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Roger Eberts Review. I cant wait to see this movie:

'Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story" is a title that rewards close study. It does not say it is a true story. It says it is about a true underdog. That is true. This is a movie about a spectacularly incompetent health club owner (Vince Vaughn) who tries to save his club from foreclosure by entering a team in the $50,000 world series of dodgeball in Las Vegas. Proof that the team is an underdog: One of the team members believes he is a pirate, and another team member hasn't noticed that.

Vaughn's club, Average Joe's Gym, is run-down and shabby but has a loyal if nutty clientele. Across the street is a multi-million-dollar muscle emporium known as Globo Gym is (there is no "l" in the title, perhaps because it fell off). Globo is owned by Ben Stiller, overacting to the point of apoplexy as White Goodman; his manic performance is consistently funny, especially when he protects against Small Man Complex by surrounding himself with enormous body-builders and building an inflatable crotch into his training pants.

Vaughn, playing the absent-minded Peter La Fleur, acts as a steadying influence; he plays more or less straight, which is wise, since someone has to keep the plot on track. He's visited by the lithesome Kate Veatch (Christine Taylor) who works for the bank and explains that Average Joe's needs $50,000 in 30 days or it will foreclose.

Standing by to turn it into a parking lot: White Goodman. Among other questionable business practices, La Fleur has neglected to collect membership dues for several months.

Kate hates Globo's White Goodman, not least because at their last meeting he rudely drew attention to his extremely well-inflated crotch. One of the Average Joe staff members comes up with the idea of the volleyball tournament, and for reasons unnecessary to explain, Kate becomes a member of the team, along with the pirate and four others.

None of them know anything about dodgeball. This may not be a handicap. My own experiences with dodgeball have led me to conclude that it is basically a game of luck; the only skill you need is to pick bigger kids for your side. But I learn that Extreme Dodgeball is actually a real sport, with its own cable TV show.

"Dodgeball" explains the sport by pausing for a grade school educational documentary from 1938. It is a very short documentary, because all you need to know about the game are the "Five Ds," of which both "D No. 1" and "D No. 5" are "Dodge!" The film is hosted by dodgeball legend Patches O'Houlihan, who must therefore be in his 80s when he appears at Average Joe's in his motorized wheelchair, and announces that he will coach them to victory. Patches is played by Rip Torn, whose training methods get enormous laughs.

The Las Vegas tournament itself follows the time-honored formulas of all sports movies, but is considerably enhanced by the weird teams in the finals. Weirdest is Globo Gym, captained by White Goodman and including four gigantic musclemen and a very hairy woman from an obscure former Soviet republic. The finals are telecast on ESPN8 ("If it's almost a sport, we have it here!").

I dare not say much more without giving away jokes; in a miraculous gift to the audience, 20th Century-Fox does not reveal all of the best gags in its trailer. Therefore let me just gently say that late in the movie a famous man approaches Peter La Fleur at the airport and gets laughs almost as big as the Patches O'Houlihan training technique.
Shit, I thought this was going to be funny but I didn't expect it to be that funny. I'm really looking forward to it now.
i hope its good but there is something about it that looks like it could be bad. I'm not sure though so i'll just have mixed feelings for the moment.


The movie got an F where I live. St. Pete Times. I don't know what to think. I was going to see The Terminal, which got an A btw.


AssMan said:
The movie got an F where I live. St. Pete Times. I don't know what to think. I was going to see The Terminal, which got an A btw.

When i visit St. Pete I remember really wanting to see a movie and I check their reviews and I totally disagreed with them. So, could be the same case here. We just don't have the same tastes I guess. :)


aparisi2274 said:
I dare not say much more without giving away jokes; in a miraculous gift to the audience, 20th Century-Fox does not reveal all of the best gags in its trailer.

That was actually one of my big concerns, especially after Starsky & Hutch managed to show me every single funny scene in 2 commercials and one Late Night clip.


force push the doodoo rock
i saw it this morning due to a freak power outage. While it was funny, there needed to be more ben stiller, cause the rest of the guys werent that great.
I saw it last night at an advanced screening. I liked it a lot. Almost all the jokes are hit and miss though, and even though they hit most the time, there are a couple periods where the movie drags a bit.

Just don't go in with a serious mind or you won't like it at all.

3 out of 4

Edit: I agree with ^^^^^. Ben Stiller's character was hilarious. I thought Patches and the cheerleading guy were also funny. The rest of the characters are OK, and I was pretty disappointed with Vince Vaughn.


force push the doodoo rock
i agree, vince had to be the hero in this movie so it was hard for him to play his usual assholish character.


The movie was really funny.

Funny stuff I loved:
I loved how on the treasure chest it said 'deus ex machina', and before the credits how the cheerleader was rubbing her stomach showing she's pregnant.

and by the way, fuck Chuck Norris.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I'd like to point out that there is a show in the Game Show Network called Extreme Dodgeball.... I'm not making this up, and well.... let's just say after TIVO'ing it I still have trouble believing it's actually a series...


I saw it today, I thought it was awesome. Much more funny than I would have thought.
That school dodgeball lesson video was so awesome


I saw it tonight and thought it was pretty good. It wasn't as good as Zoolander. Stiller and Vaughn weren't as good a pair as Stiller and Wilson, but it still delivered a fair amount of laughter. As long as you don't mind stupid humor, you'll enjoy it.


Awesome flick!

I thought I would enjoy this flick but I didn't think it would be put together this well!

Had me in stitches the entire movie!!!

Hilarious movie! I don't see many movies twice but I'm going to see this one again!


I loved it. 95% of the script felt like it could have been written by the creators of The Family Guy. Its THAT Good. The whole time im laughing thinking "Thats a joke they probably would have done in Family Guy"

The 1950's Dodgeball introduction video was just so freaking hilarious.

"That's right little Billy, Dodgeball was invented by opium addicted chinese men, except they didnt use red rubber balls, they used severed human heads!"


That one punk announcer for ESPN had quite possibly one of the best small part comedic roles in any movie ever, he said some truly hilarious crap. OMG, definatly seeing this movie again.


they call me "Man Gravy".
sp0rsk said:
i saw it this morning due to a freak power outage. While it was funny, there needed to be more ben stiller, cause the rest of the guys werent that great.

I disagree. Although I think I'm the only one, I think Vince Vaughn was far and away the funniest person in this movie. Although Stiller still made me pee my pants in laughter, basically playing the same character he did in "Heavyweights"

PS I would be in heaven if we had 8 channels of ESPN. I demand the OCHO.


Guzim said:
The movie was really funny.

Funny stuff I loved:
I loved how on the treasure chest it said 'deus ex machina', and before the credits how the cheerleader was rubbing her stomach showing she's pregnant.

and by the way, fuck Chuck Norris.

Just saw it. Haha, I liked that too, about the
inscription on the treasure chest
. I also liked the ESPN 8 "The Ocho" introduction, with the squirrel or whatever that was jetskiing. :lol:

Overall, funny movie as long as you're in the right mood/mindset.

Oh, and by the way, we must've had the Chuck Norris fanclub in attendance tonight, because as soon as he was shown on-screen, people started applauding very loudly. o_O Fuck Chuck Norris. :p


just saw it earlier tonight...it was pretty awesome, but not as good as zoolander. i've decided ben stiller is only good when he's playing somebody really ridiculous.


I saw both this and The Terminal. I have to say that Dodgeball is really funny, I wasn't disappointed with the movie, simply because all I expect from the movie is to make me laugh.... a lot.

The Terminal was an okay movie. I was good up till 2/3 the movie, I felt the last 1/3 didn't really go anywhere and was a let down.
saw the midnight showing and loved it. I read the reviews and thought it would be pretty good but man I thought it was great. One of my buddies I was with picked up the big GI JOE reference...pretty clever of him and of the filmmakers for putting it in.

What a great way to start a series of more great flicks to come in weeks to come:

Farenheit 9/11
Spiderman 2
King Arthur(I kissed the Keira Knightley cut out on the lips at the theater I was at).

Those all come out the next 3 weeks and I'm pretty pysched for all of them. The Alien vs. Predator preview looks pretty fuckin cool too. One of my friends had a great line with the tagline for the movie..."Whoever wins. We lose." My friend said, "That's just like the presidential election." haha...so true.

I may go see Dodgeball again...great movie...and I agree the wacky announcer on the right had some great lines.
Dodgeball rocked!

The best parts were all of the posters in Globo Gym with Stiller in fucking hilarious poses. My favorite line had to be, "Blazer, ball me!" Oh, and the 5 D's of dodgeball had me fucking laughing my ass off, especially in the old black and white video.


I just remembered

"Put your mouth where are balls are"

ROFLMAO, Vince Vaughn, that was a fantastic line.


kablooey said:
Oh, and by the way, we must've had the Chuck Norris fanclub in attendance tonight, because as soon as he was shown on-screen, people started applauding very loudly.
:lol, everyone here cheered loudly too.


aparisi2274 said:
Roger Eberts Review.
One of the Average Joe staff members comes up with the idea of the volleyball tournament, and for reasons unnecessary to explain, Kate becomes a member of the team, along with the pirate and four others.
WTF did he see the movie?


ErasureAcer said:
What a great way to start a series of more great flicks to come in weeks to come:

Farenheit 9/11
Spiderman 2
King Arthur(I kissed the Keira Knightley cut out on the lips at the theater I was at).
did you slip her the tongue?


There was one happy-ass crowd in attendance last night. They applauded like 5 times during the movie. Everytime the Average Joes did well. It was a funny movie overall, but I'm not sure if I want to see it again. I told me sister I'd go see it with her, but it might not be worth another $8 matinee. PEACE.
I saw it at one o clock on Thursday night. It was hilarious, and the dodgeballs looked like they really hurt.

A funny part was when Mishell forgot to knock and Stiller was stuffing pizza down his pants.


Well, 9/10 of my theater was comprised of dumb fucks who didn't get half of the jokes (the ones that weren't as obvious as getting smacked with a dodgeball).

Overall, that movie was pretty hilarious. I loved it.

But, that guy's decision to be a substitute in the cheerleading competition was pretty pointless, right?

"He fell off the rollercoaster and broke every bone in his body."

Oh yeah...I absolutely LOVED the ending twist
in how he ended up OWNING Global Gym :)


Fun movie with lots of GOOD laughs, but nothing that got me really going. I definitely laughed harder during the Anchorman trailer, which looks awesome.
I liked it. It was stupid, but very funny. Some of my favorite parts:

- Patches O'Hoolihan kicked ass, both young (Hank Azaria) and old (Rip Torn). Grizzled old bastards rule. :)

- The Five D's

- The bar named "The Dirty Sanchez." This one had me and my friends rolling.

- ""Put your mouth where my balls are!""

- The pirate guy was awesome.

- The neverending hits to the crotch.

-Milton from Office Space going berserk. :D

Plenty of good laughs. :)


Oh yeah....did anybody catch those team names?

One was named
"The MILFs" and had a baby sucking its mother's breast.
All of the teams were pretty funny, with the lumberjacks at the low end of the scale and MILFs/Hip Hop Brigade at the top. I loved how those gangsta's were taking every shot like a drive by.

I agree with a lot of the funny bits brought up, but the ESPN-8 footage was probably tops. Squirrel Watersports, 6 year olds playing soccer with a ball on fire, pro lawn driving...solid gold comedy.

The Pizza Thing was funny, although it was even funnier if you noticed the "videotape" White had on the desk.

Obscure humor section: The good guys were the Joes, and the bad guys were the cobras. The GI-Joe comparisons (including some signs in the stands) were hilarious. Maybe not as hilarious as the mail order bride's "love salute", but...


I just saw the movie

No one mentioned about the extra scene after the credits. I thought it was the most hilarious thing ever. I laughed in tears...
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