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Does the possibility of extraterrestrials existing and visiting us scare you and why?

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Gold Member
I am reading ... the mexican ufo hearing presented actual alien bodies.

12th September 2023

The Mexican UAP congressional hearing was a historic event that took place on September 12, 2023, at the Mexican Congress.

The hearing was organized by the Commission of Science and Technology of the Chamber of Deputies, and featured testimony from several international experts on the topic of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs), also known as UFOs.

Some of the witnesses who testified at the hearing were:
Dr. Avi Loeb, a renowned astrophysicist who argued that the interstellar object 'Oumuamua could be an alien artifact.
Nick Pope, a former UK Ministry of Defence official who investigated UAPs for the British government.Luis Elizondo, a former US intelligence officer who ran the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP).
Christopher Mellon, a former US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence who has been involved in several initiatives to raise awareness and promote disclosure on the UAP issue.
Jaime Maussan, a Mexican journalist and ufologist who has been researching and reporting on UAPs for decades.

The hearing was broadcast live on the official website of the Mexican Congress, as well as on various social media platforms. The hearing lasted for several hours, and included questions from the members of the Commission of Science and Technology, as well as other interested legislators.

I feel a mixture of scepticism and shock
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Gold Member
They seem to be saying they have analyzed them fully now and folk are under oath saying that they are real and not human. I dont know what to think tbh.
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I am reading ... the mexican ufo hearing presented actual alien bodies.

12th September 2023

The Mexican UAP congressional hearing was a historic event that took place on September 12, 2023, at the Mexican Congress.

The hearing was organized by the Commission of Science and Technology of the Chamber of Deputies, and featured testimony from several international experts on the topic of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs), also known as UFOs.

Some of the witnesses who testified at the hearing were:
Dr. Avi Loeb, a renowned astrophysicist who argued that the interstellar object 'Oumuamua could be an alien artifact.
Nick Pope, a former UK Ministry of Defence official who investigated UAPs for the British government.Luis Elizondo, a former US intelligence officer who ran the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP).
Christopher Mellon, a former US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence who has been involved in several initiatives to raise awareness and promote disclosure on the UAP issue.
Jaime Maussan, a Mexican journalist and ufologist who has been researching and reporting on UAPs for decades.

The hearing was broadcast live on the official website of the Mexican Congress, as well as on various social media platforms. The hearing lasted for several hours, and included questions from the members of the Commission of Science and Technology, as well as other interested legislators.

I feel a mixture of scepticism and shock

What is the origin of those bodys? Looks really fake in the video. But if they were reatrieved by officials in a crash, it could be believable. Otherwise I think it could be nonsense like that "starchild".



I'm going to have to call bollocks, we've seen these things before



Gold Member
I am stunned by that conference.

They had airtraffic controllers, pilots, official representatives from Japan, USA, France, Peru
They said the bodies were preserved in the special conditions of the calcium deposits in the mines, they are carbon dated at around 1000 years old. The DNA sequencing shows they are not human and the evidence is strong they have no link to life on this planet.
Internally they had some metal structures, which were made of cadmium and osmium (those are expense metals we use in satelites today aparently), they didnt know how to make them 1000 years ago. it is freaky stuff.

It is true that those bodies had been revealed some time back as others have said, however the DNA sequencing is new (it was expensive and took a long time)..

They also are pointing out that the three fingers/toes appear on many ancient artificacts images from the past in South America.

All the testimonies were given under oath.


Gold Member

from reddit translation:

Translations from what I considered noteworthy -Theres a literal fuckload of details given, the body sections at 3hrs in is just a nonstop barrage of their anatomy.

The anatomy portion was spoken in a personal capacity by Dr. Jose Salce Benitez who had 30 years in the Mexican Navy, currently the director of the Navy's Scientific Health Institute and was at one point the director of the Navy's Medical Forensic Service.

  • Bodies covered in a diatomic white powder that granted desiccation for extreme natural preservation, was carbon14 dated to: very fkn old (around 1000y)
  • Tridactyl (3 fingers 3 toes) no carpals or tarsals with fingers going straight to armbones. I had a hard time with some specifics around here but they cannot grip thumb-wise and as such have to wrap their fingies around objects
  • Circular, complete and continuous ribs, having around 14
  • Deep/concave cervical spine (neckbones) with other features hinting that the head is retractable similar to turtles
  • Strong but very light bone structure much like a bird
  • Pneumatized (air/gas formed) cranial cavity, making a large space for oversized brain matter
  • Orthopedic implants perfectly fused with skin and bone, composed of what we consider metals for spacing structures and equipment such as cadmium & osmium
  • Ocular orbits very broad granting wide field of vision
  • A jaw joint, but no teeth. They could swallow foods but not chew
  • Spine connects to the center of cranial floor, a rarity that does not occur in primates who have a rear position
  • Intact oviducts (fallopian tubes) containing eggs, alleges this is impossible to falsify
  • Very broad range of motion in their shoulder joints
  • Specimen have intact fingerprints, that are linear and horizontal as opposed to a human's circular prints
  • Unique DNA not matching over a million existing sequences. 70% similar to known DNA, 30% unknown. For relevance, lists that humans are less than %5 different to primates and 15% to bacteria meaning the 30% or more the specimen contain is far outside terrestrial parameters
  • In summary, the bodies are a non-human species presenting irrefutable differences to written biology/ taxonomy of the evolutionary tree with 0 common ancestors or descendants

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I, quite honestly, wish you guys were right. But you're comparing apples to miracles.
I agree with the dream: The concept of usable space travel is so tantalizing that it's impossible to deny. It would be like reaching paradise, but in physical form.

But you're not even remotely close to reality.
You guys clearly have no sense of how far away our destinations would be.

Even if you were to travel 99% the speed of light, we're talking about years upon years upon years upon years of travel to reach even the closest destination.
It simply isn't going to happen.

Sure, it's nice to envision some sort of Stargate/Mass Effect/Doctor Who/etc. effect in which we can just travel from place to place without issue; but that's just a dream.

I know, I know... Teleporting might - perhaps, one day - become a thing. But... no. It won't.
You can't just move matter from one place to another without some sort of time-delay.

The best you could hope for would be to make a perfect copy of an object, then delete the original, and then transfer that information across space; which would seem like teleporting (To the object, itself, but to nobody else).
But... no. It would still be limited by the speed of light, which is already a goal that we'll never reach (Unless you assume that literally 100% of our laws of physics are wrong, which would - obviously - be stupid, since time has clearly shown that to not be the case).

Besides, you'd still have to get to the destination in the first place, to create the teleport-receiver-device. It's obviously a non-option.

But wait!, you say. What about blackholes and wormholes???
Nah. That's not an option either.

I guess you could assume that we might - one day - be able to harness the power of a blackhole to do something some-how-relevant to travel, but you'd be wrong.

Even the tiniest of blackholes would engulf our entire planet faster than you'd even know what happened. To assume that human technology could make even the slightest dent in that effect is a level of hubris even God, himself, wouldn't dare tread.
And "wormholes" - or some sort of 'tunnel' through space that's faster than a straight line - is just a dream given to you by science-fiction. Pray tell, how in the world would the universe create something faster than a straight line? You want to bend space-time, itself? Well, now we're back to the blackhole issue.

There's a level of naivete and hubris when it comes to folks who think we can somehow travel the stars.
Yes, humans have done great things, and we will continue to do great things.
But if you think we can - somehow - conquer the universe, you're incredibly wrong.

I really, truly, wish you were right. I think soaring through the Cosmos would be one of humanity's greatest achievements.
But... no. You're not even close to correct.

Hell, just think about something basic, like a Dyson-Sphere. So, assume that we would could, somehow, develop a device that would encompass a star (Obviously, our Sun) and harness its energy for us to be able to use however we want.
Just to put that into perspective: Such a device would require every single atom of every single planet, meteor, asteroid, comet, moon, speck of dust, etc. in our entire solar system; roughly-multiplied by eight.
Then we'd have to assume that every atom of every single speck of matter in our entire solar system was actually usable for such a device.
Then we'd also have to find a way to survive during this process.
Then we'd have to find enough matter to encompass more than EIGHT TIMES OUR ENTIRE SOLAR SYSTEM just to harness one, single star.

It's also worth mentioning that our Sun isn't even slightly close to strong-enough to power the bending of space-time. In order to do that, we'd have to harness somewhere in the neighborhood of thousands of solar systems of energy.

And the fact that you guys posted memes and 100-year-old retorts as responses is just.... Let's just say you're not doing yourselves any favors, in terms of being persuasive.

I would genuinely like to be as excited about the future of space-travel as you guys are. But, seriously... you seem to be just making shit up out of your asses, and then laughing at people who don't like your scent.
At least post something convincing.............. for once...........

All of that being said, there's absolutely other life out there. There's simply no question. Our universe is far too large for such a thing to not exist elsewhere.
I guess it'd be kinda cool if were special and the only thing out there; but that's just the hubris and naivete talking.
It's just a shame that basically all of them will never get to experience each other.

You completely missed my point. You're taking a snapshot of current technologies and projecting it thousands of years into the future. Science and technology isn't static

Your descendants will die hundreds of years from now and be considered primitive compared to science thousands of years after they're gone.
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I think we do. It's mathematically impossible to be "alone" in the universes.

My bad.

I was referring to the myriad of.. let's call them, hmm.. "none current humans" And even that way of framing could not be true in a myriad of ways.

We're most definitely not alone. Even on this planet I reckon


Like I was saying in the other thread, why did they take the time to use the rarest elements on earth for cyborg implants when a two week DNA test will disprove it anyway? Terribly expensive and stupid hoax if it is.


I think 22:22:22 22:22:22 agrees.

I guess?

Not reading any posts.

It's like talking about the wheels of a car instead of all the other parts that make up the whole car.

Maybe I'm to pessimistic but I've dropped multiple in depth interviews with researchers, for example the Grush stuff and or it get's ignored or get's a sarcastically meant laughing emoji.

So why the fuck should I interact lol.


Gold Member

from reddit translation:

Translations from what I considered noteworthy -Theres a literal fuckload of details given, the body sections at 3hrs in is just a nonstop barrage of their anatomy.

The anatomy portion was spoken in a personal capacity by Dr. Jose Salce Benitez who had 30 years in the Mexican Navy, currently the director of the Navy's Scientific Health Institute and was at one point the director of the Navy's Medical Forensic Service.

  • Bodies covered in a diatomic white powder that granted desiccation for extreme natural preservation, was carbon14 dated to: very fkn old (around 1000y)
  • Tridactyl (3 fingers 3 toes) no carpals or tarsals with fingers going straight to armbones. I had a hard time with some specifics around here but they cannot grip thumb-wise and as such have to wrap their fingies around objects
  • Circular, complete and continuous ribs, having around 14
  • Deep/concave cervical spine (neckbones) with other features hinting that the head is retractable similar to turtles
  • Strong but very light bone structure much like a bird
  • Pneumatized (air/gas formed) cranial cavity, making a large space for oversized brain matter
  • Orthopedic implants perfectly fused with skin and bone, composed of what we consider metals for spacing structures and equipment such as cadmium & osmium
  • Ocular orbits very broad granting wide field of vision
  • A jaw joint, but no teeth. They could swallow foods but not chew
  • Spine connects to the center of cranial floor, a rarity that does not occur in primates who have a rear position
  • Intact oviducts (fallopian tubes) containing eggs, alleges this is impossible to falsify
  • Very broad range of motion in their shoulder joints
  • Specimen have intact fingerprints, that are linear and horizontal as opposed to a human's circular prints
  • Unique DNA not matching over a million existing sequences. 70% similar to known DNA, 30% unknown. For relevance, lists that humans are less than %5 different to primates and 15% to bacteria meaning the 30% or more the specimen contain is far outside terrestrial parameters
  • In summary, the bodies are a non-human species presenting irrefutable differences to written biology/ taxonomy of the evolutionary tree with 0 common ancestors or descendants

Considering the size and scope of the universe, it's hard for me to believe that there isn't other life forms out there. But this looks like a load of absolute bullshit. It's almost like they're trying their best to convince us that aliens are real.


I honestly think you could post up a legitimate alien body and 95% of people would call bullshit at this point. Definitely not saying that the Mexican body is real.

But we've been so conditioned with all the hoaxes and government efforts to undermine legitimate sightings for decades.
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Considering the size and scope of the universe, it's hard for me to believe that there isn't other life forms out there. But this looks like a load of absolute bullshit. It's almost like they're trying their best to convince us that aliens are real.

A little birdie told me these greys are manufactured to serve a myriad of purposes. Programmed and soulless.

Interesting and entertaining post though.

Then again I agree with Romulus.


I honestly think you could post up a legitimate alien body and 95% of people would call bullshit at this point. Definitely not saying that the Mexican body is real.

But we've been so conditioned with all the hoaxes and government efforts to undermine legitimate sightings for decades.

Any classic 'grey' alien 'body' can easily be dismissed as a hoax. The imagery comes originally from sci fi novels of the 19th century, and was further propagated by sci fi movies and folklore of the 50s & 60s. It's an entirely human invention.

In fact, any alien creature that is predominantly humanoid in appearance can be dismissed. Why on earth would aliens look like humans? We have such a massive diversity of life on this planet alone. The idea that intelligent alien life would look like us is a really great example of the ego of man :messenger_tears_of_joy:

We make gods in our image, and aliens also.
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West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
MilkyHoe, all you want to do is come in here and stir stuff up, eh?

Hoser, you should have more couth.


Do you believe in aliens FunkMiller FunkMiller

I believe that in a universe of a trillions upon trillions of stars and planetary systems, we cannot be the only world to have created intelligent life.

But the very size and scale of a universe that allows for multiple intelligent species to potentially and probably exist, also dictates that the chances of any two of them coming into contact is so vanishingly small as to be functionally impossible.


The fact that they're dead and thousands of years old makes instantly makes this as interesting to me as dinosaurs so not interesting at all.

Wake me up when they show a live one.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
In fact, any alien creature that is predominantly humanoid in appearance can be dismissed. Why on earth would aliens look like humans? We have such a massive diversity of life on this planet alone. The idea that intelligent alien life would look like us is a really great example of the ego of man :messenger_tears_of_joy:
I've actually heard some scientists say that if there is intelligent life out there it's probably going to look like us. It has to do with physics and everything but generally intelligent life would have opposable thumbs and be bipedal, etc.


Any classic 'grey' alien 'body' can easily be dismissed as a hoax. The imagery comes originally from sci fi novels of the 19th century, and was further propagated by sci fi movies and folklore of the 50s & 60s. It's an entirely human invention.

In fact, any alien creature that is predominantly humanoid in appearance can be dismissed. Why on earth would aliens look like humans? We have such a massive diversity of life on this planet alone. The idea that intelligent alien life would look like us is a really great example of the ego of man :messenger_tears_of_joy:

We make gods in our image, and aliens also.

But where did 1950s and 60s get their inspiration? Are you saying that was completely original? How do we know they weren't inspired by stories or accounts of visitors?

The big-headed, small-body thing is pretty old. There are 10,000-year-old cave drawings with that classic alien humanoid look.

I don't believe there is any "one size fits all" when it comes to alien appearance. The idea that they look like us or completely different is probably true in both cases considering the size of the universe.
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I believe that in a universe of a trillions upon trillions of stars and planetary systems, we cannot be the only world to have created intelligent life.

But the very size and scale of a universe that allows for multiple intelligent species to potentially and probably exist, also dictates that the chances of any two of them coming into contact is so vanishingly small as to be functionally impossible.

I still don't know how we can use current human science as a reference for the future but ignore human history. There was a point when two races of humans having contact with one another was impossible because of the sheer distance of the ocean. That was an absolutely terrifying body of space in ancient times. Are you able to acknowledge that humanity could exist in 1 million years? Do you think the same challenges will shackle us then as now? What about a species 10 million years ahead of us? That disparity is easily feasible if we acknowledge their existence.
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