (as a generic brand that time round)
Its not the first time BBC and Jammie Dodgers have had a run in. Two Pints had a character sing a biscuit rap including many popular brands. If it's not for monetary gain for either party I don't think it's really an issue.