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I really want to know what aliens think of our movies and television shows like Star Wars and Star Trek?
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Oh, I would say those aspects we don't know are incredibly significant though, let me make that distinction very clear. We don't even understand the center of a black hole outside of theories.
It doesn't end there: ttps://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2019/01/14/5-things-we-still-dont-know-about-black-holes-and-2-we-do-after-ligo/?sh=518868764cfb
Having a complete understanding of things is exactly how we exploit them as humans. The Wright brothers used wind tunnels for wings that catered to the understanding of drag and lift. If we had no idea how lift worked, we wouldn't have gotten anywhere. Seems insignificant but can make all the difference. Unfortunately, we've got a looooooong way to go before we have a comparable understanding of a black hole. Not even remotely close to early 1900s physics for flight.
And that's just one aspect, black holes are just the tip of the iceberg of what we don't know.
I agree watching a 747 take off is still science fiction to me
Must have been pranksters around 1000 years ago making this then because the mummified skin its encased in it 1000 years old by carbon dating.But you mean CT like this?
No but If I did, I'd probably make sure i used equal length bones for the arms and legs, and those femurs sure do look flipped upside-down with the ball joint cut off![]()
However they did it doesn't change the fact its it's a bunch of mismatched bones and an animal skullMust have been pranksters around 1000 years ago making this then because the mummified skin its encased in it 1000 years old by carbon dating.
Its not old bones covered in plaster cast and glue.
You still seem to be suggesting that scientific-laws can be broken, though.
They're not called laws for nothing.
I really want to know what aliens think of our movies and television shows like Star Wars and Star Trek?
Historical DocumentsI really want to know what aliens think of our movies and television shows like Star Wars and Star Trek?
It never stops. We find a phenomenon is a space that causes us to rethink and adjust, A physics law can work until it doesn't, then it's back to the drawing board.
Explain, without using faith as you evidence, how humans of the future will find answers that we cannot find now.
Also, Newton made it very clear that he couldn't answer every question. Einstein said the same, as do our current scientists (hence this discussion).
So no, I would not be claiming scientists of the past were gospel.
You're acting like we'll somehow discover that fire isn't actually hot, or that we don't actually need air to survive, or some other equally-wrong idea.
Just because we don't know everything doesn't mean we don't know anything.
Explain, without using faith as you evidence, how humans of the future will find answers that we cannot find now.
There is absolutely no way in hell that humanity will ever travel beyond our solar system, unless we completely redefine what the word "humanity" means (Meaning minds inside of computers/robots, basically).
You're just fooling yourselves if you disagree.
It's basic physics, at this point. Like... less than high-school-level.
Was Betty and Barney Hill the first documented abduction case involing the greys?Any classic 'grey' alien 'body' can easily be dismissed as a hoax. The imagery comes originally from sci fi novels of the 19th century, and was further propagated by sci fi movies and folklore of the 50s & 60s. It's an entirely human invention.
In fact, any alien creature that is predominantly humanoid in appearance can be dismissed. Why on earth would aliens look like humans? We have such a massive diversity of life on this planet alone. The idea that intelligent alien life would look like us is a really great example of the ego of man
We make gods in our image, and aliens also.
Why will we never leave our star system?
That's because all of your points are "We might one day..."You've dodged most of my points anyway and I doubt you can admit where you're wrong. I see you as one of those people that took a strong stance and you're incapable of pivoting from it. Have a nice day.
The distances are too vast.
Obviously science still has a long way to go.
But people in this thread are pretending that we can rewrite all of our observations of the universe, with some sort of mythical re-understandings that future-humans will somehow discover.
It's nonsense.
They're too vast now with current technology, but in the future it will be possible. We have people working on the problem right now. If it was totally impossible then the research would be pointless.
While I admire your optimism, there are fundamental rules of the universe that can't be broken without the ability to warp spacetime itself (which, unlike Star Trek would have it, is probably impossible).
We will achieve speeds that will enable us to travel much further than we can now, but we won't be able to go anywhere near far enough.
You can look to that as a good probable reason as to why there's no sign of intelligent alien life, as far as we're concerned. It's just not possible for physical matter to travel fast enough and far enough in any kind of sensible time period. No alien species has ever been able to develop the technology to do it, because it's impossible.
Must have been pranksters around 1000 years ago making this then because the mummified skin its encased in it 1000 years old by carbon dating.
Its not old bones covered in plaster cast and glue.
You're talking about FTL travel, which as far as we know so far is impossible without warping space-time or using worm holes. However, there are other methods of interstellar travel that wouldn't require FTL speeds to accomplish. That is why scientists and engineers around the world, including at NASA and JPL are putting serious research into Interstellar travel. If they thought it was outright impossible then they wouldn't be putting in the time, effort and money.
Link please? Because breaking the speed of light is impossible. Interstellar travel would require speeds in excess of the speed of light, so I'd like to see what they're up to! Proxima Centauri is the closest star, and that's over 4 light years away. And that's presuming a craft can fly at just under the speed of light, which is probably functionally impossible due to the way spacetime would warp, preventing accurate navigation. And then there's the issue of the energy required.
And if you're talking the closest stars that could feasibly have intelligent alien life, then the distances are much, much farther! Our radio signals have travelled 200 light years away, so you can pretty much discount any alien life existing within that tiny bubble.
Im actually in an UFO right now and getting probed, i mean they could had bught me dinner first atleast.....meh 4/10 i would say.
I don't know It doesn't really matter to me. Unless they came to annihilate us that would kinda suck but I'm not too bothered by the possibility.
I don't know It doesn't really matter to me. Unless they came to annihilate us that would kinda suck but I'm not too bothered by the possibility.
Nasa is working on a drive that goes 99% the speed of light I read years ago. Not sure how feasible or possible it'll be.
But there are varying opinions on FTL travel in the community. And we're basing it Einstein, who has been wrong before.
Link please? Because breaking the speed of light is impossible. Interstellar travel would require speeds in excess of the speed of light, so I'd like to see what they're up to! Proxima Centauri is the closest star, and that's over 4 light years away. And that's presuming a craft can fly at just under the speed of light, which is probably functionally impossible due to the way spacetime would warp, preventing accurate navigation. And then there's the issue of the energy required.
And if you're talking the closest stars that could feasibly have intelligent alien life, then the distances are much, much farther! Our radio signals have travelled 200 light years away, so you can pretty much discount any alien life existing within that tiny bubble.
You're mixing up FTL travel and interstellar travel. They're both different. Nobody is seriously working on something like an Alcubierre Drive, but interstellar travel is different. For example, Breakthrough Starshot is our first steps into interstellar travel by starting with nano craft. There are multiple other research projects going on that are looking at forms of interstellar travel (not FTL).
Everything else you've said about FTL travel is correct for modern humanity, but it will be a problem we'll fix in the future.
I'm pretty sure it's mostly water.like 80% of our oceans are unknown to us...
Until one day the great one awakens and we're all fuckedI'm pretty sure it's mostly water.
hasn't he already retired?Until one day the great one awakens and we're all fucked
I'm pretty sure they're not. Unless you want to link to it?
Do you mean the ion propulsion drive they've been developing? Only that's way, way, way slower than the speed of light.
NASA is attempting to take its grasp of the stars even further, as it has been established that the scientists working for the space company are developing a warp drive.
I don't know who "they" are. As for your second question I can't speak to why anyone does anything other than myself and even then sometimes I can't.Who are they in your mind? I mean aliens duh. But although it's quite abstract so you have an internal view of "them" ?
And say they did came to annihilate us, for what reason would that be?
Your thoughts?
Very close up of the little bollocks
I don't know who "they" are. As for your second question I can't speak to why anyone does anything other than myself and even then sometimes I can't.
My guess is that humanity will probably be able to reach Alpha Centauri and maybe even Barnard’s Star in a lifetime. Then the technology will get better and that will be used as a springboard to other stars. But for humanity to come up with some sort of FTL drive that makes the distance between stars not count? I dunno.I'm pretty sure they're not. Unless you want to link to it?
Do you mean the ion propulsion drive they've been developing? Only that's way, way, way slower than the speed of light.
CorrectI'm having a hard time.
As well with your response.
Like... You have no idea since you have none as well (regarding my second question)?
Voyager spacecraft should reach Alpha Centauri in the next 20 years. Not too shabby.My guess is that humanity will probably be able to reach Alpha Centauri and maybe even Barnard’s Star in a lifetime. Then the technology will get better and that will be used as a springboard to other stars. But for humanity to come up with some sort of FTL drive that makes the distance between stars not count? I dunno.
This entire thread is about us mixing with intelligent alien species. Any interstellar technology we're working on will still be at a snail's pace, galactically speaking. We'll never be able to go fast enough or far enough to come into contact with any other alien life... if it does exist. The same applies to them going in the other direction. The scale and size of the universe, both in physical and temporal terms precludes it.
Voyager spacecraft should reach Alpha Centauri in the next 20 years. Not too shabby.