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Donkey Kong Country Returns |OT| Retro Studios Has Done It Again!


Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
Just played through the first five or so levels and WOW I'm impressed! This game just looks amazing and the soundtrack... my god, the soundtrack! A perfect mix of new and nostalgia, very happy with this purchase so far.


Anasui Kishibe said:
shit this is killing me

come ape, come and rape me
Reading the impressions....and preparing to give my money to Nintendo.

:( Cursed video game industry, releasing all the good games in the last quarter of the year.


Mine should be here from amazon tomorrow. Can't wait to play it with the wife, we still need to finish Kirby. Love how the wii is really doing what it should of been doing since launch. Better late then never I guess.


Tricky I Shadow said:
All these glowing impressions are making me so excited!

So for the people who have it...best graphics on the Wii?

Looks gorgeous on my dad's 62" with component cables. Sound even better through the amp. My house shakes everytime a level loads! Boom-boom! Boom-boom! Boom-boom!


So.. something that's been on my mind..

There's no underwater levels ? :/

DKC was one of the few games that did them well.


When I finished the first level I was like "Oh man, 1/7 puzzle pieces! I guess every level has a puzzle piece." Then I found three more in the next level and went DAMN! I missed so many!

I'm on world 3, and this game has not disappointed me one bit. Only one death from wii-mote control errors.


I missed out on the DKC trilogy back in the day, but I'm considering picking this up based on my enjoyment of 2D platformers and my affinity for Retro.

I'll miss out on all the references, but hey.

Ranger X

Are you guys getting the gold medals in time attack mode?

Those are FUCKING HARD. Beyond any challenge in any platformer game this gen so far (exept maybe N+). I can't even gold the first freaking level! :lol :lol
My best time so far is 1:05:42 and I need 0:57 for the gold...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Stage 4-3 is kicking my ass. I cannot get past the low hanging spikes that sit between a jump. If I jump, I die. If I don't, I die. What the he'll?

Mostly awesome thus far, though. Only complaints are lack of water stage and slightly dull music.

Adam J.

Hey guys, when you finish a boss, how do you combo punch them? I've beaten the first two bosses and have not been prompted to shake the controller ( i did try and it didn't work). I noticed that after beating them, it only says "one hit".

Game is amazing BTW, and I pity those who own a Wii and refuse to play this, for whatever crazy reason...


flintstryker said:
That's not true, the water levels suck just like every other platformers.
I kinda have to agree, if I remember the gameboy/SNES games correctly. Big mazes of underwater stuff with enemies chasing you, ugh.

Also, I hate when platformers have the floor or wall kills you, like slime rising so you have to rush. Some DKC's had those too I think. :p


Adam J. said:
Hey guys, when you finish a boss, how do you combo punch them? I've beaten the first two bosses and have not been prompted to shake the controller ( i did try and it didn't work). I noticed that after beating them, it only says "one hit".

Game is amazing BTW, and I pity those who own a Wii and refuse to play this, for whatever crazy reason...

You gotta wait for the "shake-controller" prompt before you start swinging. :p


Ranger X said:
Are you guys getting the gold medals in time attack mode?

Those are FUCKING HARD. Beyond any challenge in any platformer game this gen so far (exept maybe N+). I can't even gold the first freaking level! :lol :lol
My best time so far is 1:05:42 and I need 0:57 for the gold...

redbarchetta posted a video getting gold. It didn't help me any :p I can't get it below the minute mark...

redbarchetta said:
Yeah, I thought it was impossible my first two times. Then I tried my current method and nailed it in just a few minutes.

Here's my video:

edit - damn DP, meant to edit.


All of the glowing reviews and praise in this thread have me interested, despite having no nostalgic connection with the originals. I only rented the first DKC back in the day to see what the big deal was over the graphics, and the game just didn't click with me.

Still, that was a long time ago, and the videos do make it look very fun. What do you guys think - is this game worth it if you completely remove the nostalgia?
eshwaaz said:
All of the glowing reviews and praise in this thread have me interested, despite having no nostalgic connection with the originals. I only rented the first DKC back in the day to see what the big deal was over the graphics, and the game just didn't click with me.

Still, that was a long time ago, and the videos do make it look very fun. What do you guys think - is this game worth it if you completely remove the nostalgia?

If you are a big fan of platformers, definitely. I had only played the first DKC on SNES, and that way my only experience with the series. I did get DKC2 on the VC when it came out, but I've yet to finish it. Yet this one has me really engrossed. It might take some time to get used to the controls, but once you get over that, it's pure platforming bliss, with a fairly long adventure. (8 or so hours w/o going for all collectibles)
eshwaaz said:
All of the glowing reviews and praise in this thread have me interested, despite having no nostalgic connection with the originals. I only rented the first DKC back in the day to see what the big deal was over the graphics, and the game just didn't click with me.

Still, that was a long time ago, and the videos do make it look very fun. What do you guys think - is this game worth it if you completely remove the nostalgia?

I personally think if you didn't like the old series, you may very well not like this one, it has a certain vibe different than other platformers though having similar characteristics.

However, you don't sound like you gave the initial batch of games much time so I would definitely consider renting this one AT LEAST.
SalsaShark said:
So apparently im getting it tomorrow, wich is fuckin fast considering i live on the other end of the continent, i ussually have to wait more than a week after release to play these games. Friend bought it for me and its bringing it over (along with some other stuff).

Me too! It was a great coincidence that one of my sister's friend is coming over for Christmas.

Edit: Too bad she is coming at night.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I really have trouble doing a super jump after jumping on an enemy's head. I always seems to hit 2 either too soon or too late, and because of that i miss some KONG letters or puzzle pieces. :(
D-Pad said:
You gotta wait for the "shake-controller" prompt before you start swinging. :p
I also had this problem and we are just missing a prompt? After both bosses it keeps saying 1 Hit and I feel like the opportunity to have more flew right over my head.
Incitemaybe said:
I also had this problem and we are just missing a prompt? After both bosses it keeps saying 1 Hit and I feel like the opportunity to have more flew right over my head.

Yeah, it's not up on the screen very long, you have to be fast.


Tricky I Shadow said:
I'm not sure if this is true yet.....but someone on GameFAQS said that you can earn super gold medals! 0_o
I can't bring myself to believe this, as impossible as gold medals are
for me
. :(
My god I'm having such a blast with this game. I wasn't really thinking about getting the game at all until today when the fact that it came out was incentive enough for me to go pick it up. :D I'm only up to 3-5 right now, but man, the level designs and music are just amazing. I could go on and on about how good this game is, but I'd rather just play more.

Hats off to Retro!
So I've been playing the co-op off and on all day and we're only on world 3. Hardest game I've played in awhile. Brutally hard. I think playing it SP would be easier but I like playing with others.

We used NES style controls before switching to the nunchuck. Game is a lot better with the nunchuck.
I've been doing sideways control so far. I tried nunchuk but it didn't really click for me. Holding down a button to run is just so DKC for me; I love the sideways control scheme.


Hobbun said:
Do you have to get gold medals to 100% the game?

I hope not.

I don't know exactly. There is an icon under a stage name that displays whether you get gold, silver, or bronze in TT but I'm not sure if that counts towards 100% or not...


I don't know, guys. Avid fan of the original Country series (yes, even 1, shut up).

The music is doing absolutely nothing for me, sounding way too low-qual midi. The controls are aggrivating when it comes to the waggle motions, as I just want some freaking button presses to do the moves that could have (and should have) been button presses. With the way I lay down and play games, I hate having to shake the controller to pound the ground.

Shaking to roll is so abysmally stupid that it's really hindering my enjoyment of the game. Will give it a few more tries, and then I don't know, I might give it to my niece instead. Wanted to love this so much.

If those are prerendered, the model quality is garbage and Retro should be ashamed.

... Got up to world 5 today and looking forward to playing more when I get some time. I'm playing in horizontal mode and to me, it feels better than the nunchuck/remote combo. Sure wish it had CC/CCPro support though. Music is pretty ho hum with a few stand out tracks but the Aquatic Ambiance redux/remix is really sorry. Game still has some spotty hit detection with enemies but all in all, I'm still having a good time.
Nekofrog said:
I don't know, guys. Avid fan of the original Country series (yes, even 1, shut up).

The music is doing absolutely nothing for me, sounding way too low-qual midi. The controls are aggrivating when it comes to the waggle motions, as I just want some freaking button presses to do the moves that could have (and should have) been button presses. With the way I lay down and play games, I hate having to shake the controller to pound the ground.

Shaking to roll is so abysmally stupid that it's really hindering my enjoyment of the game. Will give it a few more tries, and then I don't know, I might give it to my niece instead. Wanted to love this so much.

Bummer, dude. I'm enjoying it a great deal.

I haven't found the controls annoying at all. I had assumed it would be an aggravating experience getting used to them, but through the first two worlds I can recall only one death that happened from me rolling, when instead I wanted to ground pound.

I was not a fan or very experienced with the SNES games, so that likely has made it easier for me to get used to the controls. I don't have to get adjusted to changes in control, when for me this is the first DKC.

Hope you can get a hang of things; being disappointed by something connected to your youth can be a bitter thing.
I'm 99% sure the pre-rendered models come into play when you are in the "background" sections. It seems like the emulator is getting the switch point confused or just loading the wrong one at the wrong time.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
ImNotLikeThem said:
I'm 99% sure the pre-rendered models come into play when you are in the "background" sections. It seems like the emulator is getting the switch point confused or just loading the wrong one at the wrong time.

Why would the game use sprites for the background sections? Polygons scale infinitely...
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