First impressions:
+ Best graphics I've personally seen in a 2.5d platformer. Insane detail and animation in the ambient environment, and for those who didn't know, Retro pulls a Metroid Prime here by constructing custom, one of a kind level scenery for each stage all the way through. In terms of art direction and consistent quality, it smashes the dial and hits a 15. Oh yeah, and so far a rock solid 60fps. In Co-op.
+ It's not easy at all. First minecart level is a preview of oldschool pain to come. That, and unlike New Super Mario Bros, the "optional" collectables like K-O-N-G, coins, and puzzle pieces are not 95% braindead obvious and easy to collect.
+ About the gameplay though, holy shit: I can't believe how good the level design is. The stages flow like liquid at times, brilliant channeling of the player into what they need to be doing, but then they're built for time trials later so the layout has to be on point. Constant interesting mechanics and gadgets to interact with in the first 3 worlds so far. Reaches that Mario quality where every stage of every world does something new and different. Also, the control feels flawless once you realize DK actually moves like a gorilla and has weight. He slides when changing direction suddenly. But the actual quality of the physical interaction feels superior to Rare's SNES games IMHO.
+ Great, great remixes of the classic tunes. I don't know yet if a lack of wholly new tunes will be good or bad (are there new stage themes later on? We'll see shortly.) But the remixes are A+ quality.
- Waggle - I'm putting waggle here only because I do agree there's no reason not to have CC support in this game. Unlike New SMB or even Wario Land Shake It, tilt isn't used that I can see. However, I am playing it in horizontal wiimote mode as a test. The critical thing is that the shake moves aren't primary play mechanics; you don't rely on them. A shake to roll while holding left/right actually feels kind of natural is the thing; the sensitivity seems about the same as spin in Mario Galaxy - the thing is, you must realize in Galaxy it's easy to snap the wiimote in one hand, so the shake /seems/ easier to do there. A snap with two hands isn't quite as instant or thoughtless, so it feels chunkier. Sensitivity is spot-on though with no control lag.
So basically, aside from the blatant omission of CC support, so far it is the second coming of DKC. Retro turns in an incredible job and also shows they can design platformers like goddamn God-tier pros. Seriously, again the level layouts are fan-tas-tic.