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Doctor Who | The Power Of The Doctor (Open Spoilers)


Gold Member
Shocked David Tennant GIF by Doctor Who


Peter Capaldi was perfect casting, but his scripts not so perfect. It's not like the UK doesn't have any good science fiction writers to help them come up with ideas that don't stink, but the BBC seem weird about how they do it.


That episode was some good shit.

That was a weird regeneration at the end. A mystery!

Chibb's reign of terror is over! Now for some Davies goodness!
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It's a little bit weird that he regenerated with the suit on, but that's hardly a big concern. I'm in for more Tennant, his Doctor was inherently more interesting than Doctrix Who from what I saw (not the actress' fault from what I understand)


The Doctor must have replaced her kinetic bat. It was destroyed in Remembrance of the Daleks.

I am totally fine with the assumption and it not being a continuity error. He would have done that.
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It looks like the new Doctor is in Doctor purgatory while the Tennant Doctor is running around.

That is a neat idea.


High hopes RTD can turn the show around from the utter fucking trash it has become under Chibnall. Great to see Tennant back. I hope we can get Smith and Capaldi back for the 60th. It’ll be good to have Doctor Who back to being half decent again.


Back to some David Tennant hammy acting.

What they need to do is reboot the universe somehow. The Flux trashed most of it.
It still does not make sense how the Earth is doing fine without no moon and other planets in it's solar system.

It is all Chibbed up and he did not bother to address it.

Maybe I missed something and the embodiment of Time reset things.
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RTD will retcon most of Chibnall’s pathetic bullshit, I’m sure of it. Big red reset button during the anniversary specials.


An event called "The Flux" destroyed the universe.

Except earth.

Not sure why I haven't watched since the first season of Jodie.

The Flux came through and destroyed most of the universe.
I know Dr Who tends to do a lot of shit and then handwave it away but when your show is about a guy traveling the universe it seems like a bad idea to destroy most of the universe.


RTD will retcon most of Chibnall’s pathetic bullshit, I’m sure of it. Big red reset button during the anniversary specials.
It is like Chibnall did not look up any physics. All the planets have gravitational pull on each other. If you destroy them, it changes the orbit of the Earth.



you just fucking watch the ratings absolutely SOAR with Tennant’s return, and suddenly all the little twats who bleated on about them not mattering during Whitaker’s run will suddenly change their minds.



I find it funny how people don't quite give a shit about Doctor Who right now. That is why they dug up all those actors. To give it a kick.
That is why they wrapped up Chibb's run.
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Suffers with mild autism
I like Tennant (Matt Smith is the GOAT, however) but I don't believe that they'll be able to capture the tone of his original run, or restore the show to its roots even with RTD involved.

The problem to me is that the nature of its fandom relationship changed. It was still very niche in the Tennant days comparatively (outside the UK, belonged only to a smaller set of nerds) and that was in its favor, because the show didn't feel the need to constantly pander to some expanding audience of idiots on social media, Tumblr, Twitter etc asking for all kinds of nonsense to be injected into the show. The best way to run a show is to completely ignore all input from fans and just write something original that has no interest in pleasing everyone, and they could still do that in the earlier era.

But now it's too big, and the BBC also treats it as a special vehicle for all their usual trendy political bullshit. So I don't think it can be saved. The best thing to happen would be for it to recede into a niche show again that very few people watch, and then start to be something different and intesting again, instead of worrying about nonsense like "representation."


Serious question:

Who watches this? How does it have such a huge fan base? Is it the history of it?

Was at my mother-in-laws last night and it was just on in the background, it has the most idioitic looking characters ever, the CGI is on par with a bad Science Channel movie, the acting is cringe worthy.

I can't understand why it's so popular.


Serious question:

Who watches this? How does it have such a huge fan base? Is it the history of it?

Was at my mother-in-laws last night and it was just on in the background, it has the most idioitic looking characters ever, the CGI is on par with a bad Science Channel movie, the acting is cringe worthy.

I can't understand why it's so popular.

It was good up until about eight or so years ago. Had a devoted following, based on great leading men, some really creative science fiction, and decent budgets for the BBC. Then things...... changed.
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Suffers with mild autism
Serious question:

Who watches this? How does it have such a huge fan base? Is it the history of it?

Was at my mother-in-laws last night and it was just on in the background, it has the most idioitic looking characters ever, the CGI is on par with a bad Science Channel movie, the acting is cringe worthy.

I can't understand why it's so popular.
It has always been incredibly campy. But at one time, it embraced being a children's science fiction program (one whose greatest tradition is a yearly Christmas special), a show that is watchable by the whole family, and that combines fantasy and weird imaginative places.

Somewhere along the line, it lost that identity. I think David Tennant's run and a large portion of Matt Smith's time was still decent family television (for instance, the "A Christmas Carol" special with Matt Smith was fantastic, we still watch it each Christmas), but it gradually fell prey to the new generation of very-online fans on tumblr etc who embraced the show, and it also felt the need to push the envelope in stupid and predictable ways.

So what was once a lighthearted fantasy-scifi romp for all ages became an overblown mess with adult themes and ridiculously complex continuity plots, and then when they switched show-runners and put in the woman, it became another predictable political vehicle for the BBC, lecturing the audience each week with obvious faddish social themes and losing all inventiveness.

It's basically trash now. I don't know how it could be reborn.


It's more than Tennant though. The original showrunner is back with quite a bit of clout over the direction of the show as well. I'm cautiously optimistic. The Tennant Who had some terrific moments.
Thank God for that, because current showrunner ran the whole thing into the ground. Did Chibnall even do anything if notice apart from first season of Broadchurch?


My second favorite is back?! The only one I liked more than Tennant was Eccleston.

As far as Jodie is concerned, I liked her well enough. But she absolutely suffered with some of the most moronic and batshit stupid writing I’ve ever seen.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Nice. Tennant is one of my favorite comedic character actors and is one of the best Doctors. Looking forward to his specials, though I am not sure when we'll get them 'State side.


Did they Retcon Series 12 into oblivion yet? If not, I refuse to watch. Timeless Children killed the series for me.
why because it made the docter ... THE chosen one? And not some bloke in a telephone booth
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