just curious are people even having issues of there pizza not being warm after delivery?
It's a crap shoot sometimes. Especially in peak hours.
just curious are people even having issues of there pizza not being warm after delivery?
just curious are people even having issues of there pizza not being warm after delivery?
my pizza is warm but my heart is cold inside
I guess i dont order it enough, and it doesnt have far to travel. I thought those bags were always good enoughIt's a crap shoot sometimes. Especially in peak hours.
my pizza is warm but my heart is cold inside
They are. It takes around 2 hours for a pizza to go cold in a heat bag. Unless your pizza shop is ran by Sloths or idiots you should always be fine.I guess i dont order it enough, and it doesnt have far to travel. I thought those bags were always good enough
They should roll that thing slowly through the dorms and frat areas of every major college on Firday and Saturday nights. Put some speakers on the outside and blare the ice cream truck jingle.
Also, the Japanese version of this would have Miku plastered all over the car exterior.
The Deliverator
I refuse to believe this is real.
Report: Pizza consumption by minorities reach récord lows.I wonder if the red and blue Domino flashes. Probably not, due to legal reasons, but still. I can't imagine it being too comfy in there.
No and no one is going to buy this POS for their franchise. There is literally no upside to it for owners.
Throw some cheese on that bitch
Throw some cheese on that bitch
140 degree ovens sitting behind the driver.
That sounds like an accident waiting to happen.